Rise of a Temple


Since there are now three Temples in the world.

1st: demonrub - Built the first Temple on the world 9 hours ago.
2nd: Gravetouched - Built level 1 Temple 8 hours ago and built level 2 an hour later.
3rd: devalin - Built his first Temple level, 8 hours ago

I haven't played since Kappa and back then when you first built a Temple Hera was your best option as she allowed for several resource increasing options so you could boost your growth.

Which God are you picking and why? Thought I'd ask as I suppose someone who is packing a lot of Horseman may want the "Treasures of the Underworld" ability from Hades. Or someone may want to built a lot of transport ships which take a long time so maybe you want "
Call of the Ocean" from Poseidon?

Feel free to post your option when the time comes.
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im a poseidan man myself :) have tried hera a few times but never really seen the benefits as it tends to be wood shortage the first couple of weeks


I go for Zues....MOAR CHARIOTS.....

lol i usually go for hera unless its a speed 3 world in which i go for Poseidon


Poseidon wood is usually the resource that is in most demand early on
