Before we get to the main event I feel its best to give some back ground info on the main carictors in this tale
first of me
12 city's smallest conquest 3.1k no inactives no internals no ghosts currently rank 46, attacker rank 24.
Next trelane leader of foo fighters
14 city's smallest conquest 1.5k 4 ghosts 4 internals 3 conquests under 2.7 points rank 8 attacker rank 93
so to the main event!
yesterday when I came online I found myself removed from my alliance and my team mates , my crime is simple I made trelane feel insecure.
Now since I was unserimoniously removed from my friends and team mates there have been several mm's sent by trelane twisting the truth and putting his spin on events.
Im here now to give my version of the truth ill leave it to individuals to to determin who they feel is lieing.
When art merged into foo we were all excited but even at that early stage there were warning signs of what was to come
no one was given the rights they were supposed to receive maybe a leader being cautious or maybe the signs of a control freek. I gave the benefit of the doubt and after repeated requests from all senate some rights were received. This seemed to be a good sign but things on the whole in foo were not good several ops were a disaster and there seemed to be no coheasion in the team.
trelanes ideas on this were give it time and just recruit more players lets up our ranking
over the last week I posted idea after idea to improve the situation all were refused by trelane
and that was not the overall view of council if fact consensus was in favour of my ideas in general
but don't just take my word for it ill explain my ideas and you can deside for your selves if you consider them ok
this was my advise
forums had too many tabs
there is no need for 2 archives (a hidden and an open) a tavern and a rules tab
as our empire was so vast, players on either side could not work effectively as a team so only having 1 ops tab and 1 offencive tab ment that when players asked for aid and you checked most of the time you could not help. this seriously effected coheasion and left players feeling isolated
my advise was to either split our alliance into oceans or into battle groups by location and have a tab for each this in effect would make it clearer who players could rely on localy it would build a more family like group ( this is the same fomular every armed forces around the world uses also govement and business) and I also having used this formula in several rank 1 alliances know that it creates and bit of good natured internal competision between squads to be the best.
trelanes final words on the subject was that this idea was too confusing that some players did not speek English and some did not log on to forums daily that this game was supposed to be fun
my response and im sure the reason I was booted and ultimately why the other leaders left foo to reform art was this
trelane you have your wires crossed instead of worring about players who cant communicate and player who are so inactive (they will not be able to aid there team mates in there hour of need) , please start worrying about the players who put effort in worry about there needs and how you can make stuff fun for them.
finnaly to ad insult to injury this was the mm trelane sent after I was kicked
Trelane today at 16:04
Hi everyone – I have talked with Shado2012 and Xene007 . They are both staying on and hopefully our internal drama is now behind us. I did feel I needed to clear out two more from the senate just so that we could move forward smoothly. Actually I just heard from another alliance leader that one person I booted from the senate also got booted out of leadership in the other alliance. I wasn’t aware of that earlier, but the story I heard from them pretty much indicated that they had almost the exact same problem I encountered.
In any case – moving forward – I am giving both Shado2012 and Xene007 leader rights so they can set up any additional forum tabs the way they would like. Please continue to check the defence tab often and lend support across oceans in critical situations where needed. But offense can be coordinated more regionally now. I think we are likely to be more stable moving forward. We are still in the #2 spot in terms of alliance ranking. To have a shot at winning I think it makes sense to stick together. Small alliances at this stage of the game are unlikely to have the critical mass of support as the game continues. We have a lot of good players here. I’ll continue to work to keep this a fun experience for all.
so to clarify this mail
finnaly and because he cant afford to lose them he has given out the rights that should of been there to start
without being specific he has tried to cast doubt on the credibility of the 2 leaders he booted with one accusation(a favour ive returned in full at the start of this tread but a bit more factualy )
once againg he refers to rank because as a typical mra leader he is most botherd about being big points wise something that shows in how he runs his personal account as well
then comes the ultimate insult he passes my ideas off as his own safe in the knowledge that im gone
finaly he states
Small alliances at this stage of the game are unlikely to have the critical mass of support as the game continues. We have a lot of good players here. I’ll continue to work to keep this a fun experience for all.
this stamen is there to put players off migrating from a now destabilised foo
to explain it says don't join this new smaller alliance its not big enough to help you stay with us we have lots of good player ill make sure you have fun.
at the very least im sure this will be an informative read for all who are interested, well now you have read my version of events I leave it to you to draw a conclusion
regards Captain rainbow dash formaly zero point formaly F1RST and was first son of zeus to start on mu en12
first of me
12 city's smallest conquest 3.1k no inactives no internals no ghosts currently rank 46, attacker rank 24.
Next trelane leader of foo fighters
14 city's smallest conquest 1.5k 4 ghosts 4 internals 3 conquests under 2.7 points rank 8 attacker rank 93
so to the main event!
yesterday when I came online I found myself removed from my alliance and my team mates , my crime is simple I made trelane feel insecure.
Now since I was unserimoniously removed from my friends and team mates there have been several mm's sent by trelane twisting the truth and putting his spin on events.
Im here now to give my version of the truth ill leave it to individuals to to determin who they feel is lieing.
When art merged into foo we were all excited but even at that early stage there were warning signs of what was to come
no one was given the rights they were supposed to receive maybe a leader being cautious or maybe the signs of a control freek. I gave the benefit of the doubt and after repeated requests from all senate some rights were received. This seemed to be a good sign but things on the whole in foo were not good several ops were a disaster and there seemed to be no coheasion in the team.
trelanes ideas on this were give it time and just recruit more players lets up our ranking
over the last week I posted idea after idea to improve the situation all were refused by trelane
and that was not the overall view of council if fact consensus was in favour of my ideas in general
but don't just take my word for it ill explain my ideas and you can deside for your selves if you consider them ok
this was my advise
forums had too many tabs
there is no need for 2 archives (a hidden and an open) a tavern and a rules tab
as our empire was so vast, players on either side could not work effectively as a team so only having 1 ops tab and 1 offencive tab ment that when players asked for aid and you checked most of the time you could not help. this seriously effected coheasion and left players feeling isolated
my advise was to either split our alliance into oceans or into battle groups by location and have a tab for each this in effect would make it clearer who players could rely on localy it would build a more family like group ( this is the same fomular every armed forces around the world uses also govement and business) and I also having used this formula in several rank 1 alliances know that it creates and bit of good natured internal competision between squads to be the best.
trelanes final words on the subject was that this idea was too confusing that some players did not speek English and some did not log on to forums daily that this game was supposed to be fun
my response and im sure the reason I was booted and ultimately why the other leaders left foo to reform art was this
trelane you have your wires crossed instead of worring about players who cant communicate and player who are so inactive (they will not be able to aid there team mates in there hour of need) , please start worrying about the players who put effort in worry about there needs and how you can make stuff fun for them.
finnaly to ad insult to injury this was the mm trelane sent after I was kicked
Trelane today at 16:04
Hi everyone – I have talked with Shado2012 and Xene007 . They are both staying on and hopefully our internal drama is now behind us. I did feel I needed to clear out two more from the senate just so that we could move forward smoothly. Actually I just heard from another alliance leader that one person I booted from the senate also got booted out of leadership in the other alliance. I wasn’t aware of that earlier, but the story I heard from them pretty much indicated that they had almost the exact same problem I encountered.
In any case – moving forward – I am giving both Shado2012 and Xene007 leader rights so they can set up any additional forum tabs the way they would like. Please continue to check the defence tab often and lend support across oceans in critical situations where needed. But offense can be coordinated more regionally now. I think we are likely to be more stable moving forward. We are still in the #2 spot in terms of alliance ranking. To have a shot at winning I think it makes sense to stick together. Small alliances at this stage of the game are unlikely to have the critical mass of support as the game continues. We have a lot of good players here. I’ll continue to work to keep this a fun experience for all.
so to clarify this mail
finnaly and because he cant afford to lose them he has given out the rights that should of been there to start
without being specific he has tried to cast doubt on the credibility of the 2 leaders he booted with one accusation(a favour ive returned in full at the start of this tread but a bit more factualy )
once againg he refers to rank because as a typical mra leader he is most botherd about being big points wise something that shows in how he runs his personal account as well
then comes the ultimate insult he passes my ideas off as his own safe in the knowledge that im gone
finaly he states
Small alliances at this stage of the game are unlikely to have the critical mass of support as the game continues. We have a lot of good players here. I’ll continue to work to keep this a fun experience for all.
this stamen is there to put players off migrating from a now destabilised foo
to explain it says don't join this new smaller alliance its not big enough to help you stay with us we have lots of good player ill make sure you have fun.
at the very least im sure this will be an informative read for all who are interested, well now you have read my version of events I leave it to you to draw a conclusion
regards Captain rainbow dash formaly zero point formaly F1RST and was first son of zeus to start on mu en12
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