Weakest alliance in Tau(O33-34)


"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the weakest alliance of them all?"
Read more to find out! :)

Once upon a time there was a Grepolian named Adrammelech. He was going about his regular daily schedule farming and razing his enemies. But alas, he was bored and all alone having rejected about…15…alliance requests. So he finally gave in after many requests from noob alliance(Wolf Pack) lead by noob leaderz such as(Silent-Assasin and Gordona51).

After joining it did not take Adrammelech much time to realize how pathetic this alliance is. For now I will spare you the rant of how un-organized and hopeless they seemed. Needless to say..I left. :rolleyes:

OH LOOK! A player from Wolf Pack, is near by…. :)

Needless to say I put him under conquest. I recalled my troops with a couple hours to spare in the conquest since I am not a fan of conquering on the same island…

Needless to say..they were not happy. They decided to bring the full power of their alliance on my city! SCARY!

In just a couple of days I had 3-4 Ligthning bolts, 5 Earthquakes and a plague scattered across my only two cities. =(

All that was a buildup to the conquer attempt they were planning on me.
Before they launched attacks….my leader forwards me this:

I did end up getting some help from my alliance..a city protection and 2 biremes…*sigh* oh well.

NOW, I have kept you all long enough…here is why I think they are complete noob cakes…below are attacks from various players in the alliance leading up to the landing of the CS.













As you can see…these guys are a total joke. There where many more attacks like that and failed spy attempts from other members but I spared all of you from having to see them all…I just wanted to prove a point. I only have two cities. They attack me with multiple players with triple the amount of cities I have and don’t get any results. Shame on them.

Guys…do me a favor and chance your name to “Puppies Pack”, because you are NO wolfs…


Wow these guys are close to me they seemed ok since they did grow a little but if this is how they attack I'll see what kind of real estate they have for easy pickings..


I contacted their leader yesterday...he was upset and threatened to destroy me....you know what...you can read it yourself :)
Read bottom up.

He still hasnt attacked me. :) Not sure what he is afraid of? Prob needs time to build as many swords and archers in his 5 cities before attacking my two cities. Im starting to feel bad for them...prob just some 11-12yr olds playing and I shouldn't keep making fun of them.

Enjoy the easy pickings wshpg13 :)


god that leader's a fail! :D

by the way adram the mail you had in the first post was impossible to read.


I will most likely get some hate mail from them... but I enjoy those :D

Adrammelech whats your ingame name..


Lol must of typed it wrong, but alot of players have a different name in the forums than thier in game name....


Dragonkiller, I am sorry for that the first mail was hard to read! I should try and fix that when I am not lazy! :)

It was just basically their alliance leader telling my alliance leader not to help me out. lol

And yes, my ingame name is Adrammelech. Currently I am on VM mode for this week of school but il be back(in case you tried to get in touch with me in-game)


Why are you trying to defend such a pathetic alliance? One of your leaders could not take one of my cities with help from other players. Everyone had at least 4-5+ more cities than I. You even had to warn my alliance leaders ahead of time not to help defend against your attacks lol

Your alliance brought it on itself to get made fun of. Especially Gordona51.



Why are you trying to defend such a pathetic alliance? One of your leaders could not take one of my cities with help from other players. Everyone had at least 4-5+ more cities than I. You even had to warn my alliance leaders ahead of time not to help defend against your attacks lol

Your alliance brought it on itself to get made fun of. Especially Gordona51.


Lol I have had dealings with this guy he has even made fun of the puppy pack,, What did he say Adra?


Lol these guys are funny, A mate of mine had a failed spy attemp and thier Diplomat messeged me demanding an apology? lol

So I sent him one, now if some one can show this forum noob how to post a snap shot I will show you guys what kind of apology thier leader the mighty Silent-Assasin recieved today :p
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Lol these guys are funny, A mate of mine had a failed spy attemp and thier Diplomat messeged me demanding an apology? lol

So I sent him one, now if some one can show this forum noob how to post a snap shot I will show you guys what kind of apology thier leader the mighty Silent-Assasin recieved today :p

click "Print-Screen" on your keyboard. Then go into "Paint" on your computer and click "Ctrl-V". Adjust the file, save it and then upload it to photubucket or whater and paste the code here.

The picture will show :)