Update App Changelog 2.61

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team
Dear players,

Earlier today the mobile app was updated to version 2.61. This updates brings a few feature changes to the app and contains multiple bug fixes. A thread for discussing this update can be found here. Below is the full list of changes.

  • Added the possibility to attack Island Quests with the Divine Envoy;
  • Adjusted images for Odysseus;
  • Shortened several quest texts;
  • Improved the Alliance Finder:
    • Players now have an option to display their alliance in the alliance finder or not;
    • Alliance leadership can set a point threshold new players have to meet to apply for that alliance.
  • The amount of coins players own as well as a button to access the coin exchange screen are now shown on all screens where coins can be spent;
  • Unlocking a hero slot in the Hero Overview Screen now brings up a premium confirmation box;
  • Unit counts in the barracks now show the current unit count instead of total.

  • Fixed a bug where error popups would be incorrectly initialized;
  • Icons for ongoing revolts were wrong in the command overview;
  • Unit numbers were not correctly updated after attacking island quests;
  • The footer of the attack screen had some inconsistencies when using the "Select all units" checkbox;
  • Marketplace didn't update correctly after town-change in the create offer screen;
  • The resource selection bar in the market was not updated correctly after switching towns.

As always thanks for playing and we hope you enjoy the update,

Grepolis Team