War: Synergy/Last of the Spartans vs Orthia


Hell lads lets just go ahead and make it official why don't we? There are a couple players in both alliances who are good and prefer to not enter hostilities. I am willing to extend trust to those (i.e., gary). The rest? Well its a war-game . . . lets have fun.


Two sides are required for a war, we are still to see Orthia entering the field of battle.


Two sides are required for a war, we are still to see Orthia entering the field of battle.

We have been owning Synergy on a global scale for months. I'm lumping you two together officially since you are in collusion now. My front with LOTS is not well formed yet, but give me time. I'll lose cities to you for now though.


War is welcomed.

It feels a little bit like the film 300 but with worse odds.

Here stand, united, 22 spartans against the horde of 161 Orthians! A mere 735 cities standing against 3191.

May the battle field turn bloody, the harbours turn woody and the gods of the underworld take mercy!!


Oh get over yourself richie....math is just not a strong suit of yours. Nor is geography. Compare the cities we have in 54, 55, 64 and 65 to yours....starting to get the picture?


Sadly I agree with Scholar on this one, with Synergy in total we have more cities.

When you take the close participants in the war we probably, nay certainly, have more active players on the field of battle rather than littered across half the world.


Oh get over yourself richie....math is just not a strong suit of yours. Nor is geography. Compare the cities we have in 54, 55, 64 and 65 to yours....starting to get the picture?

Ahhh I see. Thats why you have been begging for peace


War is welcomed.

It feels a little bit like the film 300 but with worse odds.

Here stand, united, 22 spartans against the horde of 161 Orthians! A mere 735 cities standing against 3191.

May the battle field turn bloody, the harbours turn woody and the gods of the underworld take mercy!!

LOL worst odds than that battle eh?

Worst odds than 1 million to 300?

Brilliant.... sch01ar was right stick to the simpler math problems, maybe pick up a calculator when u want to make statements regarding odds.

And i'm not going to bother mentioning the geography.
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Ahhh I see. Thats why you have been begging for peace

Do you know what polliticaly astute means? Probably not, let me lay it our for you....

If you face war on one front with two alliances do you:

A) Fight both with lower numbers on the city front
B) Seek peace with one of the two alliances while kicking the others ***

People like you my friend would no doubt see no problem with A, people with vision, in this case sch01ar, pick B.


depends on the situation. if possible b but if you can do a and concentrate on one alliace and rape them and come back to fight the other


Im new, frequent reader just never bothered registering before now, hi there.


A fair fairie reminded me how we operate. We may lose a ton of cities in one area, but its a long game, and we will be successful.


eminem you were the leade of HoD, when calatan left the game werent you?


When the time comes, may all those who joined LOTS under the "join us or die threat" turn on their malevolent masters....


When the time comes, may all those who joined LOTS under the "join us or die threat" turn on their malevolent masters....

Indeed. Our recruitment tactics were unorthodox and prehaps a small minority hold a grudge.

However when dealing with a MRA such as Orthia it is sometimes easier to demostrate how little support members will recieve once attacked and how co-ordinated and aggressive a small alliance can be.


Ah ok, yeah i took the reigns for.... two weeks or so, i was just trying to stabilise the players and get them into viable options for continuing in the game, nobody could put the time Cal did into the Hogs so i didnt even try, just kept them ticking over.