Shadies Finest.
Lovely free inactive city in shadies waters.
Defending behind wall 4 , lovely dinner!
oepsie boepsie doepsie hihi.
I got you noob - say goodbuy to you little finger aka CS.
Time to sail my own CS inside hihi so easy , I am a god !
Less than 25 min later and 6000 birs more ....
Did I just dropped 6k birs infront your CS hihi.
12 hours later ... guess who is coming to dinner.
I can already see you thinking, can I still breathe with all that smoke
I am that guy behind the mask
dinner time I said ?
this is when shadies bunch become a shadies lunch
Darkness see the light
Doctor Welch another visit.
Recentless +200 LS snack.
Shooting some LS overhere.
Looking the damage - indeed ground ZERO lol.
Gwantagnor - still my favorite off-line fighter hihi.
Darkness still see stars of light
Deathstrike - death in the harbor - more simmer than striker.
And another bite of shadie for dad
And another snack shadie for mom.
and the aunt and uncle and brothers and sisters
I Need to escape this restaurant
all you can eat concept is even for me to much to handle
and...seems I do not understand the concept hihi
To all who are going to eat, bon apetito
Lovely free inactive city in shadies waters.
Defending behind wall 4 , lovely dinner!
oepsie boepsie doepsie hihi.
I got you noob - say goodbuy to you little finger aka CS.
Time to sail my own CS inside hihi so easy , I am a god !
Less than 25 min later and 6000 birs more ....
Did I just dropped 6k birs infront your CS hihi.
12 hours later ... guess who is coming to dinner.
I can already see you thinking, can I still breathe with all that smoke
I am that guy behind the mask
dinner time I said ?
this is when shadies bunch become a shadies lunch
Darkness see the light
Doctor Welch another visit.
Recentless +200 LS snack.
Shooting some LS overhere.
Looking the damage - indeed ground ZERO lol.
Gwantagnor - still my favorite off-line fighter hihi.
Darkness still see stars of light
Deathstrike - death in the harbor - more simmer than striker.
And another bite of shadie for dad
And another snack shadie for mom.
and the aunt and uncle and brothers and sisters
I Need to escape this restaurant
all you can eat concept is even for me to much to handle
and...seems I do not understand the concept hihi
To all who are going to eat, bon apetito