I now have a working interface, next project will be zooming in on islands
It might be easier to make the map bigger at first, run the program, then scale the size down.
Would it be possible for you to make predefined maps, such as these ones, that will periodically regenerate and upload to the same URL automatically? If possible, it would be quite helpful
Yeah I see what you mean. I think it should be possible, I could make the program generate all maps for all worlds and have them send to some URL. It is definitely worth looking at.
I had an e-mail correspondence with a python-powered web hosting company, but I havent heard from them for a few days now. Big websites (google, youtube) are python-powered, but it is not easy to find a web host that allows python programs to run on their server because you have the power with python to mess up the server
Anyway what I think is also important is to find a way to make your own interactive maps so you decide what alliances, players, islands etc you want to see on the map, and also to have some way of calculating distances for planning attacks.
townPositions = {
1: {0:(34,10), 1:(28,12), 2:(22,15), 3:(17,19), 4:(17,23), 5:(16,29), 6:(21,28), 7:(26,30), 8:(33,33), 9:(38,36), 10:(42,33), 11:(49,33), 12:(53,31), 13:(57,29), 14:(63,25), 15:(61,20), 16:(60,15), 17:(55,16), 18:(56,20), 19:(55,24)},
2: {0:(23,13), 1:(22,7), 2:(29,7), 3:(38,5), 4:(45,6), 5:(50,7), 6:(54,9), 7:(58,11), 8:(58,16), 9:(56,21), 10:(54,26), 11:(50,28), 12:(40,29), 13:(35,29), 14:(26,28), 15:(17,28), 16:(15,23), 17:(9,22), 18:(9,17), 19:(14, 14)},
3: {0:(36,6), 1:(30,5), 2:(26,6), 3:(22,9), 4:(17,12), 5:(12,18), 6:(12,23), 7:(17,26), 8:(22,28), 9:(26,30), 10:(30,32), 11:(35,33), 12:(40,31), 13:(43,26), 14:(55,29), 15:(52,25), 16:(62,19), 17:(61,14), 18:(57,11), 19:(51,8)},
4: {0:(38,9), 1:(43,10), 2:(50,11), 3:(54,14), 4:(58,17), 5:(50,20), 6:(45,21), 7:(40,21), 8:(36, 18), 9:(32,15), 10:(25,15), 11:(19,17), 12:(20,21), 13:(21,25), 14:(16,26), 15:(10,25), 16:(8, 20), 17:(13,15), 18:(19,12), 19:(27, 10)},
5: {0:(17,16), 1:(18,11), 2:(23,7), 3:(30,5), 4:(39,5), 5:(39,9), 6:(46,9), 7:(52,9), 8:(54,13), 9:(60,14), 10:(62,19), 11:(58,24), 12:(53,26), 13:(47,28), 14:(42,31), 15:(33,34), 16:(28,31), 17:(23,28), 18:(46,23), 19:(45,18)},
6: {0:(34,27), 1:(42,31), 2:(49,33), 3:(55,34), 4:(61,32), 5:(61,27), 6:(56,25), 7:(51, 23), 8:(47,15), 9:(43,13), 10:(36,10), 11:(31,11), 12:(26,13), 13:(20,15), 14:(15,17), 15:(9, 21), 16:(12, 24), 17:(17, 27), 18:(14,32), 19:(20, 34)},
7: {0:(12,19), 1:(10,16), 2:(9,13), 3:(9,10), 4:(13,8), 5:(17,9), 6:(24,12), 7:(29,13), 8:(36,14), 9:(32,16), 10:(34,19), 11:(37,22), 12:(37,26), 13:(32,29), 14:(32,35), 15:(28,33), 16:(23,32), 17:(18,34), 18:(14,31), 19:(10,30)},
8: {0:(42,18), 1:(46,20), 2:(50,22), 3:(55,25), 4:(51,27), 5:(47,29), 6:(43,30), 7:(36,33), 8:(32,33), 9:(24,32), 10:(19,29), 11:(14,25), 12:(10,23), 13:(10,19), 14:(8,15), 15:(11,13), 16:(14,11), 17:(17,9), 18:(23,9), 19:(26,13)},
9: {0:(15,23), 1:(9,22), 2:(10,17), 3:(14,13), 4:(25,7), 5:(30,4), 6:(37,5), 7:(43,10), 8:(59,14), 9:(63,17), 10:(62,22), 11:(53,29), 12:(48,31), 13:(44,27), 14:(39,28), 15:(40,32), 16:(32,32), 17:(28,33), 18:(26,29), 19:(24,26)},
10:{0:(41,12), 1:(46,8), 2:(52,8), 3:(57,12), 4:(61,17), 5:(59,23), 6:(54,26), 7:(49,29), 8:(39,30), 9:(31,32), 10:(26,31), 11:(21,29), 12:(16,27), 13:(10,22), 14:(11,13), 15:(16,9), 16:(24,8), 17:(29,11), 18:(28,15), 19:(20,15)}