Who is the Biggest Gold-er playing


The Lucky Man: Is the biggest gold-er on the server, as he is only ranked 10th in ABP, and 6th in DBP. So obviously he didn't get them 18 city slots from BP. Also highly doubt he got them from doing City Festivals, as the resource cost would probably limit his troop building.


he might have spent some gold on slots but he could have reached that point with minimal gold running festivals constantly as well.

Nothing can compare to the gold abuse of AJ, luckyman doesn't seem to be overdoing it too badly, and purdy soon those slots start to get really expensive and the gold for slots ratio turns ugly. Unless you're pulling in 100k a year, are single, and have absolutely no hobbies what soever paying for slots gets completely unrealistic purdy quickly.


Nothing can compare to the gold abuse of AJ, luckyman doesn't seem to be overdoing it too badly, and purdy soon those slots start to get really expensive and the gold for slots ratio turns ugly.

Amen. Thread Over.

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gold gold gold... om nom nom... still got 15k just sitting there waiting :p


You should send the devs a message and ask them if they can add a feature where you can buy back your dignity.


Ammon you dont do youself any favors at all

There are plenty of people who could out do your tragic gold use time and time over. The immature bragging, even though you may mean it as a joke is ridiculous.

Mojo, he doesn't need to restore his diginity, he needs to restart his account and pretend Ammonjerro never existed.

Ammon, I see you wrote something about people still willing to take you on board... as what? A promise you will spend 22hours a day online and go mad on gold spending?? Yea I will openly admit I use gold, for whatever reason through impatience, having a job that pulls me away from the computer but seriously? 20k gold is a normal person wages for a day. All these people will do is look at you in disgust and be even more inclined to reject you, gang up on you and being honest pity you.

The mods say yea no problem it brings activity to the forum, which clearly it does, but rather than bragging about how many times you can access your paypal account per week, try to gain the interest of a game, be attacked and accept you may lose a city, accept you will lose your troops. I mean the whole spending gold to downgrade your cities... thats downright sore loser.

Isn't the whole point to lose a city and then fight back for it?
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the whole spending gold to downgrade your cities... thats downright

who in there right mind would actually do that lol Ammon who else.

Also when i take a city from you Ammon i will sell it back to you no problem at all :p


god these forums are dead without me... no posts since yesterday, im dissapointed guys!


god these forums are dead without me... no posts since yesterday, im dissapointed guys!

i think that if people really decided to completely ignore you... you would just melt...

just one big mauve colored puddle on the floor...


You mean like this? :p



Bringing the topic back:
I'm looking at the #11 spot in the world, but he's only #365 in bp. I feel like 10k bp is not the only thing paying for his city slots. That's right ladies and gentlemen, its jason pflug. But I'm sure theres even a gold user worse than him. Who else do we see?


i can play with them best of them and spend gold its doesn't bother me , plus i play with SWALI, big bad kinda hard to get bp with the those BP whores ;)


How about seehonrun1? Ranked #2 in points and #327 in BP.