Inactive Topic Troops eating food..


Troops having the need to eat.

Reason is simple, it will make the stacking of troops from vm players and inactive "impossible" over a long period of time.

My proposal will work on the same principles as the farming villages do now. Let me state an example.

Village A have supported Village B with troops. When the troops arrive in village B the player that owns village A will get a counter in his farm that counts up/down a set time lets say 8 hours. When the 8 hours is up and the "feed" button haven't been pressed the troops from village A will start to die from starvation.

The "feed counter" could have an academy upgrade just like farm villages have now to allow us to choose how long a farmvillage will be out of action.

Not sure I need to go into more details then this as everyone should already know the setup as we have one for farm villages. :)

Balance/Abuse Prevention
I see no risk of abuse of this at all, there is rather a drop in abuse level with a setup like this as player mass vming can't defend their friends for the remainder of their vm.
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Gah, sounds even more fiddly and unnecessary than Travian's wheat system.


In that case, it's a no from me. Because that will make things even harder than they are, and on slow worlds you're going to have to check it every 8 hours? Plus, some people who work all day can't do this and what if lets say you are going travelling somewhere but you don't wan't VM, then all your troops are going to die? Again, a no from me. But you're right about the stacking of troops, that problem should be solved, but not this way.


The supporting troops only, if they stay in city they are built in they wont starv ofcourse.

I work aswell but these days there is such a thing called mobilephone, very useful ;) and again the time 8 hours is a number pulled out from the air. But should be max 10 hours.


Tribal Wars has a 'farm rule' setting, whereby only a certain amount of the defending population can defend in an attack. It doesn't remove the ability to stack, but it does negate the benefits.


Eww..NO! After playing Evony for two years, I am totally against this! Several hundred million upkeep an hour is deadly and totally ruins the game! I think the population aspect of this game counteracts that.


Mmmh... No from me, not this way.
I see which abuse you point at, but the grace period partially solves it.
It would absolutely need to be a "feed all troops" button (thinking of tripwires, or people supporting WW cities).
Grepo is made to be possible for people with a full time job. If not, then there would be much less players buying gold and it would be a problem for the game's existence. But 10h max is far too short for people with job and family.
Overall, it would discourage team support: you don't always know when RL will keep you too busy.

For people abusing the system by sending support then going VM: for me, it's generally a bad strategy, they'll be in trouble when they come back, they may cruelly miss those VM days later, and their VM time is not used to produce troops. So if the attackers just maintain their efforts, they should get the upper hand.
If you want to add something else, then outside support could be made 15-20% less efficient in fighting when supporter is in VM.


Eww..NO! After playing Evony for two years, I am totally against this! Several hundred million upkeep an hour is deadly and totally ruins the game! I think the population aspect of this game counteracts that.

I second that. I played Evony for over a year and a half as well. And totally against this as well. :(


Mods can remove this thread. Seems like people like to turtle and not be active in the game.

And before you go claim I have a family and fulltime job. I have all that too and no I don't sitt by a desk with a computer, still know how to be online 5 minutes if needed.


Mods can remove this thread. Seems like people like to turtle and not be active in the game.

And before you go claim I have a family and fulltime job. I have all that too and no I don't sitt by a desk with a computer, still know how to be online 5 minutes if needed.

Hello ~

Well, all ideas have a chance..I would hate to close it just based on a few opinions..We'll keep it open and see what others think first if that is okay with you?

Thank you,

PS: I hate being a turtle honestly..I was just giving my experiences with troop upkeep type of games..Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
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Mmmh... No from me, not this way.
I see which abuse you point at, but the grace period partially solves it.
It would absolutely need to be a "feed all troops" button (thinking of tripwires, or people supporting WW cities).
Grepo is made to be possible for people with a full time job. If not, then there would be much less players buying gold and it would be a problem for the game's existence. But 10h max is far too short for people with job and family.
Overall, it would discourage team support: you don't always know when RL will keep you too busy.

For people abusing the system by sending support then going VM: for me, it's generally a bad strategy, they'll be in trouble when they come back, they may cruelly miss those VM days later, and their VM time is not used to produce troops. So if the attackers just maintain their efforts, they should get the upper hand.
If you want to add something else, then outside support could be made 15-20% less efficient in fighting when supporter is in VM.

I second this, and the suggestion provided by aannira sounds good imo.


Not unless something is added to the adviser for quick view of the need-to-feed villages. supporting several people when you have over a hundred cities would make management horrible.

either way, I say no to this. The less micromanaging this game has, the better. And believe me, its not an issue of wanting to be less active. In the past I've been more active and lost more sleep over several months from battles than most people would have put up with. Simply put, micromanaging kills fun.


No thank you. This game already takes enough time out of my life.


War2Glory already uses this from my 2 years of playing... NO MORE UPKEEP PLEASE!


Isn't the reason we have a max population because we have a farm feeding people to a maximum automatically already? Whats the point of this ._.


Eww..NO! After playing Evony for two years, I am totally against this! Several hundred million upkeep an hour is deadly and totally ruins the game! I think the population aspect of this game counteracts that.
Evoncrappy was my first thought when I saw this idea. While it has merit for adding logistics to the game, my experiences with Evoncrappy makes me immediately recoil from anything like that being added to Grepolis.


Grepolis is made to be a little bit more simple and mostly mathematics for attacking, so I say 'no'. If you want this system, you could play another browser-based strategy game that already has something similar to this.

Again, from me, it's a 'no'.

"Lolz what about another research..... 'Take a leak' "

Yup. "You have a lot of soldiers in an allied city, and that gong has to go some where. What shall we do with it?"
Research: Gong pit.
Effect: Soldiers will stop dying from disease in allied cities.

It might as well get that ridiculous if this idea (troops eating food). If this is bothering the original poster, then think of it like this, "Farms feed your population, free, troops, and those in buildings. Allied farms and farming villages feed your troops in their city, even if there's over ten thousand soldiers, they still eat from the never ending farm supplies."
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