Why can't I let go?


It was a rainy day
When we parted ways
I told you this is it
I told you I'd called quits

And yet I still love you
Why can't I let go of you
She who broke my heart
The girl that just tore it apart?

And even as it's torn
I still get that feeling
Every time I see you
I feel that need of you

You stabbed me in the back
I know the pain will last
I know I should let go of you
But that's something I can't do

I know you're no good
That you never were
So why can't I just
Let go of you?


You used my second favorite rhyme scheme (ABCC)! I love it so much as it almost instantly adds flow to any decently phrased poem, and it did so in this case. This poem's flow, imo, is much improved from previous poems (the others weren't bad in flow (were still good in flow), but this one is better I think).

Content wise, I obviously like it as it is about abandonment and heartbreak :p

Well done!


Heart break tends to cause you to write a poem about heart break haha