World Map of Rho


we dont take scraps, we make them. look at how much ABP TD has as an look at RB (with twice as many players) and tell me again how we take the scraps?

Scraps of DoW war.
I remember how the cities you took off DoW were scarcely defended because all their defense was lying in cities on our border. (even TD players said they would have appreciated full cities of defense to earn BP, but couldn't)

Did you guys see a 1000 brireme wall with several thousand land troops within a few hrs of Revolt? Not that you couldn't take them out.. but the fact that you didn't have to showed how their defenses were all focused on our front.

When I was playing I had 12 Defense cities, 8 Offense and 2 WW cities (less than 3k pts). I had 90k+ ABP.
When an alliance fights someone bigger than them they have to focus on Defense and which is shown by our 1M+ DBP [Even though we only lost 3-4 active cities]

in DoW war... TD did come in after it was all over, like i said all they did was hasten DoW's demise by a week than it would otherwise have. Maybe using the word scraps was wrong.. I apologize.

I am glad though they hastened DoW demise because I get to quit right on time (I needed to quit before 7/25). But trying to take credit for DoW's death by RB is not cool.
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Scraps of DoW war.
I remember how the cities you took off DoW were scarcely defended because all their defense was lying in cities on our border. (even TD players said they would have appreciated full cities of defense to earn BP, but couldn't)

Did you guys see a 1000 brireme wall with several thousand land troops within a few hrs of Revolt? Not that you couldn't take them out.. but the fact that you didn't have to showed how their defenses were all focused on our front.

When I was playing I had 12 Defense cities, 8 Offense and 2 WW cities (less than 3k pts). I had 90k+ ABP.
When an alliance fights someone bigger than them they have to focus on Defense and which is shown by our 1M+ DBP [Even though we only lost 3-4 active cities]

in DoW war... TD did come in after it was all over, like i said all they did was hasten DoW's demise by a week than it would otherwise have. Maybe using the word scraps was wrong.. I apologize.

I am glad though they hastened DoW demise because I get to quit right on time (I needed to quit before 7/25). But trying to take credit for DoW's death by RB is not cool.

I don't see any of TD saying they take the credit for DOW's death.....we did what we saw fit to do at the time regardless.
As many military minds will tell you the best form of defence is attack and thats what we do best...we have more players in the top 50 attackers then RB. Anyone who has got in our way has crumbled....
As for your stats you might have got more ABP if you had took more better cities then your stats show.....


like King Harry said, we didnt take credit for anything. you are the one who tried to diminish TD as an alliance by describing our actions as "taking scraps." all I pointed out were overall facts and statistics about our respective alliances.


i think we'll all forgetting something very important, MrLeN really has the best ABP, DBP, and BP total. His numbers are just so high they haven't registered on the server yet


I figured that just went without saying. Naturally we would never dare compare ourselves to MrLeN, let alone utter his name in triplicate in front of a bathroom mirror in the dark.
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I figured that just went without saying. Naturally we would never dare compare ourselves to MrLeN, let alone say his name in triplicate in a dark bathroom.

i think it's best to remind people, it's easy to forget who your evil overlord is, especially when he goes mia for a few days and stops posting


Mr Len, he is that one dude, from you know where, over by the whatchamacallit, where the thingamabob used to be.


Just wondering who neg repped and called me a noob for asking that different colors be used for each alliance? really are you that ignorant? I feel another neg rep coming... Look out duck!!! (QUACK)
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Look out duck!!! (QUACK)
Quack! Quack! Quack!
Fear the flying V!

Different colors for different alliances? What a ridiculous idea! :p


Be a little more vague :rolleyes:

The way Grepolis Maps works is very dependent on the order stuff is listed.

GrepoMaps draws the world map.
Then it paints the first alliance listed.
Then it paints the second alliance listed, it overwrites the first alliance listed.
Then it paints the third alliance listed, overwriting the second and first alliances listed.
Etc, etc, etc until it shows all the alliances.

Then it goes through the same process with individual players listed.

Basically, this means that the last alliance listed will look larger than if it's listed first.