Wish List World Wonders

Myrddin Emyrs

Whatever the world wonders idea they come up with i ask that they dont end the world right after, if theres less than a few hundred players left then they should ask them, whatever happened to hero worlds, that was the idea when wonders were complete u would join a hero world they should do that, have one open when a bunch of worlds are all close to closing.


Good idea but Innogames created the World Wonder to include an endgame to the worlds. As you all know in the endgame a maximum of 1000 players remain active in a server which is bad for business. This proposed idea will make the endgame a very long process. It is a good idea for the players but the company won't like it since it will add on their loss on a server. + rep for the idea though its a very good alternative to a militaristic ending to the world.