Top 5 & World Prediction


hee hee, nice jokes, please dont attack me please ... waa waa ... get a tissue. Thanks for the funnies, better fighting here in the forum than in the servers. Noobs game secret ... its a war game and everyone wants to take your cities ... you need to decide are u a hunter or food. a strong alliance will protect u ... a weak one becomes food for a stronger alliance. Be active or u become food. keep the funnies/jokes continue ...


Any problems ??
It's just bucks, Andrew , Reimu Hakurei fighting us, where's the rest of so called Snakes players .
Do you fear exposing your weaker side to us , that you swapped cities to them .
By the way Snakes can stop acting like they can save this server , and game , and stop this drama of being a saviour .

We're off burying GA in O44, we'll save you some leftovers if you want?

Sorin Markov

I came to check this thread out again just to see Snakes whining about the merge. I was not disappointed. I also got the extra tidbit of Snakes making fun of an MRA when they made themselves out to be a superteam, yet are struggling to take the MRA's cities. Can confirm what Molten said, 90% of the cities that Snakes have taken were on the internals list or had ghosted.


I came to check this thread out again just to see Snakes whining about the merge. I was not disappointed. I also got the extra tidbit of Snakes making fun of an MRA when they made themselves out to be a superteam, yet are struggling to take the MRA's cities. Can confirm what Molten said, 90% of the cities that Snakes have taken were on the internals list or had ghosted.
Molten makes a propaganda...i can confirm it is a BLABLABLA.
dont you Sorin look history/statuses or dont you use forums...i understand from you all letters,that the forum there was empty all the time, chause all we did wasnt known to alliance..i feel bad for you guyes, that had such a boring times...hopefully all will be better from now.

anes king

I came to check this thread out again just to see Snakes whining about the merge. I was not disappointed. I also got the extra tidbit of Snakes making fun of an MRA when they made themselves out to be a superteam, yet are struggling to take the MRA's cities. Can confirm what Molten said, 90% of the cities that Snakes have taken were on the internals list or had ghosted.
Bro you all merged cause you were loosing to the team that started late and was fighting on 3 fronts. If we only took internals and ghosts why did you feel the need to merge?


I came to check this thread out again just to see Snakes whining about the merge. I was not disappointed. I also got the extra tidbit of Snakes making fun of an MRA when they made themselves out to be a superteam, yet are struggling to take the MRA's cities. Can confirm what Molten said, 90% of the cities that Snakes have taken were on the internals list or had ghosted.
I'm not even gonna dignify this with a response... I can feel the retarded genes emanating off this single paragraph


I'm not even gonna dignify this with a response... I can feel the retarded genes emanating off this single paragraph
i dont think here retarded players...i bet they dont still have no clue what game they are playin....this is not easy to recover from SimCity...

Sorin Markov

Bro you all merged cause you were loosing to the team that started late and was fighting on 3 fronts. If we only took internals and ghosts why did you feel the need to merge?
Ask our leadership. I didn't know about the merge until it happened, there was no buildup on the member end.

Guys guys guys, he is rank 200 and has 80k BP after 2 months, follow the light, follow @Sorin Markov !
No idea where those stats came from. Not a single one of them is correct except the time since the world started. And I'm even surprised that you got that one right. Also, why are stats relevant here? We're talking about alliance-wide things and why I came to the forums. Bringing up stats just shows you didn't actually have an argument, so you resorted to ad hominem. Typical Grepo externals :rolleyes:. I return to my hybernation.


No idea where those stats came from. Not a single one of them is correct except the time since the world started. And I'm even surprised that you got that one right. Also, why are stats relevant here? We're talking about alliance-wide things and why I came to the forums. Bringing up stats just shows you didn't actually have an argument, so you resorted to ad hominem. Typical Grepo externals :rolleyes:. I return to my hybernation.
My response was indeed low quality, i was just trying to be like-minded :)

If you want the good response:
I came to check this thread out again just to see Snakes whining about the merge. (Commenting ≠ whining, we are on externals commeting on what's happening around us) I was not disappointed. I also got the extra tidbit of Snakes making fun of an MRA when they made themselves out to be a superteam, yet are struggling to take the MRA's cities (Last time i checked the warscore is around 300-120 in our favour, so idk who's struggling with taking cities...?). Can confirm what Molten said(The guy who asks for biremes but don't have tower or ram), 90% of the cities that Snakes have taken were on the internals list or had ghosted. (People get internalized or ghost BECAUSE we attack them)

Now sit down shrimp lol


Ask our leadership. I didn't know about the merge until it happened, there was no buildup on the member end.

No idea where those stats came from. Not a single one of them is correct except the time since the world started. And I'm even surprised that you got that one right. Also, why are stats relevant here? We're talking about alliance-wide things and why I came to the forums. Bringing up stats just shows you didn't actually have an argument, so you resorted to ad hominem. Typical Grepo externals :rolleyes:. I return to my hybernation.
The stats are somewhat right you still only have 80k bp (rank 205), but you are rank 93 in points now which is actually more embarrassing than being ranked 200.