Top 12 Sink or Swim

  • Thread starter DeletedUser41523
  • Start date


International fishing regulations state that all catches under a certain size must be released back into the water. That’s why you’re still here.
and if i'm such a small fish? why post my city being sieged here? no one cares right?


I probably outgrew you within a month ;)

Backstabbed how lmao? You guys were turned red, you hit me, I hit back, nothing more nothing less. Spamming, righto hc's every few hrs is spam now ay? Perhaps i should increase it so that you do not sleep, fine with me. :rolleyes:
And like i told ur buddies in beginning, and all who know me know, i didn't join this world to win, you think i was trying this whole time????? I was alone here before i joined an alliance halfway, if that's ur arguement it's not good lol, as i have stated from the very beginning i was here to chill in this world

And now for the backstabbing, isn't this what you guys do also, i have attacked players just for being red and they come send me message "why attack me" and some other stuff, yet when you guys attack all is well

there where people that helped you alot it would seem, and what do you do? you spam them with attacks and try and take their cities, just because they are red lol, says alot about who you are in game and as a person


Disrespect the meme, get memed.
i don't give a sh*t about your meme or the Meme alliance


And like i told ur buddies in beginning, and all who know me know, i didn't join this world to win, you think i was trying this whole time????? I was alone here before i joined an alliance halfway, if that's ur arguement it's not good lol, as i have stated from the very beginning i was here to chill in this world

And now for the backstabbing, isn't this what you guys do also, i have attacked players just for being red and they come send me message "why attack me" and some other stuff, yet when you guys attack all is well

there where people that helped you alot it would seem, and what do you do? you spam them with attacks and try and take their cities, just because they are red lol, says alot about who you are in game and as a person
I read this 5 times and I am still not sure what the point is of this post, or what you are even trying to say. Calm down a bit and then post again pls. I know it sucks to get meme'd but it's okay you will recover.

if u dont care about meme why u keep talking about them. Are u interested in a future leadership position in meme?


You know, of all the ways people probably thought this world would end and all the trash that would be talked about it...I don’t think a random player that nobody knows raging is quite what anyone had in mind.


So what if they helped lmao, things change in this game. Diplomacy happens and that changes things. I had made it very clear, I am joining venom come dom, so whatever pact we did have doesn't stand due to the fact I am in a new ally, as a member, not a member of leadership. I refrained from attacking up until the point where I first got attacked. This then led me to rebuild all my troops to hit you guys back. The only person I refuse to hit and I made very clear to him was Isco, due to him being in my previous alliance on another world. Kamikaze was there purely for my support, pretty obvious wasn't it? I grew to be big enough to hold sieges by myself, so I stopped asking. I am sorry if this has upset anyone but I am going off of what I believe is right, you hit me first, I shall hit you back.


I read this 5 times and I am still not sure what the point is of this post, or what you are even trying to say. Calm down a bit and then post again pls. I know it sucks to get meme'd but it's okay you will recover.

if u dont care about meme why u keep talking about them. Are u interested in a future leadership position in meme?
ofcourse you don't, like your last message in game

And i wasn't talking about the meme, i just started responding to you guys, read back from the start will ya?


thx for posting what i said earlier ;) you remember? I said the next siege would be posted here aswell ;)

Well, let me break it down for you

1) nice tactic, the same i used earlier on the other guy in your alliance right? Ofcourse it is(and yes my siege was pulled but that's no surprise givin the alliance difference, i'm surprised it took so long ;) )

2)(this is for your buddy)grats for paying attention and chosing a good city with that tactic, you knew as well as i that the city was pretty much empty since i just got it
what was the cs tt? About 10 min, and by the time alarm went off and i saw it there was even less time, only chance was same city snipe(wich worked pretty well, was only lacking in troops as mentioned before, so the attacks where more for bp's

3)in case you all forgot, this world is over, what do i care about a city lost or 2, i can take other cities too, i don't care, this world is over, yet you are acting like it's still ongoing, nobody probably reads this anymore exept you guys

so you can have your fun, enjoy your win that you where blasting funky for all the way(not really a win was it what you said?)
if u think i will be losing sleep over this or feel bad or something, not really, this is a game(and a world that is done) so i don't mind, have your fun in the "spotlights"
And now i'm not going to bother anymore with replying, sorry i know you would like me to stick around but i can't ;)


And now i'm not going to bother anymore with replying, sorry i know you would like me to stick around but i can't ;)

thank god this dude is done talking. I tried to read the rest of this post 3 different times and i could not ever make it make sense


thank god this dude is done talking. I tried to read the rest of this post 3 different times and i could not ever make it make sense
You can't make sense out of nonsense


I love seeing cheaters prevail. This is how it should be :cool: