Wish List Proposal: Gold Looting



Allow attackers to loot enemy Gold as well as favor and resources.

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?

Yes, see following. I think it should be given further consideration and fleshed out.



Provide players with another avenue to obtain Gold without having to pay for it other than Gold trading, as well as at least partially counteract the advantage of heavy Gold users.


Attacking players are already allowed to loot resources, and with Temple looting researched can also loot favor. My proposal is to also allow players to loot Gold from those players who have a balance in their account. I encourage someone who is good with the numbers to really flesh this out and come up with a formula of how much can be looted, what it should require, etc.

Visual Aids: None


Require Gold looting to be researched. I propose it should be available at anywhere from Academy level 34 - 36, and cost between 19-24K each resource and 8-10 research points. but those are preliminary numbers and need some discussion.

Abuse Prevention:

I think Gold use itself is already abused, and the only real drawback I could see is that it would allow heavy gold users to attack smaller Gold users and take what little they have. This could be a potential idea killer. On the other hand, heavy users might just to make sure they spend it all before they go offline and then buy more, making even more money for Inno,


Players should be allowed to loot Gold as well as favor and resources. A path to research Gold looting and associated costs should be developed.
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If you think about it, this is the next logical step, and Inno itself opened the door to it by allowing favor looting and Gold trading. Gold looting seems like a natural progression of things.


Other games don't allow premium to be looted. If gold was regular resource, it would be fine. It just wouldn't work properly. In some cases the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Better leaving it as is so the rich can't take what little the poor have.


This idea is totally absurd, why would players buy gold for it just to be taken? This has to be the craziest idea I have seen on these boards.

So, I'll take that as 1 in the Opposed column :D


I have to oppose this I don't like gold users to but this is actual theft. you can't take something someone got on daddies credit card.


There should be a difference between bought gold and traded gold; there are people that start new worlds just to trade and stockpile thousands of gold and if anything that should be the gold that could be 'looted'; however this would never happen as people have previously stated, it will give the richer the upper hand in milking all those below them creating an even more uneven playing field.


Gold features should be removed from the game except for the premium ones. An eneven playing field is created because of gold trading making rich players to develop super fast.
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This is an outright theft. You basically are proposing for a way to steal money from someone. Gold is not like any other res gold is being payed for and stealing gold is to steal money! If an online game would allow anyone to be able to do that then that's not a game to play anymore! One might be a big simmer and spend a fortune in the game... its his right to do if he can afford it. Its game's developers duty to balance that but its his money he is spending and no one has any right to propose ways to steal money from other people.