Inactive Topic Troops eating food..


This is what population is.
It isn't population capacity with regards to space, you aren't expanding your city by building houses and what not, you are expanding your farm- i.e. how many people your city can feed.

If you have food for an additional 10 men, you can recuit those men. The farm is producing food for them.

So adding in another thing about eating makes little sense.


no! sorry man but i will stop playing this game if this gets put into action


The problem you point out is far easier to solve than adding something so complicated. Just make it so the troops automatically go home at 1/2 speed if you've been in VM for more than, say, 24 hours, or if you recall them before that. No advantage to someone going into VM for a day to avoid fighting, since they will not only have not supported their alliancemates to any great effect, but they now will have to wait twice as long as they would have had to for those troops to come home.

Personally, I think its more fun to grind up cheap turtles like that until their troops are dogmeat, but that's just me, it seems lol


Its a no from me. I mean, even if you are active, you can get rimmed due to this food thing. You have to feed the farms. You see Grepo has several players who can login 5 min. a day or so. This will waste more time.

Edit: Had to include reasons, ya know.
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The problem you have identified:

Players may stack defensive cities making them near impenetrable

How this problem is currently handled:

Population limits the amount of stacking required

Why I concur with the counter argument why this argument should not be Passed:

1) Introducing a new 'fiddly' system into Grepolis will discourage a large proportion of the experience older player base.
2) This would increase the similarities between Grepolis and other games in it's field. Grepolis needs to remain different.
3) There are already systems in place (Population) to deal with stacking.
4) When 'stacking' you usually fortify one of your cities at the risk of leaving your other cities defenseless/weak. A skillful player will use attacking systems such as 'Dummy' attacks and will co-ordinate with his/her team-mates to take down a single player across multiple systems. Introducing your new system would probably damage the effect skill would have on the game, and increase the effect activity would have on the game.

All this said, your idea would reduce the insane turtling involved on WI.


Feed my troops??? I already do that!!! I just can't seem to get the sandwich through the screen...