Skype Update Bot


Hi guys I play in world Rhethymnos with the Langoliers and one of our players brought in an updating bot that told us dbp gained by players in our alliance and conquests involving players in our alliance. We created a new chat room recently on skype and moved the bot over but it no longer gives us any updates, the player who brought it in has left the game and the rest of us do not know much about it.

I was just wondering if anybody has experience with this bot and can help us out by telling us how it works. It is called the GrepoBot and has a skype account that you can add. I tried chatting it doesnt respond or anything. So if anyone can tell me how to make it work so that it will tell us about dbp and conquests involving my alliance please help :)


[7/17/2012 2:39:18 PM] ALKANDROSS: Here's an overview of the Bot running on the Skype chat.

How does he get his data? Grepolis offers data files available for download that they update about once an hour.

What data does Grepolis have in the files? These files contain info on players, towns, alliances and conquests. for instance your player ID, name, rank on server, alliance you are a member of, what towns you own and what their coordinates are.

What is a DEFPOCH? The Bot is configured to monitor any alliance members for DEFense POint CHanges. As you get attacked, your defense points increase. We can monitor all alliance members, enemy and friendly alliances to see who is being attacked and how much.

How often does the Bot update DEFPOCHS? - The Bot checks Grepolis every 15 minutes for updated files. Grepolis seems to update the files about once an hour.

What else does the bot monitor? The Bot can also be configured to alert on conquests by our alliance members, and friendly and enemy alliances. This includes towns we conquer and any towns of our that get conquered.

How can I use the bot? The Bot is listening to all messages in the chat room and will key in to and analyze messages that begin with the greater than sign '>'

Here are some commands you may find useful at times:


This command can be used to find towns of a certain size you wish to conquer, in alliances of a certain size, in the ocean you desire. It's essentially asking the bot something like: "Show me all towns in Ocean 44 that are greater than 8000 point and that are members of alliances that are less than 100,000 points.

Command Syntax: easymoney <server> <min town points> <max alliance points> [ocean]
Example command: >easymoney achilles 2000 200000 44
(the above command would list all members of alliances smaller than 200,000 points, whose cities are at least 2000 point in Ocean 44)


Lists members of a certain alliance that occupy a certain ocean or oceans

Command Syntax: listalli <server> {bbcode} <ocean[,ocean[,.]> <alliance id/name> ***bbcode output is optional
Example command: >listalli achilles 44 Vanguard Assassins


Find ghost cities near you. Supply the coordinates of the area you want to look in, or the city you are sending the CS from and the minimum point size of the ghost you are looking for.

Command Syntax: nearghost <server> <coords> <min points>
Example command: >nearghost achilles 468x422 8000


Find out the closest city to a target city. With this command you can specify the coordinates of a city and a player name. It will return the cities for that player in order of distance. Use this command when someone calls for help to determine your closest city to their city. Or use this command to determine your closest city to an enemies. It has many uses

Command syntax: nearplayer <server> <coords> <player>
Example Command: >nearplayer achilles 450x450 mwilliams11
(The above command would list out Merry's cities in order of their proximity to 450x450)


Find a member of an (enemy) alliance that is nearest to the coordinates (could be your city) of a certain size. Use this command to locate alliance members of a certain size nearest you so you can pick on the little guys :)

Command Syntax: nearalli <server> {bbcode} <coords> <point limit> <alliance> ***bbcode output is optional
Example Command: >nearalli achilles 450x450 4000 H Spartiates


Simply list a players points, #of towns and rank

Command Syntax: player <server> {bbcode} <player name/id> **bbcode is optional
Example Command: >player achilles soconius


List the towns for a given player

Command Syntax: towns <server> {bbcode} <player name/id> *bbcode is optional
Example command: >towns achilles mwilliams11
(This command is useful for quickly outputting a players cities with bbcode for use in the forums for claiming cities of a player etc)


lists the top X number Attacker, Defender and Fighter (combo of attacker/defender) for a alliance

Command syntax: toprank <server> {bbcode} <limit> <Alliance id> *bbcode is optional
Example command: >toprank achilles 5 Vanguard Assassins
(The above command would output the top 5 attackers, defenders and fighters for this alliance)

Lastly, and this comes with a warning, the bot can be engaged in chat by using the command:

>bot <your message here>

But this is a warning to all. The Bot can be quite an , forgetful, stubborn, mean and on rare occasions funny.


That is all the info the bot gives you when it first activates.


Okay maybe I didn't read that. Right I'll edit that. It's just that GrepolisBot as the name implies is a bot that is used for speeding up construction and what not so I made an assumption. If you want proof google: GrepolisBot it has at least 500,000 hits.


where can one get the skype bot from or add me to a skype channel that has it - pm me


I have bot up and running but it won't give me any info on zakros server but it will for others. Does it not monitor that world or is it under a different name for some reason?


Does anyone know if The Bot is available for the us servers yet? AND..... if so .... how to get it set up?


Im sick of all the requests to set the bot up, + im not really playing anymore. No more contact requests please :)


Also, for those who do not know, the bot was discontinued after 1st Jan 2014. This means that will it run on any servers released prior to that time (Eubea is the last one where it works) and will not work on any newer worlds released after that.


tis a real shame about this bot was an awesome tool


Anyone know if the EU servers have the skype bot?
I have the one for the US server running and it his a great tool, especially in managing ones own alliance.


Last I heard the Bot's creator had no plans to continue supporting it and it would not work on newer servers, but that's been probably 6 months or more ago, so not sure what current status is.


Also, for those who do not know, the bot was discontinued after 1st Jan 2014. This means that will it run on any servers released prior to that time (Eubea is the last one where it works) and will not work on any newer worlds released after that.

EN got it working for Nysa, not sure how. The source code is available and someone over there must have been able to modify it.

Not as well versed in programming as I am in web development so no clue where to start.

They had us invited in their bot room but kicked us all once we broke the NAP lol.

So it is indeed possible to get the bot working - just need someone with the know-how. EN is keeping it for themselves atm.

Oh it works on new servers :)
lol yeah that's him. The EN guy who got it working. ^_^ Hi again Andrew.
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