
  • Thread starter Alex Skye the brave
  • Start date


I was just wondering if any alliances could recruit me.

You can ask me any questions you like if you want to.


Alex Skye


i want to join a good alliance plz stop spamming my inbox

and i am for the north


Considering your location your best bets would DCS or one of the Semper alliances, they are strongest in your ocean.. not sure if your rather low points and pretty much non-existant BP gets you accepted to them (aside from semper's trainers), but it's worth a shot.


i know my occean is full of DCS they have 335 citites in my occean

my bp may be low and my points but if i showed you some of my troop lvls and my wall and academy all finished in all my cities even my farms i must have at least 400 different troops in each cities and about 50 ships that carry and 100 that battle (50 defensive and 50 offensive)

there are very few targets in my occean because DCS takes most of them (srsly i have to ask if anyone has dibs on them)


Alliances don't recruit from here. We recruit in the game where it actually matters. You have to do the work - alliance leaders aren't going to drop everything for the opportunity to get the biggest forum spammer onto our teams. You have to look for an alliance in your area and apply. We simply don't care enough about you to actually drop everything to recruit you. You need to have your hat in your hand and you need to be humble and you need to ask nicely if you can join. I've read your posts and at six cities, you just are not that impressive (sorry). Therefore, you really need to be more humble -- not only here but in the game too. If you keep up the way you are going (particularly without an alliance to belong to) you will simply be a target for everyone. Good luck in your quest to fit in because we really will not be adapting to you.


i thought this thread was dead i have my fun side on the forum

I Am Not a Spy i never was very good at it i got into one alliance the blood storm piarates and PG Never got what ryan wanted either anyways
yes i am a mega spammer here (largely on team ryans forum i spammed and kinda ruined but mean't to cause turned out dobby became the fun one) but in game i am serious a city lost for any one that is partnered to me can get me to know when war comes

i sure am not the biggest spammer( BROOKLYN) but i can't say i haven't been one

why do you all think i left angel strike cause they only believe in the past of me and not what i can do.

when i was conoqured got him back the next week (and the rest of his alliance with the help of my buddy there points were 132,000 and 176,000 they were real jerks took them out with the lvl of my troops and army and a cs) but srsly i can't join any alliances except DCS because THEY FRIGGIN HAVE 335 cities around me so if an alliance i go into go to war with them i am screwed


if you want some good advice?
Start again man ... cut all ties to this current identity and bed rep
Alliance changes: 31 !!!!!
And start again with a clean slate - 6 cities is nothing if you are serious about grep and are gonna stick around
You also need to tone it down BIGTIME on the forum ... 12 year old spammer is not an image that will do you any favors.
You are in my neck of the woods there pal .. so I know you and your most recent alliance ... im not jumping to invite you am I?
I wish you luck if you heed my words ... and even more luck if you dont.


of COURSE the dumb 31 i haven't had an alliance change for like 3 months with eagle strike then merge to shadow strike who turned to angel strike

i want a clean slate you know i do but srsly when am i ever gonna be lucky enough to do that

and some of you were right i have had 53 recent attacks on my city didn't hide my troops either still have lots left don't worry now i am going to conqour someone

someone big



Just wanted to point this out - I don't think SF(dot) is actively recruiting.

Also, Alex, you left angel strike? Smart, we just put one of their leaders leaders into vaca mode after continuous attacks ;)


The only thing that was keeping Angel Strike alive was a pact with NSPG. After the pact was dissolved they have lost 25 cities in 4 days and 28 people have left the alliance, including 2 of their founders and most of their top10 players.


yes and no more than 28 people left before i left and i agree Nspg were great guys when the pact was gone and our best players and friends left i had to leave to then the next day i ended up in the ranks of Nspg legacy


there is one thing i know how to do, in this game i stopped 2 revolts last week alone
don't count on that guess

now plz let this thread end