Should alliance sabotage be praised or punished?


It could be used to take down your enemies :)

I'd think taking them down through the method the developers intended, through conquering and farming, would be more enjoyable and rewarding.

Besides, 9/10 of the times sabotages happen it is not to take down your enemies.


I agree Aicy, i've said it several times already, when it first happened it was a unique experience and in that was funny.
The ones that happened after the original 2-3 started to get on peoples nerves, it just isn't funny anymore.
We all have to learn somewhere whether in large overbearing alliances or Elite alliances. Most people do learn by their mistakes and make sure its harder to make it happen.
I dont understand what people get from ruining others hard work, it may be someone new to the game just learning the ropes when all of a sudden some jerk comes along and takes all their work away, just for fun and then brags in here where they expect praise from forum users.
The game needs new players we should be helping newbies more not laughing at them.


here where they expect praise from forum users.
The game needs new players we should be helping newbies more not laughing at them.

Thats why I stopped disbanding alliance :)
But I may just disband one if I get very board for a challenge:p


I'f you're gonna disband a good alliance don't be surprised when you log in with no cities left! I'd join a world and then do it. Then leave like nothing ever happened ;)


I'f you're gonna disband a good alliance don't be surprised when you log in with no cities left! I'd join a world and then do it. Then leave like nothing ever happened ;)

I remembered when 3 MRAs were trying to conquer me at the same time because I disbanded their alliances
But they all failed lol