Settings discussion

  • Thread starter DeletedUser5859
  • Start date


Thank you SO much inno! this is why you guys are the best! You guys listen to the fans these are the settings many fans have been begging for! thank you! i knew you wouldn't give up on non-morale worlds!

how does everyone else feel about the settings?

I even love the alliance cap set at 500 just cause it is sorta something to talk about.. its fun to bring down massive alliances! This has all the ingredients to be one of the best worlds ever!

Hello Players and Forum Goers,

We are proud to announce that World 27, Corinth will soon be added to our battlegrounds. We will be launching the new world on November 9th, 2011. This date may change if technical issues arise. The Forum section will open this coming weekend.

Will you be one of the names echoed across eternity as the victorious conqueror? Or forgotten as one of the many who fell in the struggle?

World speed: 2
Unit speed: 2
Alliance limit: 500
Beginner protection: 5 Days
Morale: Inactive
Conquer system: Conquest
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I have been waiting for a world like this for a long time. Finally a world without morale.


I like all the settings apart from the alliance cap.

It just screams MRA.

Alliances are going to need strong leadership.


Have the settings been announced yet?

My bad ive just found it :D
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Hats off to Inno for these settings.

Best of the 2.0 settings in my opinion.


looks like great setting other than the 500 cap... I was hoping for 30-60. Im just wondering why 500. It basically an unlimited cap which will lead to maybe 2 big alliances to join after mra's merge over and over. Any chance there will be another world with decent speed and no moral that has a reasonable alliance cap?


i like the 500 alliance cap for one reason. it suggests that the starting player limit will be higher than the usual 30k cap. i personally think all the moraleless worlds should have very high player caps since they are apparently the most sought after. i personally like mra's. it's easier to locate targets on grepostats when they are all under the same umbrella.


Yes i mean just think of the cities players will grow for us to take <3


i like smaller alliances.. but in grepolis it is fun to see MRA's and to see how they do.. these settings offer a chance to play in the most diverse ways.. making the world interesting! having 50 players and taking down an MRA is awesome! while others care nothing but about points and join these alliances as a safe haven.. and some like to see IF they can lead a group of noobs to be an alliance to be reckoned with.. normally i am all about low alliance numbers but hey! this could make it fun!


Can't wait for the world to open, almost perfect settings! The only thing better would be a smaller alliance cap, like 100 or 60.


Speed: Great

Conquest: Great

No morale: Thank God.

Alliance cap: Not a big fan of huge alliance caps, we will wait and see.


Now this is what i've been waiting for! I havent been excited about a world release since Pi. Speed 3 would of won me over 100% however...