Not a Bug Two Bugs For The Price Of One!


1.Trades Not Showing Up In Information Bar:
If another player accepts my offers in the market place they do not show up in the trade overview tab on the information bar. If I check in the market place I can see that somebody has accepted one or more of my offers, but I do not know who and what the delivery time will be.
If I log out and then immediately sign back in, then, the trade overview tab is updated with all relevant information about trades in progress.
There is no problem at the end of the trade when the resources are delivered, they automatically drop off the trade tab.
Having to sign out then back in is a bit of a pain to say the least!

2. Farming Village Morale Level:
A couple of days ago I lowered the level of one village to 82% (Speed 1 world Kos), expecting it to be at 100% the next morning, raised by 1% per hour. It took between 31 + 32 hours to reach 100%. Not 18 hours as expected.
Yesterday evening, at 8pm, I lowered the same villages level to 88%, expecting it to be 100% this morning at 8am. It is now after 4pm and it has still not reached 100%.
Most frustratingly, I have been keeping an eye on it today and it does not appear to be rising at a fixed hourly speed, the speed appears to vary.
Again a bit of a pain. For, how can you plan ahead if levels dont reset as expected?

Any help with both the above appreciated.

Thanks in advance, accidental person.


So can anyone, out there, tell me the correct speed for village morale/ mood to rise?

The wiki says, 'Mood increases by 1% per hour depending on the World Speed'.
So, one would assume that 1%/ hour refers to a Speed 1 World and is pro rata for other speeds.
The speed, stated, in the wiki is certainly not the speed that I get in game.

Grepolis, when 'broken down', is a game all about number and time management. Therefore, surely, the players should know what the various time parameters are, so they can plan ahead.

If the information in the wiki is correct, then for days, I and possibly others have been playing at a disadvantage. If it is wrong can it, please, be corrected.

Thanks, accidental person.


I don't know about the second one.

But about your first. You can see it at the top of your window

At the place I circled. Move over it with your mouse, and you'll see the quantity of resources heading your way, and the time of arrival. :)
I hope this answers your question?

EDIT: Or is this what you mean with the information bar?


As for your second problem. I believe it takes 1% per hour if on a speed 3 world.
I should verify though.


"If another player accepts my offers in the market place they do not show up in the trade overview tab on the information bar. If I check in the market place I can see that somebody has accepted one or more of my offers, but I do not know who and what the delivery time will be.
If I log out and then immediately sign back in, then, the trade overview tab is updated with all relevant information about trades in progress.
There is no problem at the end of the trade when the resources are delivered, they automatically drop off the trade tab."

i have encountered this problem too
and many of my alliance mates too


The game needs a small update time. It can take few seconds or minutes. Be patient.

But I'll check in game by accepting an offer. Give me a few minutes.


No; I'm not experiencing this problem.


You see? I do get the times etc...And I didn't need to refresh my page.


it is working for me now
but i had this problem a while ago


Yes. Sometimes the game needs a small update period. Happens after a second, but sometimes it takes a bit longer. Patience is the key to success in Grepolis. ;)


Yes. Sometimes the game needs a small update period. Happens after a second, but sometimes it takes a bit longer. Patience is the key to success in Grepolis. ;)

Thing is if I accept another players offer, it shows up straight away, same if I trade with a farming village.
Yet, if someone else accepts one of my offers it does not show up. The only way I know that one of my offers has been accepted is to check in the actual market place itself. After checking in the market place I have waited and waited for the trade tab to update but it does not. On one occassion I waited for almost two hours, yet still no update! The only way the trade tab updates is to sign out and then sign back in, then everything is fine.

Having patience is is one thing, but this would try the patience of a saint!


Hahahah...well, I wouldn't know about that. I barely place offers on the marketplace. :(