Not a Bug Unable to buy gold by phone


Hello forum.
I live in Greece, and I am enjoying the game, so I wanted to buy some gold and support the developers and my town.
However my only means of buying gold is by phone. I have done so in the past, and everything was fine.
But the past 3 days, whenever I am dialing the DaoPay number and entering the order code, the service always tells me it's invalid.
Yes, I chose "Greece" on the upper right of the Buy Gold window and yes, I press # after entering the order code.
How do I go around this problem?

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Sent in a ticket and we'll be more easily able to look into the problem. However just based on this post it seems like an issue on Daopay's end. Might be worthwhile to contact them to see if they have any possible solutions.