Top 12 Sink-or-Swim

  • Thread starter Greygnarl The Destroyer
  • Start date


What I find quite interesting is that some of the alliances actually require intel from spies in order to even take a city ;). and Zarun, you take what you want mate? Come at me one on one mate and we shall see if you can actually play against someone that can :p

Noz The Greek

hi noz, good holiday? canby is only the awesomest, most charming and handsomest barbarian ever, he's hunkier than conan and twice as mean ;)

yes mate - it was :) still away for the moment - back next week proper.


What I find quite interesting is that some of the alliances actually require intel from spies in order to even take a city ;). and Zarun, you take what you want mate? Come at me one on one mate and we shall see if you can actually play against someone that can :p

hes all talk yan he couldnt fight way out of paper bag btw hope your bank account enjoyed u getting them awards as u golded so many nukes and used no skill what so ever to get them

i had no gold since first month of this server yet still no attacks on me to scared


Nearly time for me to quit playing again. When players who have no clue what they are talking about start annoying you, time to walk away.

Oh bring back Alpha ,Beta ,etc, when players played for fun before the gold and TV adverts.

Irishnino, etc , you were right, the game has turned to muppets and money.


Top 12

1# Knights who say Ni

Activity levels are not what they once were and good players are leaving for reasons unknown. They’ve suffered from losing some pact alliances but there are still four branches of Ni (Knights, Sinners, Trolls and Hellenes). They’re still the team to beat but Snow Dog and Weasy might need to take a bigger role as we approach WW to see them home.

2# hata an fhir

My own alliance so at the risk of sounding biased I will say that we’re doing ok. Have been taking territory from LoL in 55 and trading blows with Knights, with both sides making gains against inactives in the main.


Allied with hata against Knights and LoL with main war being against LoL in 56/66. Seems to be a fairly even fight at the moment.

4# Sinners who say Ni

See 1#

5# New World Order

Well organised outfit that were in a bad place not too long ago fighting Knights and Dragons in 44. Made some good progess in that ocean and I like their tight concentration in 34/44 but recently they’ve been dropping a few cities to Knights.

6# The League of Legions

Been impressed with the tenacity these guys have shown under heavy fire from Harpoon and Hata. They’ve been steadily losing ground but have fought hard for every city and continue to prove stubborn targets. I wonder if they're beginning to regret choosing to side with Knights early in the server as we've seen next to nothing in the way of support from their pact allies in the cities we're taking. Now losing players who cannot be active enough to fight a tough war in the core but their top players are skilled, active and resilient.

7# Morning Glory

They seem busiest in 35/36 away from the larger conflicts. Had some issues with losing experienced players and some long term vm but should have that sorted now.

8# Clocks

According to one of their former members these guys exist only to help Knights build WW. If true, can’t understand why they’re even bothering.


See 2#

10# The Delos Elite

Share a lot of space with THE BARBARIANS and these two alliances are very similar in bp also. Have been taking cities from Hellenes who say Ni recently. Will be interesting to see how things develop here as WW approaches.


What can I say about these guys? Crazy folks who like to play grepo in the old school fashion. I suspect being in their forums is about as fun as it gets. These guys have a bucket load of experienced players who get their kicks from plain old fighting. Some have questioned their ambition for the end game. Time will tell how involved they will want to be.

12# League of Maniples

See 6#
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8# Clocks

According to one of their former members these guys exist only to help Knights build WW. If true, can’t understand why they’re even bothering.

If you are talking about me, then erm, a former leader, so yea, i know what's going on. Many of their players are starting to turtle up and it's really getting bored for me. I really want to know why are they even bothering playing. To get the crown? Seems like it. :eek:

I have tons of respect for Que Demonios, but sadly the rest of Clocks just couldn't keep up with him.


Some help they will be considering half of the alliance is inactive/in VM.

I can't imagine that being something that Riotdog would go along with, although it's a pretty good explanation as to why he's pretty much flatlined the past month. A shame really.


He say it's RL, but i believe this might have something to do with it.

The real loss, however, isn't riot but Moravak. :(


lol phil, you had half your alliance throwing attacks at me with your CS sitting literally next door and you couldn't take a city off me.


6# The League of Legions

Been impressed with the tenacity these guys have shown under heavy fire from Harpoon and Hata. They’ve been steadily losing ground but have fought hard for every city and continue to prove stubborn targets. I wonder if they're beginning to regret choosing to side with Knights early in the server as we've seen next to nothing in the way of support from their pact allies in the cities we're taking. Now losing players who cannot be active enough to fight a tough war in the core but their top players are skilled, active and resilient.

12# League of Maniples

See 6#

BlitzKrieg said:
I am impressed with you guys and really always have been. Excellent defenses. Excellent long term support. Excellent diplomacy. A strong foe. I rate you higher than the Knights. No joke. I really do. They have alot of hidden problems that noone sees. Leadership is scetchy. Inactivity at the top. Too many alliances. They are a mess.

Well, getting nice compliments from hata an fhir...Thanks, we are honored...
U guyz are impressive, but itz gonna be a long war...
And about losing ground...
Few days ago we took 20 cities from u guyz... :p
So, we are getting back on track, I suppose...


What do Clocks do?

Are they a feeder alliance for the Dogs of Churchill or something?
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Well, getting nice compliments from hata an fhir...Thanks, we are honored...
U guyz are impressive, but itz gonna be a long war...
And about losing ground...
Few days ago we took 20 cities from u guyz... :p
So, we are getting back on track, I suppose...
i have to say im impressed with you guys as well, sniping is really good, defense is strong, but other than WH and Wilhelm I haven't seen much offense, you really haven't done anything to us but that might be more location based


i have to say im impressed with you guys as well, sniping is really good, defense is strong, but other than WH and Wilhelm I haven't seen much offense, you really haven't done anything to us but that might be more location based

U are pretty good, I've seen u play...
Well, Im more of a defensive player...
But dont worry...
We will be coming for u guyz soon...
We respect both alliances...U guyz have pounded us good(Literally)...
And btw check that my cities 024 IP-DBP FACTORY and 027 IP-Roland...
which alliance did they belong to...
Oh, yes HARPOON... :p
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U are pretty good, I've seen u play...
Well, Im more of a defensive player...
But dont worry...
We will be coming for u guyz soon...
We respect both alliances...U guyz have pounded us good(Literally)...
And btw check that my cities 024 IP-DBP FACTORY and 027 IP-Roland...
which alliance did they belong to...
Oh, yes HARPOON... :p

This is coming from someone who lost a city only yesterday?

skhooter from the alliance has conquered the city Nice princess belonging to Ice Prince. on 2014-08-28 at 23:15


This is coming from someone who lost a city only yesterday?

skhooter from the alliance has conquered the city Nice princess belonging to Ice Prince. on 2014-08-28 at 23:15

yes...I lost a city...
I actually don't care about that guy...
So, I kept my city empty...

I was too busy supporting bevhunter, who was being OPed...
I saved 7 cities, lost 1, doesnt matter...
I dont care about 1 city, that just gives me 1 more slot to take ur cities...

And why do u, go over petty issues...?
We are all playing grepo for fun, not for making enemies...
I have friends in hata and harpoon both...
Itz doesnt matter much...
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yes...I lost a city...
I actually didnt give a damn to that idiot...
So, I kept my city empty...
Thats how I take u guyz...

I was too busy supporting bevhunter, who was being OPed...
I dont care about 1 city, that just gives me 1 more slot to take ur cities...

So if this "idiot" goes for all of your cities, will you just give them all up?


U are pretty good, I've seen u play...
Well, Im more of a defensive player...
But dont worry...
We will be coming for u guyz soon...
We respect both alliances...U guyz have pounded us good(Literally)...
And btw check that my cities 024 IP-DBP FACTORY and 027 IP-Roland...
which alliance did they belong to...
Oh, yes HARPOON... :p

nothing personal ice but the 2 cities you took from us...lets see, lordheavy was in the hospital...literally, couldn't hit vm bc he basically had a ambulance come pick him up in the middle of the night and then generalicebeck gave cities to you guys then joined you then went inactive, not the greatest argument...granted you didn't know about heavy but still, but yes it is all in fun, this being my first world and first game of its type i am enjoying it, i hope everyone is, other than Phil....who i think is just an idiot, i hope everyone the best and that when it gets down to crunch time we can all have fun and battle for the endgame



Far more important, Harvest Festival for all members of The Barbarians is now set for November 15th. Venue Stonehenge / UK
All barbarians are allowed 1 guest from an alliance of their choice to see this game can be fun and not 'i want a crown' or 'ohhh, lets get lots of branches'.

Food is free, ale also, but participants/guests will need to bring a female partner, they may not leave with you but bring them to begin with.

Female Barbarians, well, you'll take what you want anyway.