Update to Version 2.60

Baudin Toolan

Grepolis Team

Hello players and forum goers,

On Wednesday, April 30th, Grepolis will be updated to version 2.60. A discussion thread can be found here.

As is always the case there may be a short downtime while the update is applied. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Below is a list of the changes to be implemented in the update.


  • Added the fullscreen city overview: the fullscreen city overview will replace the small window to provide a better overview and improved functions to manage your city. This way you can observe your city upgrades more easily.
  • The "Go to" function has been replaced by the "Select town" function in corresponding radial menus.

  • Returning transport ships of a besieged city simply vanished without generating a battle report stating the loss of these units.
  • Report filters disappeared when moving reports to custom folders.
  • The effect Lost Loyalty was not named properly in all places.
  • The alliance overview remained highlighted when another tab had been selected.
  • Players were not properly displayed as offline in the chat when they were not online.
  • Heroes had not been unassigned properly when their assigned city was under siege.
  • Pressing the Enter key while in an alliance forum survey had caused internal errors.
  • The conquer image on conquest attacks was missing.

Thank You,

Your Grepolis Team