The Captain and his Ship


So I just decided to write this randomly as I wanted to use my keyboard as it's a great keyboard and I like writing silly stories. Sorry if it's not very good, I just wrote it continuously and only checked it once for spelling mistakes.


The big giant massive huge collosal spaceship with lots of lasers and junk was whizzing through the galatic region of doom. It was dodging asteroids very cool like and didn’t hit a single one, even though there was an abundance of those asteroids that there were. BECAUSE. It had a very good captain.
The captain was not only good at flying but additionally at being a good person and stuff. He was really cool and everybody loved him, except the bad guys. Who are bad. They don’t like him because he foils their evil malicious dastardly bad neffarious plans. Fortunatly their plans always have a very obvious flaw, such as a hole that if you shoot in it blows up their house and internet connection.

The bad guys were not just bad at carrying out their ‘evil’ plans; they were really bad at social interactions, too. And sports. Because of this their only friends were the other bad guys, and the only thing they talked about amongst themselves was silly billy smack talk about the captain and how to make sure their ‘evil’ plans didn’t fail. All they needed was a hug, really.

The Captain’s name was Scott because I like that name. Also from now on Captain will have a capital C. His last name was lost in the deep dark scary cold pits of the universe. By pits I don’t mean armpits, luckily even if I did I said it was cold so it wouldn’t be all sweaty. I think the universe would buy deoderant too. Good deoderant, not deoderant that just makes you smell nice but doesn’t actually stop you from sweating. Or even deoderant such as Lynx which makes you smell like a AND doesn't work.

Anyway, the Captain and his crew of cool people who everybody loves except the bad guys where flying through space listening to their stereo with the most hip music from that millennium, because this is set in the future, remember. Oh wait I forgot to mention this is set in the future. Oh well, you’d be stupid of not to realize that by now seeing as there’s spaceships and good deoderant. This is like proper full on futurey future, not like steampunk or anything like that. Like. It has lots of different alien races trying to get a one up against eachother and then the human race acting like s fighting amonst themselves and tricking everyone in naughty ways. Except for the Captain and his crew unequivocally, everyone liked them.


He was really cool and everybody loved him, except the bad guys. Who are bad.

His last name was lost in the deep dark scary cold pits of the universe. By pits I don’t mean armpits, luckily even if I did I said it was cold so it wouldn’t be all sweaty. I think the universe would buy deoderant too. Good deoderant, not deoderant that just makes you smell nice but doesn’t actually stop you from sweating. Or even deoderant such as Lynx which makes you smell like a AND doesn't work.

Oh wait I forgot to mention this is set in the future. Oh well, you’d be stupid of not to realize that by now seeing as there’s spaceships and good deoderant.

the story, and these parts in general cracked me up...

you better enter in the writing competition next time there is one *hint hint*

a +rep from me...GREAT JOB