Pnp Reasons for Elite's Disband


Since I have seen that ZT and WI have stated that they destroyed ELITE in their profiles, I would like to explain this.

1) Poor foundation: Simply put, our founders were noobs. They were extremely lucky to get all the experienced players and, to be completely honest, I don't know how Elite even lasted that long without disbanding considering we were spread so thinly over so many oceans.

2) Poor activity: Our previous alliance had very poor player activity rates, and even worse support rates. Maybe 30 players actually sent support out of the entire 150 players, we were lucky that we had Legion6666k (Yes, Drupanu, even though you guys do seem to disregard his skill) and Hawkman.

In the end, we decided to split the alliance into sections, where the O46 section ended up joining ZT and our 64 section decided to stay low profile without competing against the top alliances. In this respect, it is not the external forces which broke us up, but rather the internal problems :/ However, I would still like to give some credit to ZT and WI for providing enough pressure for us to actually disband. Well played.


Man this world is so interesting, I regret not playing :D



Come on sharks you know you want to... but you're a forum mod here so rules are rules tho. lol. XD

And btw Hawk and others are really good. Already they are controbuting nicely to ZT.


I know :(

*cries in corner*

You guys have nothing to worry about so far tho. You guys aren't on our hitlist. So far we are focussing our attention on Immortals, Terran Empire, Macedinian Phalanx.


I'll be honest, you don't even need to focus on the immortals; they are like a gift for every alliance out there :3


@Dr Shulz - thanks for the post. It clears a lot up for us ill informed folk.