Fixed Stack Overflow???


I have been getting a problem loading my city overview. It wont load and a window message pops up sayingMessage from Weppage Stack Overflow at line: 225. I can do my building upgrades at all. Any help?
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Just curious Stack overflow error on line 225

Ok ever since the update today i get a stack overflow error, which does not allow me to click anything, can log in but thats it, do not have the issue in any other worlds just Rho.


I have a similiar issue but code read 226. I can't bring up the majority of screens and those that I can wont interact.


I use IE 8 and am having similar error message. At same time an issue occured that prevents me from selecting any buttons i.e. demand button in farming module, build button in building overview module or delete button in messages module.

I've logged off site and off laptop and re-logged in and problem remains...


This is an error that seems to be affecting certain browsers (IE 7 and 8 so far), please try the following:

1) Updating your browser to the latest version.
2) Using a different browser such as firefox or opera.

If neither of these work please let us know.


Updating Explorer didn't work but using Firefox worked great. Thanks. Will there be a resolution for IE 8 though? Timeframe?


Please see this announcement

The issue has been reported, however we cannot give any indications of when a fix may be available, or even if one will be made available as we do not tend to support older versions of browsers.

In the meantime please bear with us.


on the bright side- you wont have to use that Internet Explorer attempt at being a browser anymore!


i've heard it said that the only thing IE is good for is downloading chrome, firefox or opera (and it's not especially good at that) :p


The only thing IE is good for is (a) getting Chrome, FF, or Opera downloaded when you are setting up windows, and when (b) the cruelest virus in the world forcefully prevents you from using Chrome, Opera, or Firefox and you can only use IE ;(


this error didnt come untill the new update this morning what ever the updates besides chat. now after getting to work were i have no options but to use IE 7 and IE 8 . there is all kinds of errors. before at least i could farm from here and build. just chat was messed up and the tabs.
I know how this guys feels now except the remote part.

we dont really even need chat got message and skype for that.

So now that only chat works and no other options do, can i get a refund.
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I havent updated anything and 2.0 was running fine untill this morning. I got IE 8 and see if i can upgrade to 9.

IE 9 is only for Windows 7 systems, I guess my XP is sticking with ie8.
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yeah i dont know what all the updates they added this morning for improvements.


Okay, so i had the overflow 226 message and i took everyones advices and got of the off IE all together. now i have netscape9 and firefox4, now completely different error i cant farm, build, edit, or do anything but the new updated chat. that which now works perfectly. but in this process i had alot of people log into my account could they have blocked it for sharing internet connection?

netscape error report logs says, to much recursion on line 255 of source code.

function tmpl(str,data){var fn=!/\W/.test(str)?cache[str]=cache[str]||tmpl(str):new Function("obj","var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};"+"with(obj){p.push('"+

yay that fix at around 5am this morning fix firefox4.. only lost 15hrs of play time.. yay thank you guys for getting my crack fix. i would of hated to start real drugs... :)
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So now that only chat works and no other options do, can i get a refund.

Firstly, please do not triple post, if you need to add to your post, use the edit button ;)

Secondly, the game is still playable in browsers other then Ie 8 and below. If you are stuck using these browsers from one location then that is unfortunate, however I can see you are able to use a different browser from other locations.

As to a refund, you will need to submit a premium ticket to request this.


Secondly, the game is still playable in browsers other then Ie 8 and below. If you are stuck using these browsers from one location then that is unfortunate, however I can see you are able to use a different browser from other locations.

sorry for the repost. but i have netscape and firefox4 both tell me "an internal error has occurred!" which again sorry for the repost cause i have this discussion under "internal error report"
all give me this error,
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I have a stack overflow error on line 226 on world sigma. I can't click anything either. I have refreshed a couple of times but no difference.