Inactive Topic Siege publication


That we have the ability to publish our sieges (I don't know why we don't have this feature yet).


Right now, the way I publish sieges is I take a screenshot, upload it to photobucket, then paste it into the support thread, but this can take up to 20 minutes depending on the computer I'm using and if my internet isn't slow.

The way the publication would work is that it could:
a) either actively keep updating itself as more support comes in, and it would show the incoming support as well (refresh the thread to get the updated report).
b) It only shows what is seen at the time of publication, including troops in the city and incoming support.

Balance/Abuse Prevention
Nope, no exploits.

Visual aid:
(imagine that there's no incoming support and that the publication button is at the very bottom like most other reports)

Then here's what it might look like in the forum:

In the blacked out area, the top would be the defender's city name and the bottom would be the attacker's username.


  • 1.PNG
    107.9 KB · Views: 20


I believe this is made possible with the potusek script?


Hummm it would be difficult to implemented and that third party resource is legal so I'm not sure if its worth the developers time. Never the less I do support the idea.


Is this idea a report that automatically updates incomings (support in this case) and current troop level? In my opinion it is the players job to keep the alliance updated not the devs. But that's just me.

+rep anyway


there is a grepo converter available and i think its legal since it doesn't affect the gameplay, the problem is when you play in someone else laptop you need to install it again to use the feature and it is very inconvenient. so i say yes to the idea.


I don't like the potusek script because it messes up various other parts of the game, so i'd like this to be implemented.


yes. although I don't think making automatic siege updating is going to be liked. There's the opinion that if the player isn't online to update the info, then too bad.

a static update is easy with simply a post of the current number of troops, and the OP has the BBcodes for the city.


In principle I love this idea but I was wondering if I could get clarification of a few elements does it show all the incoming attacks and supports? Do these get updated as time goes by? I think this may be hard to do if it's not being updated automatically by the game. I would prefer it not to be updated as I feel you should be online during a siege.

What I could see innogames doing is making this a feature of the commander or something like that so only premium players could use it which would be a shame as it'd be a huge advantage.

All in all a nice idea but i'm not sure how possible it'd be to do it as just a static view of what was coming in at the time when the report was published.

Also is a siege publishable for the attacker or the defender or both?
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In principle I love this idea but I was wondering if I could get clarification of a few elements does it show all the incoming attacks and supports? Do these get updated as time goes by? I think this may be hard to do if it's not being updated automatically by the game. I would prefer it not to be updated as I feel you should be online during a siege.

What I could see innogames doing is making this a feature of the commander or something like that so only premium players could use it which would be a shame as it'd be a huge advantage.

All in all a nice idea but i'm not sure how possible it'd be to do it as just a static view of what was coming in at the time when the report was published.

Also is a siege publishable for the attacker or the defender or both?

1) That would be a good premium feature, and would make the commander more useful. :)

2) Maybe it would work like awards, when you post an award, it automatically updates as you gain more medals for that award (such as Defender of the Day)

3) Hmm, maybe the attacker could only post incoming support, but the defender can post incoming support and incoming attacks since the defending alliance would likely be the ones sending the attacks to break the siege.