The Rocky/English Dictionary


This is for those who have a hard time understanding one of our more entertaining, popular, and vocal participants in the Eta Forum. Feel free to add more as they come up.

I will start it off.

TBH = To be honest
nicly= nicely
Lord byile = Lord Bryllle
toghter = together
b = be
totalu = totally
oki = okay

J.n.c 1993

This is for those who have a hard time understanding one of our more entertaining, popular, and vocal participants in the Eta Forum. Feel free to add more as they come up.

I will start it off.

TBH = To be honest
nicly= nicely
Lord byile = Lord Bryllle
toghter = together
b = be
totalu = totally
oki = okay

Wow, thank you Kdahlb. This will certainly help my understanding and everyone's understanding of Rockys. So how is your personal study of the rocky's language going? Good so far? :) Here is some;

ment = Meant
ur = your
boi = boy
grt = great
agrissive = aggressive
knwo = know
advatage = Advantage
responce = Response
intrest = Interest
cna = Can
u = You

My studies of his language is going well :)
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TBH, its not his grammar but his typing skills, and only meant as harmless fun, Oki


I plead the 5th on that one. Wouldnt want to get banned.


Dirk was only messing with Rocky about his spelling of brlinho

Now I see a who;e forum thread dedicated to the legend that is!!


Gah. If rockys says he's not hurt by this in 48 hours, I'll let it stay. If not, everyone who's posted in this is getting an infraction. Maybe a ban somewhere. ;)


What will I do if you ban me from forums?? btw he is joking on his own account for weeks as well. I am sure he is not offended, he might even like it. Ask him :)


lol i feel totaly offended by this lot your all OTT

infractions infractions to the lot of you mwhahahhaahah

but to be totaly honest i dont give a damn!! u will never figure out all my language


richness of words and phrases really make rocky lang. unconquerable.


at last someone that respect my powerfull direct and wonderfull langauge !! infractions for everyone except sirgaz


Gah. If rockys says he's not hurt by this in 48 hours, I'll let it stay. If not, everyone who's posted in this is getting an infraction. Maybe a ban somewhere. ;)
hurry up give infractions lol


Major Howard Conner said I had six Navajo radio networks operating around the clock. In that period alone, they sent and received over 800 messages without an error.”

The code was so successful that eventually more than 400 Navajo were recruited. The Japanese were completely baffled by the complicated code, and their master cryptographers never broke it.

Talking in code has always been of use in CR, We find our enemies wasting time and resources trying to break it. In the end i feel you guys are just as baffled by our code as the Japaneses were with the Navajo code.

I'll give you a hint go to rockys pub ask for the rockys special drink of the day.

If ur man enugh to stil be standing after tat u wil find its a lott easyer to interpet

sorry rockys for given the secret away but at this point i think it might be good for business (pop)
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