Pnp WARNING! Virus detected in O55


I'd like to see their faces when they try this "cure".
Naive as they were they really though they could get rid of the Virus.


The cure is and always will be the most active players in the best team.


I wonder how you blame the current Virus alliance for what happened in Rho mate
However if you do, I'd rather go down with my teammates and pride than clinging to the first lifeline sent to me and joining the number one enemy, that may sound familiar.

If the current alliance is not the same as old then why not pick your own name. The VIRUS of old had many players who have my respect. I do not hate them. This is a game and we all play to win. Part of this game is politics. That was the part that led to some alliances winning (Eviction Notice) and some losing (MR MEN and VIRUS). I am sure politics will be a big part of the strategy here as well.


If the current alliance is not the same as old then why not pick your own name. The VIRUS of old had many players who have my respect. I do not hate them. This is a game and we all play to win. Part of this game is politics. That was the part that led to some alliances winning (Eviction Notice) and some losing (MR MEN and VIRUS). I am sure politics will be a big part of the strategy here as well.

I'm sure that my teammates from the old Virus still remember what happened in Rho. With so many alliances from Rho represented, why shouldn't Virus be the same. Even if all of the players aren't with us, some of us are even if we're only a little piece of the alliance itself.

As you say politics is a big part strategical and I'm sure it will be vital in Ialysos aswell.


Half of this game PRT is alliances with the same names as others. The name means poop all it's the players that count and I'm sure they have all improved massively.


great pnp + rep

keep in mind that you don't really need a cure. just a method of eradication. i think i have just the thing....


Lots of lip flapping here. If EN wants 55, they will have it. Simple as that. Every alliance that said otherwise in the past, found out the hard way. No worries though Doc, I'm sure we will save your city for last ;).


Lots of lip flapping here. If EN wants 55, they will have it. Simple as that. Every alliance that said otherwise in the past, found out the hard way. No worries though Doc, I'm sure we will save your city for last ;).

No they will not. I'm on 55.
What is this EN lover boy thing that is going on.


Lots of lip flapping here. If EN wants 55, they will have it. Simple as that. Every alliance that said otherwise in the past, found out the hard way. No worries though Doc, I'm sure we will save your city for last ;).
If EN wants 55, they're welcome to try. Simple as that.


Now I just wish EN goes to O55 and sorts things with the good Herr Doktor.... and leaves 54 alone....:eek:
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There was a cure. Again its known to the select few
It was helped by the fact that sadly Virus fell apart through R/L and a lot of players went MIA.
Virus weren't robbed by EN, they were robbed by themselves. There were many Virus players who have my respect and playing alongside them in other worlds showed them to be better than good players and I learnt from them


What happened in Rho was a roobery and it was an unworthy ending to a fantastic world.

Speaking of the cure, there is none, nor will there ever be, however you're welcome to try.
The consequences of challenging the Virus and failing are still unknown as stated in the first post. :p