Shared Internet Connection


So me and my brother are playing with this Shared Internet Connection which basically is limiting our gameplay, we cannot interact with anyone If for an example my brother has sent support to another city or attacked it, I can't touch it for 48 hours. The thing is the rule says "As long as the shared internet connection is active, the involved players are not allowed to coordinate attacks against the same target player, nor against each other. ", which isn't that exactly what you are doing with any other Alliance member? Coordinating attacks, so why can't I do that with my brother? I would just like to play the game without being limited. I don't know why It matters so much If we share the same internet??? It's exactly like If I played with any other user just that we live under the same roof, what's the problem with that? I suggest keeping the things, but removing the restricted movement as I cannot interact with anyone for 48 hours If he attacks them?? so I basically can't interact with anyone in the Alliance. It is limiting my gameplay as I am not able to interact with players If he interacts with them first. Which isn't that what Grepolis is about? Attacking others and coordinating attacks, so why can't I do that with my brother just like with any other Alliance Member, coordinate attacks and support him. Why is that restricted here? Because we have the same internet?? What in the world Grepolis.


It is an annoying rule that I had to deal with for a while as well. The purpose is to make sure that one person doesn't use more than one account for themselves. It is an unfortunate side effect that limits people living together.


yep. It meant that i could not teach this game to my kids as it was too limiting, but the game has gone to hell anyways with all the gold and all the spammers, so as it turns is just as well.


yep. It meant that i could not teach this game to my kids as it was too limiting, but the game has gone to hell anyways with all the gold and all the spammers, so as it turns is just as well.
that is quite sad to me mate, that you could not enjoy game with your kids because of rules and the bad side of the community. Hopefully things will change in the future. The game had a chance to develop a whole second generation of players! man that would've been fun if you could play with your kids. but instead we have a community that would rather make players leave from game abuse than lift up each other and just enjoy the game. Being competitive but respectful has long been lost in this community I think.....


The shared internet connection is something Inno has to rectify in my opinion. Especially when you consider that a good way for Inno to get new players would be through word of mouth.

I doubt I'm the only person who has been asked by their RL friends what this grepolis game I play is all about.

Unfortunately, I think grepolis is a very challenging game to sell.


The shared internet connection is something Inno has to rectify in my opinion. Especially when you consider that a good way for Inno to get new players would be through word of mouth.

I doubt I'm the only person who has been asked by their RL friends what this grepolis game I play is all about.

Unfortunately, I think grepolis is a very challenging game to sell.
Agreed, especially considering the tutorial quests are so useless, bringing in friends/family/roommates should be a reliable way to recruit new committed players