Rebecca Black: The Female Justin Bieber


Definitely the bubble world im sure they only get given half the paper in the mornings and they watch news channels 10mins after they happen so that they can delete any anti*insert name* that may occur on there, im sure Rebecca Black believes that Barbie is actually real and there is such things as unicorns


News Flash:
Rebecca Black just died from the shock of how many seats there are to choose from in a football stadium.

Cereal almost came out my nose! Note to self: Never eat while reading posts.


I wonder if people like Justin Beiber know people hate their music, or if they live in their own private little bubble.

They do know because every single video of Justin Beiber on YouTube is constantly trolled by low-lifes who have nothing better to do.


Yes, the female Justin Bieber has arrived into the music industry. Her name is Rebecca Black and she is a 13 year old from some place in the states.

Recently, she has released a deep, heartfelt song about a day called Friday. Take a listen. You won't be dissappointed.

What do you think. I, for one, love the lyrics. They are just so... well inventive for a song called Friday.

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after...wards
I don’t want this weekend to end

Not only that, but the critics love her. Simon Cowell said that he "would like to meet her" and that he "likes her". The video is also projected to become one of the most watched on youtube.

Well, so that leaves it all to you. Worthy of celebrity status or not. I mean, the one song she has is well, awesome and Justin Bieber is a load of rubbish so why not Rebecca Black?


/Discuss & Debate & Don't Move This Eclipse ;)

What the hell did you just make me watch?


Justin Beiber actually isn't THAT bad. Half the people who troll him have probably never listened to a full song by him. It isn't that bad. Don't worship him and don't troll him. He isn't that good and he isn't that bad.


I dont really care about him, some of his music is allright but isnt worth buying.Im thinking about downloading friday, on my Ipod tho.


Please don't say me, Toast, you just said that?

Listen to some real music?


I do not believe you have the power nor the authority to determine what 'real' music is, Osl.

(Post.Script: I don't actually like Justin Beiber)


Yes, that authority is reserved for myself...

Although Osl is correct, Justin Bieber is cow dung.


I hardly think your opinion is valid seeing as you still believe Penguins are better than Narwhals, even after the Penguin massacre of Lambda.


I for one thought that willow smith was the female JB. (no offense to will smith if he plays this game :p)


Nah, Willow is actually good at music, just a lil' to young to whip her hair back and forth.


I dislike that guy who sings fireflys. I forgot his name to stay sane.


Justin Beiber actually isn't THAT bad. Half the people who troll him have probably never listened to a full song by him. It isn't that bad. Don't worship him and don't troll him. He isn't that good and he isn't that bad.
Even though she (Justin bieber) sounds like a little girl, I respect him because he has done very well for himself.


You know... I don't mind a young star soaring to the top of the carts. I don't mind that different times requires different types of stars. I don't mind that a guy as 'young' as Justin Bieber is still part-girly. I don't mind he's an attentionwh*re because he cannot cope with all the attention he's getting.

I DO mind that people forced someone with a somewhat decent voice on stage, that he's world famous for fame's sake and because "zomg he has a cute butt" / "he is sooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuute xxxxxx <3<3< :)~ "

Modern day's music isn't about music... it's about looks, acting "sexy" and being in the media for God knows what, except for one's music... and getting filthy (yes, filthy) rich over it.

People like him destroy the concept of music being art, and exchanged it for being commercialized sh*t.

Ofcourse, I respect other people's opinion about him... but personally, I prefer real music.