Questions for you "Grepo Gods" lol


I have a question Im experienced but have never tried it just wondering if any of you guys have..

And if sooo what results did you get...

as an oofensive player that I am, I'm all about my troops so I don't max out my cities and I was wondering....

Once you have built special buildings like the tower and thermal baths that require a level 24 senate...

Can you demolish the senate maybe down to level 15 to free up some population and still be able to keep the special buildings?

Also can we do this with the academy like down grade the Academy some and still be able to use conquests and build CS's since they are already researched?

Hope to see what you guys say just a random question hope you share your knowledge and live up these forums a little:p


Can you demolish the senate maybe down to level 15 to free up some population and still be able to keep the special buildings?
yes! :D
I do this too.
Also can we do this with the academy like down grade the Academy some and still be able to use conquests and build CS's since they are already researched?
I don't do this though because you need a lvl 30 academy to run city festivals.


Lol thank you skully:)..

I don't use City Festivals as I prefer Victory Processions to get CPs,

Since I only use VPs for culture points can I downgrade my academy and not affect me bieng able to build CS's and conquer cities?l


Lol thank you skully:)..

I don't use City Festivals as I prefer Victory Processions to get CPs,

Since I only use VPs for culture points can I downgrade my academy and not affect me bieng able to build CS's and conquer cities?l

You could.
But when you get 20 cities+ you'll find out that you need both, VP and City Festivals. Trust me. ;)


Then I will only do this in some cities not all ;)...

Thanks for your advise, I am completely sorrounded by Infinity and Troys Boys so I am in no need for CPs by Festivals ATM I will be running VPs for the next week :D


One more question: If i demolish the senate from 25 to 15 i wll lose the points wich i gained by building senate on lvl 25


Yeah your city points will go down...

I set some demolishing orders yesterday and noticed my city points had gone down but I gained some free pop....


no i ask one of my mate and he told to me that he demolish his senate and he don't lose points


IDK, you have to loose the points you gained by expanding it mate so it will make you loose points try it out for yourself.

Regardless, like Skullyhoofd said points don't matter,

to me its the size of your armies...


i know you lose points by demolish buildings but u gain free pop to make more troops . That counts!!