The Prussian Empire Alliance OC57 - thoughts please?


Hi Guys - I'm less than a week into Grepolis and totally hooked... So I got my first invitation to an alliance, which is called The Prussian Empire - they use the peace dove as an icon. But they say in their invitation that they are for people in ocean 57. I am in ocean 75. Seems a bit odd! More to the point, they have not shown up so far as I can see in the forum discussions, pro or con.

So - do I join them because that is the only invitation I have, or do I wait for someone in a more appropriate alliance (e.g. from my ocean, or nearer than 57,) to invite me? I notice that the two newer guys than me next door to my city have joined TPE, but advice would be good. I had just about reached 450 points when I was invited, and I think I have about 610 now. Not bad in 4 days? Or am I kidding myself?

And I need a working keyboard - this one is double striking and dropping letters at random and driving me nuts - wireless and usable at 10 metres I think NOT! At one metre it is rubbish :p


Well from the looks of things I'd decline. They're a fair distance away from you, and so couldn't help you if you were attacked. I personally would suggest waiting until an alliance that is based closer offers you an invite =]


Decline the one invite.

You should then build up and

a) Wait for a better invitation.

b) Apply for admission to one of your ocean's alliances. This can be seen under "rankings".

Oh, and welcome to Grepolis!


Thanks Nintz. The alliances look really complex. I have read some of the other threads and some of the requirements on potential new allies can be a bot offputting. I'll see how it goes!


That should have been bit not bot.... Using smart phone not so smart, but easier than the wireless keyboard!


Well, most alliances don't actually have threads here. A lot of the threads here are also for alliances that don't exist anymore.

You best bet is to join someone like The Guardians or Immortal Vanguard. Both of those alliances have a number of members in your area.

Anyway, good luck.


Welcome to grepo :)

To get a idea of who the best allys in 57 is, click ranking, then Ocean alliances. Top 3 in 57 is:

1 KiLLinG MaChiN3 36273 33
2 The Heroes Guild 21049 12
3 EVOLUTION 18220 17


hey pedestriana i am vik from IV Immortal Vanguard, look me up and let me know how close you are to me and i'll look into helpin you out.