TD denounced and conspired against by closest allies, OL


In this bombshell document obtained by Hermonassa's most reliable source for inside information, ArchiLeaks, Olympia Legacy founder (and Hermonassa's distributor of hallucinogenic Mexican food), Taco Dave, makes stunning condemnations against TD and admits to conspiring with powerful TD players to create a new alliance which would forsake the rest of TD.

While it appears Dave's taco franchises are in the process of shutting down and leaving TD starved of its staple diet, the document remains explosive in its admonishment of TD's present structure, in its devastating assessment of TD's general membership, and, most incredibly, in its admission of Machiavellian attempts on an ally to lure TD members into either a new alliance or into OL itself if TD's leaders will not agree to create a new alliance which would leave behind the "chaff," so to speak.

Although it is well worth reading in its entirety, I have highlighted certain sections for those who may be tight on time.

Author said:
Taco Dave 2015-01-24 02:17
I'm back.

Anyway, I have caught up on all the Skype conversations (and anybody on this leader board should really be on Skype at this's free and the most useful tool out council cna utilize for planning and real time communication, works on almost every device these days, etc...).

Anyway, it seems to me that we are back to the intial hiccup with TD, namely that two of the three founders are more concerned with stats than with the practicality of a new alliance featuring our best and brightest. That is cause for concern. I will see how I can help with this, but it suggests to me that they are a little desperate at this time and dont know how to let go of the unimportant things.

I also did not appreciate TD waiting until we had committed to our attacks in "joint" OP's before then cleaning up the wreckage afterwards. My instinct would be to host separate OP's that had them striking first, then us hitting our preferred targets. Otherwise, we might as well just do our own thing anyway as far as OP's go. We certainly arent lacking in heavy hitters in OL.

As far as a merge goes, I am against OL merging into TD. The reality is that, while OL probably cant win WW's on our own, we can actually do better than TD at this point, if both alliances are still flying solo at that point. We are just better organized and far more efficient than they are.

Which brings me to another point: TD has always been in a state of internal turmoil. This is largely due to their leadership structure and the sheer amount of players they have, most of whom could be considered simmers when they arent outright inactive. They also have some playerswho, despite their large city counts, dont really understand the game at all. This causes further friction in their ranks. There is no way we want to be drawn into that. This is largely why Doc and I have insisted on a new alliance rather than a merge for some time now. Culls the ranks a bit from their end and puts US in a poition to seet up a system that prevents that sort of chaos in the future.

Ultimately, we need more players and a larger resource pool, plus an ocean buffer, to win WW's. That is what we lack. Now, if we had an ocean buffer (or a 3 ocean buffer as would really be necessary) between our enemies and our WW islands, then the reszt would be moot. We would be in a strong position to win on our own. That one thing however, by my mind, will be why we finish second if something doesnt change. However, I dont believe in letting that drive us to making a decision we will regret later.

A new allliance. I am on board with that. A merge, I am not. As always however, discussions bring new ideas and new opportunities. I will be reopening dialogue with the people I had open dialogues with before and see what there is to see.

TL : DR I know, lol.

Taco Dave 2015-01-24 05:56
Alright, each of you should have a copy of my message to TD's council now. You guys should know as an addendum to that message that, should TD's council decide not to accept the terms laid out (which is the formation of a new alliance), then several of their largest members will be leaving TD to join us anyway. They see the practical nature of this, and if the rest of their peeps dont, then they would rather finish out the world with us.

Anyway, discuss please.
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Too early for April Fool's and there are no other officially declared days for idiotic conspiracy theories so this is just a simplistic joke concocted by fools.
So, what do we really have above? A note from Peter stating that talks between OL and TD stalled as he entered VM and that we weren't going to merge because of differences in how it would happen. That is not a conspiracy but a fact.

The most interesting aspect of all of this is that the commencement of these talks between OL and TD did not even occur until after the merge of TE into Pan and then becoming Apoc. So who are the real conspirators, schemers and liars? That's right, that would be Apoc. And the digging up of this only proves that fact.

Now queue the comedic cream pie in the face of Apoc. :)



I just can't seem to leave here can I....

Once again another round of fallacious and laughable drivel is done, suddenly another one rears its ugly head. From my vantage point it does in fact very much appear that you are looking to go to any lengths to both defame and incriminate TD? As I have previously noted, TD don't claim to be angels but at least we aren’t the ones in danger of getting splinters in our fingers with your latest attempt at presenting another round of ad hominem rubbish towards TD, As a result I see no reason why I shouldn’t respond in kind? Now this is in fact another fallacious and laughable attempt at scraping the bottom of the barrel in your ongoing search for insults and propaganda to hold over TD.

But as Michael so graciously notes your attempt to bring this up as a means of attempting to prove a point only serves to show your own desperation in proving this idea that we are dishonest and that we "conspired" against Olympia Legacy. I believe you know this to not be true but you are simply being dishonest because it fits your own narrative. It is yet another example of your own dishonesty and yet another example of your own desperation in attacking TD via the forums.

I have already demonstrated the dishonesty and dishonourable nature of numerous Apoc Council members on other threads, and I also have demonstrated through your own words that Pan was conspiring against TD since October, so seriously Archi. Who is the real conspirator’s here? Your attempts at trying to paint us as such is only coming back to bite you on the behind as this latest attempt only serves to demonstrate your own hypocrisy, desperation and dishonesty. So let me say “Great Job Archi!!”, No really!.. Because you have in fact by posting this latest drivel only helped demonstrate your dishonesty and dishonourable nature not to mention your overwhelming desire to kill the server in the process. I did say after all that PnP was ONE ;) of the reasons this server is dying.

I will now let you crawl back between the legs of the second coming of Nate and resume your current position of Sir SWI’s lapdog. :p

Now, I’ am done. If you want me to reply, PM me in game.


I would like to thank ArchiLeaks for uncovering such a juicy document! For Taco to talk truthfully about TD, as if I had been writing his script is delectable. I can guess which self involved alliance "leaders" blew their merge off track. It's such a shame when leaders don't faithfully represent their members interests. One caveat, I'd say that TD desperation isn't new...

TD stealing OLs hard attack work is scandalous. TD are a mammoth alliance, for them to have been relying on such a small allied alliance is shameful. TDs leadership strategy = Become a Parasite.
So... what we can conclude is, TDs shameful treatment of their allies has caused many of them to drop out of herm. Another win for the TD server killers... ?

Unless TD are saying the leader of OL tells porkies, how can the contet posted by Archi and I be anything other than fact? We are only commenting on his words. The bluster from Cook and Mr Backpedal is predictably vapid.

On a side note, I hear the ban on Tacos and all Taco related merchandise has been extended to Sinope.
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oh, for the love of GOD... would you shut it? TD and Apoc alike, please, stop the arguing. (I have to include you both because while I know APOC starts it, TD continues it by retaliating)

alright, I have a record of being honest, so I'll continue it. at one point, it did indeed feel like TD was arranging things so that we would take the brunt of the loss and they would take most of the gain. there. I said it. but we harbor no hard feelings over here, whether that was TDs intention or not.

and no, we are not conspiring against them. that PM simply shows facts of a merge idea being derailed, then Taco's thoughts on what would be likely at the time. now times have changed. end of story.

and finally, this bickering has to stop. come on, guys... GROW UP. every new argument just brings the server closer to being closed, so unless you want no one to have a shot at winning this game, I suggest you stop poking sleeping lions in the eye.

I'm sorry if I come off as really harsh- I've been sleeping very badly lately and have no patience. but seriously, knock it off. I'll eat my own arm before betraying friends, in game or out game, without a VERY good reason... and a pixelated crown is NOT a very good reason.




Even if the server does close it still gets the server award for PNP most likely to cause a seizure/ stroke /heart failure in Grep history.

Hows everyones BP (and by this i mean Blood Pressure)?:p


alright, I have a record of being honest, so I'll continue it. at one point, it did indeed feel like TD was arranging things so that we would take the brunt of the loss and they would take most of the gain. there. I said it..

To honour Dawna's wishes, I will not use the above statement for PnP. I will not point out how it is another example of TD using their allies like expendable pawns.

I will not suggest OL have become another casualty of TDs unsavoury game play, whereby their allies are as expendable to them as the loo roll they use to polish their golden poop.

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To honour Dawna's wishes, I will not use the above statement for PnP. I will not point out how it is another example of TD using their allies like expendable pawns.

I will not suggest OL have become another casualty of TDs unsavoury game play, whereby their allies are as expendable to them as the loo roll they use to polish their golden poop.

there is literally tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks ..the Cod just won't stop and i just noticed he still has king beefs signature...oh my lord this is have to see the funyy side.!! I love it come join me in sinope cod, but you'll need a new IGN its going to be between you and mungus for the player most likely to get rimmed for revealing their true IGN.oh god i have to go now, this is beyond funny.


To honour Dawna's wishes, I will not use the above statement for PnP. I will not point out how it is another example of TD using their allies like expendable pawns.

I will not suggest OL have become another casualty of TDs unsavoury game play, whereby their allies are as expendable to them as the loo roll they use to polish their golden poop.


oh, no, you'll just be an a** instead.


please see diagram above , i believe dawna may of been either referring to your caudal or anal fin.:eek:

from her previous post about being stressed i can imagine her running all around the house pulling her hair out screaming
' For the love of god he's not really a f'ing fish!!!!!'
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I have come back now that I feel better (on top of being extremely tired, I got some very bad news a few minutes before looking at this and posting that comment) I apologize for what I said. that was uncalled for.

however, I do still agree. seems to me you're just being a bit of a jerk at this point.


When TD's troubles come crashing down on itself, it must be comforting for TD's members to know that Mike and GGN are standing there with children-size shovels to clean up the mess and attempt to obfuscate what just happened.

Nice job completely avoiding the other threads, by the way.

No, my friends, this was not an example of TD being involved in some kind of conspiracy, though since, amazingly, that is what you got out of the message that was posted (something no one else would have gotten out of it), one has to wonder if you are feeling guilt for some reason?...

Taco's message can be boiled down quite simply:

-he thinks TD is disorganized, inefficient, full of strife, and obsessed with unimportant statistics

-he thinks TD's members are mostly simmers and even some larger players don't know what they're doing

-he didn't appreciate TD using OL as cannon fodder

-he was planning to poach TD players if the talks didn't go his way and had evidently been in contact with some of them and was assured they would leave rather than remain

TD would fluff this off as PnP if we said any of it (and are still attempting to do so), but keep in mind that this was all said and done by TD's closest ally, who appears to have gotten so frustrated that he and many of his troupe have all but left the server, which is extremely unfortunate.

After all that, the best defense TD can come up with is to make some weak attempts at changing the topic and bleating once again that we in Apoc are killing the server through our external forum posts against TD and, not, say, their own inability to keep their members and their allies interested in the game by running their alliance well (thereby giving us less goodies to post out here).

And naturally, at this point, it would be impossible for me to post anything without GGN harping on about my supposed dishonesty, hoping that if he says the words "dishonest" and "dishonorable" enough times they will stick despite having proof that is weaker than the average TD attack.

As for Dawna's point, well...regardless of server issues, there is a war raging (although smouldering might be a more apt description) and we would be remiss in our duties as leaders if we did not do what we can to bring defeat to our enemies using the tools available to us.
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so you'd rather no one win then enemies win? whatever then.

I'm not going to comment on this anymore, except for one final point:
most of our leaders left the server because the players that left us to join Apoc really killed the fun in it for several us. we wanted to play together, and the fact that a some left our alliance of friends in order to go after a crown that may or may not even have a chance to be awarded to anyone. the reason they left had absolutely nothing at all to do with the Drifters.


@Dawna, I would accept your appology for calling me a derrière... if you didn't then swiftly insult me again, therefore I humbly reject it. Anyway, the two OL I speak to both name TDs arrogance during merge negotiations as to why they left Herm.

And naturally, at this point, it would be impossible for me to post anything without GGN harping on about my supposed dishonesty, hoping that if he says the words "dishonest" and "dishonorable" enough times they will stick despite having proof that is weaker than the average TD attack.

*Ouch* you went straight for TDs weakest spot. Their inability to attack in a war game.


so you'd rather no one win then enemies win? whatever then.

I'm not going to comment on this anymore, except for one final point:
most of our leaders left the server because the players that left us to join Apoc really killed the fun in it for several us. we wanted to play together, and the fact that a some left our alliance of friends in order to go after a crown that may or may not even have a chance to be awarded to anyone. the reason they left had absolutely nothing at all to do with the Drifters.

With out getting into a slagging match and technicalities (and i really don't want to get in an argument again over this), My main reason for leaving was everything to do with the Drifters or rather not being forced to go into a merge with them. Yes because i thought they couldn't win but also because i didn't think it was fair of me as i said in my leaving letter to pretend to members like tartan (who has spent god knows how much time and gold to get where he is) that as a leader to continue spending time and money on a losing cause. Had i been in your shoes or still a leader in OL when this happened and the true concencous was everyone else was honestly free and happy to remain at OL, without pressure, guilt free, i would of used the departure of 3 players as a motivating factor and used it to give us new drive forward. Myself , Kirky and tartan are on OL dominated islands and it would be a simple op to remove any of us.

3 players do not an alliance make and to say we have ruined the game is a bit far fetched, i think its more a case that us leaving has highlighted what was the real problem, the pressure in OL always fell on certain players and when that happens something always gives in the end. Many times we asked for more help and no one stepped up.
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well, I wasn't going to make another comment, but, oh well.

when I was talking about the people leaving, I was talking about all the people who decided to leave after you, tartan, and kirky left. I know that you guys joined another alliance because you figured we didn't have a chance at winning and not enough was being done to fix that. I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Taco and others. they left because the game just wasn't fun for them anymore with some of their friends bailing on them.

and, you say a simple op? doesn't look simple to me. Tartan has over 100 cities, Kirky has over 40. I won't even go into you right now. several of our biggest hitters have left. a couple others are in VM. the only thing on our side is that morale isn't going to be something we'll have to worry about on the battle field.

finally, I said that the three players leaving ruined the fun in the game for a bunch of us here in OL, and that's why several left. I did not say that they ruined the game overall- that would be ridiculous. you are right, you're only three players. you can't ruin a full game. but you can, and did, ruin it for several of the people you played with.


why thought? this is the bit i don't get. As far as i can see only Kirky , me and tartan are the big hitters that left. Although i can see Doc is handing cites over, the others like Bigchaff was no existent, as was contemptible ..mang was a great player but left for the same reasons we did as did pyrites (they both made these decisions before xmas)

As for ops to remove players from oceans , while I'm not going to give you tips i think i showed enough in our final op against duksey and in other ops and tips to show how you get rid of a player from an ocean,and the fact that i was taking city's from him til the day i left i think proves i was committed to OL to the very second i left. I think most of the players who have left were mainly (not all) those who were not dedicated from the start..but I'm going thru Grepointel to make that point not from inside the alliance, u obviously know better than I.

It had been my hope that more would follow and i have been in contact with several OL players who wanted to leave when we did but now feel tied by loyalty to remain. Anyway if i ruined the game for you i think i've had my comeuppance wandering the server alone and afraid :( all I'm trying to do at this point thru all the various talks pm's and externals is save the server for OL players i still care about.

Equally if Taco has bailed because we left and the games not fun can you understand how we left Ol because we weren't having fun any longer and didn't want to go to TD and have less fun , it kinda works both ways.
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