Well... erm, this is unexpected...

  • Thread starter Thomas The Magnificent
  • Start date


you remind me some noobs from greek servers which had only attack ships lightships and then lost all of their cities.:)
nice i will have this in my mind and i will inform every member of the alliances which i will be in at the future.
if you are rich and play this game with teamwork we can defeat you.
The best is to have at your citIES biremes to help your teamates and somefireships to protect your cities.

I really feel sorry for you... :D You know it's like a game in a game and so on... Yea' it nerves to see some experienced ppl toying around with a handful of noobs, but you are worse like the 70% of the ppl here, you are actually falling for their little theater plays and the plays make you confident, secure, full of yourself. Sure they do, cos you are arrogant my friend...
But you are a beginner, cos they have taken their arrogance onto a much more higher lvl, I really don't get it, after the downfall, comeback and downfall on Zeta, NmE is just NmE I respect their attacking abilities...
Now, Mr. Mosid, you and your alliance can disband the rest of your armies and conquer them with 80 swords each sword for one of them, cos the're noobs. Give it a try, it might actually work... Cheers...


The 3rd is just 300 of each resource or 10 favor...


hahaha mosid dont scare me! i didnt even know things like that could be done, i didnt even think about it.


This morning I logged into Tau, enjoying myself, chewing gum, and then WHAM! This screen popped up. "Today you have logged in, please collect your reward". I don't have a screenshot btw. So I thought okay doke, let's continue, clicked on my message and WHAM! there is again! I ignored it, assuming I had received the award and went to check the alliance forum, and WHAM! There it is again, the little award is following me!

At this point I was really annoyed at it, why wouldn't it leave me alone?!

Does anyone know how to get rid of it?

You never cease to amaze me, Thomas.