Told No To Attacking Inactive Players


Just recently I was told no to attacking inactive players, does that make any sense. Well it just dont, accept the leaders of two alliances seem to believe so.

This the message I was sent to quit attacking inactive players. Note, both these players have been inactive for over a week and almost two. they are both beneath 1500 points.

I have
murph4444 on 2013-04-30 at 23:32
You have to be kidding me right, I cant attack inactive players because we are pacted with them. They should not even be under there flag, the leaders of there allaice just wants them to look like they are stronger. Why would you not let me attack an inactive player and let me get some kind of advantage that helps the alliance long term. To prove that they are inactive just send them a blank message and they will never touch it, not to minsion they will never gain points unless they are under multi accounts wich I think is a possiblity
Ian eyre on 2013-04-30 at 23:29
Bloody well stop
murph4444 on 2013-04-30 at 23:28
I honestly believe someone on this island is doing multiple accounts, they are funneling all there resources from them citys to there main city. I am clueless why they would know about this other than a trip wire. But when I attacked shampoon he had no units. Also if they are inactive whitch they most likely are and there leader just wants them under there flag then there is no harm in farming them right.
Ian eyre on 2013-04-30 at 23:26
do not attack inactive players....we are Pacted to them......
murph4444 on 2013-04-30 at 23:22
Shinepon, Dishon3st There is no way they are active. I have kept track of there points for ever. The only way they would know I attacked them is of I had a trip wire. shinepon was already being farmed by some one else on the island, he had no units and the other guy had a decent amount for his lv.
murph4444 on 2013-04-30 at 23:19
WHAT? I only attacked 2 inactive players.
Ill call off, they have been at 1000 points and the other has been at 1400 points forever, I do not see how they could be active. sorry
Ian eyre on 2013-04-30 at 23:16
stop attacking their guy now.......

Now here is my message from the leader of contempus.

No deal. I believe we gave him a gift. A gift of over 1000 bp. Now to any human being I would graciously think of this of a gate way to my 3rd city. I under stand your concerns and what you think may be right to you, but that is quit the bp. I took some losses as well, so we can just call it even.
THE ALMIGHTY TORP on 2013-04-30 at 23:59
You do not attack my members, active or not. NAP and pacts are established for a reason. When that is said, i suggest you send a message to Graemejohn, asking him if he would accept a package of 5000 of each resource. This to cover some of his losses... Then ill take the matter of possible inactive members to my council. if decided they should be farmed, ill send you and your leader a message:) That way, the 5000 of each resource can be recollected in a weeks time!

Deal:) ??
murph4444 on 2013-04-30 at 23:57
Can you answer my question please? I am sorry if it seems that I am being rude. But I was just told to quit inactive players witch is absolutely beyond my comprehension of why this is?
murph4444 on 2013-04-30 at 23:44
I am told to quit attacking a inactive player? Ok, reasonable if they were actually active, but they have been at the same points forever as far as I am concerned. The only way that you would no about this attack is by trip wire, unless there is multiple accounts (witch is not the case as far as I am concerned). But if we are truly ally's then why wont you help me by helping me gain there resources on active players. then in return helps me get farther and then helps me help you later on. This makes no sense at all, just because they are under your banner does not give you the right to control the city's whereabouts does it? I am here to ask you for permission to farm a inactive players on my island under your banner even though I do not need to in my opinion. I would also like to say I am sorry for slowing down one of your members progress with constant invasions. These are the members I wish to farm. Dishon3st Shinepon

Now there is a back story to all of this. I will give you a short version. I attack with 600-900 troops and lost allot just to take a 2600 point city and turn it into a farm. In the process's I took a lv. 15 wall and turned it into dust. Then I get a message a hour later telling me to quit attacking them and stuff. Then we are in a pact. So now I have wasted over 3 days in time prepping for assault to take him down. Now we are all just friends who live happily ever after. Well, the alliance contempus has like 5 players on our island. 2 of them are inactive so I attacked and began to farm them. So now I cant farm them because they are under there flag. Please post what you think about this situation and let me know how stupid it is :)

NOTE: Contempus is one of those alliances that keeps people with 500 points on there roster.


I'd keep farming personally. If they're inactive then screw it.


No point in keeping inactives, they are inactive. I agree with Rising, just keep farming them, free resources for you.


The thing is that I cant because I will be kicked from this current alliance witch is the legion of the dammed. The legion has several pacts and there is not no one we are allowed to attack what so ever. The only alliance I could switch over to but cant most likely is venom because I am to far away. I am loyal to this one but the rules are just outrageous. being told not to attack inactive city's because they are apparently property of a alliance. What a waste. Some people are a bunch of idiots. If it wasn't for the strict rules that are in place I would have a permanent farm with unlimited bp. I have killed over 900 troops to farm a city then I am told to back down because of new pact. Who on earth needs to that many pacts. Where not a pacifist alliance are we?

Here is a update with the conversation I am having with contempus leader. Sadly he don't want to respond.

I like your message, it was sweet and to the point. But yet you have not answered my question with a reasonable reason for why I can not attack a inactive player. Plus, a note for recruitment. When you have players with 500 points it makes you look bad. Especially since they have been there since the begging of the game. Also lets put a little more effort into our relationship and not throw it out the window. Technically I am my own diplomat, so you might want to rephrase that because I don't know what you mean.

I wish you the amazing luck.

The Diplomat for murph4444
THE ALMIGHTY TORP today at 00:13
Now you are being rude! You came to me, remember? Your opinion you can keep to yourself, you attacked us, not the other way around! And we control our cities, not you!!

From now on, all contact with Contempus goes through your diplomat.

I wish you the best of luck.

The diplomat.


Ha, that was humorous..I'd keep attacking them. This is a war game..not free foot rubs.. If they want to keep an inactive player..that's their choice..but your choice is to keep attacking. ;)

Start searching for a better alliance is the best advice I can give. Just be sure and tell the leader the current status on things. You don't want to be caught in the middle.


Sounds to me its more like the leaders will clear them gain the bp, other then that thy must not have any sense at all...

Every one needs to eat...


Keep farming I say. I also say consider leaving and turning your leader into a farm.


My leader has 3 more cities than me, I am ready for my third. But I am not in a stable position to know where I can go. I am basically surrounded by 3 2000 plus players and 1 friend I recruited to the alliance that has a 4000 point city. We were tag teaming there players and killing 100 of there troops daily and now we are at peace. I am probably going to be booted by my alliance leader because I attacked an inactive city killing 14 bp in a trip wire. They know I attacked it and the only reason why I cant attack it is because It is a gold mine of resources for there alliance. The bad news is because I am in a pacifist alliance all alliances in our ocean and most in the world are in a NAP and are ally's. So if I were to join one of them I would be used as a bargaining chip for there friendship and I would be not allowed or boosted. I am currently trying to build as many Biremes as possible to prevent the future kicking me out of the alliance and attacking me ordeal. If any one is in venom could you toss out a good letter of recommendation to me, that would be nice. Although they are my current alliances worst enemy.

One more note. If any one wants to take a 7000 point plus city, the leader of contempus has one and no others.


holy shizzle you lot read all that! I will take your word for it and just laugh :D without reading it save me sometime.


If you guys wanted me to go into detail about the back story and if you wanted me to post so of the older messages of what started our conflict, I would but you would all get tired of reading.


My leader has 3 more cities than me, I am ready for my third. But I am not in a stable position to know where I can go. I am basically surrounded by 3 2000 plus players and 1 friend I recruited to the alliance that has a 4000 point city. We were tag teaming there players and killing 100 of there troops daily and now we are at peace. I am probably going to be booted by my alliance leader because I attacked an inactive city killing 14 bp in a trip wire. They know I attacked it and the only reason why I cant attack it is because It is a gold mine of resources for there alliance. The bad news is because I am in a pacifist alliance all alliances in our ocean and most in the world are in a NAP and are ally's. So if I were to join one of them I would be used as a bargaining chip for there friendship and I would be not allowed or boosted. I am currently trying to build as many Biremes as possible to prevent the future kicking me out of the alliance and attacking me ordeal. If any one is in venom could you toss out a good letter of recommendation to me, that would be nice. Although they are my current alliances worst enemy.

One more note. If any one wants to take a 7000 point plus city, the leader of contempus has one and no others.

Just because someone has more cities doesn't make them good if you can conquer you can fight. Leave and take one of the 2k cities close to you and use it to support your future fights. Your friend at 4k points should be able to hit conquest soon and take the other city.


I would keep farming that player and leave your current alliance. Most alliance leaders would be more than happy to have a player with your initiative on their team, and they'd also be happy to protect you from your old alliance once you left.... although I suspect from what you have written that your current alliance leader wouldn't know what to do if you left besides perhaps attack you a couple times. I highly doubt he would take any of your cities, judging by the profile that you've written here on him.
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I must confess to having laughed long and hard at this thread but then I checked Grepostats and guess what ? Yes you guessed it 1 of the "farms " was active and not in I guess the advice to stop was correct. I would suggest that this guy checks Grepostats before flinging accusations around. I can't wait to see how this ends.


well if i was your leader murph i'd boot you, oh now i come to think of it when i was your leader i did :)

a pact is a pact you just dont attack your pact allies no matter what, thats the golden rule!

if you dont agree with your leaders leave the alliance, but dont come on forums trolling your own team that just shows your pore judgment and bad attitude, but then from my experiance you dont like advise its your way or the highway.



Prime example of why pacting with alliances in your ocean is a bad idea.



Prime example of why pacting with alliances in your ocean is a bad idea.

Actually mate, joinin' an alliance without knowin' anything about the leadership is a bad deal.
Grepo Stats be yer friend. An don't forget Grepo Intel. Research is not just fer the Academy.
yer ever helpful



Prime example of why pacting with alliances in your ocean is a bad idea.

So you would pact with someone an ocean away? Doesn't make much sense there bud. A pact with someone in your ocean is beneficial however only if they don't over recruit or have tons of pacts themselves and are committed to the pact.