Top 12 Pharae ~ Top 12 Sink or Swim ~

No you cry and then leave your alliance.
Than get ghosted on
Ignorance is bliss

When I 'cry' it is not for defenses nor that I lose cities, It's when I see others make mistake try to help them and get blasted by 4 fools that I'm a 'lone-wolf' and whatever else negative thing about me they can find at the time.
I leave only when I get constantly accused of spying by my own leader or when there is multiple pacts/naps/merges or whatnot.
And you really are getting repetitive my guy.. Find a new crappy one-liner please.


"Shared everything isn't that so unhygienic don't you think ?"

I agree.
That's increase my ideas about this forum.
If share an Operation tab one time every 10-15 days is share everything, ok...
We don't have shared forums with NONAME.
Over 100 players know that, so i continue to say that this tab is full of fake news. :)
Many here, play Fantasy Grepo, they like to tell tales.

I will read this tab like a bedtime stories book before go to sleep :p
I’m not trying to start anything, but I’m not sure how you can say that when support from NN and IA is going to a city I took from IA. (Some of it 6 hours after CS landed). Unless I was lucky enough to do it during your shared OP tab time and you all decided to do a defensive OP



6. oblivion.

i have been told that they are the 'best' parts of the elite demons . they could be a threat but it is hard to tell now. for example: all they have done so far is hammer teams smaller than them. apparently the attack on grand duchy of Lithuania went 'better than expected.' i think a war for dominance over 44 could be a very real thing in the coming weeks/ months. but due to the lack of fighting this team has done i will reserve my judgement for later.

The next day 4 cities taken by Oblivion from Mad Dogs? Talk - get hit!
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Last I checked the score was 29(?)-0 favoring Hugs.

Maybe instead of fleeing west you should come fight us, James?

Go ask your (YOUR!!!) leaders if that matters in the least. Likely they will tell you to quit posting on the externals cuz you sound like a noobie and you make them look foolish.


Go ask your (YOUR!!!) leaders if that matters in the least. Likely they will tell you to quit posting on the externals cuz you sound like a noobie and you make them look foolish.

Wow pot calling kettle comes to mind.

This coming from a basement dweller who has spent his whole time on Grepo making himself and alliance look foolish by posting on the externals.


I do. Next time atleast give me a day of prep time and not 30 minutes. Not cool.

You keep coming back to our frontline and leaking cities off the people who actually put up a fight (former SDASU)... You're just getting burnt...
This is a war game so, please please... keep coming back. We love it lol

Go ask your (YOUR!!!) leaders if that matters in the least. Likely they will tell you to quit posting on the externals cuz you sound like a noobie and you make them look foolish.

As for you James, my players are more than free to post and enjoy the external side of the game. Freedom of speech anybody? I am just not as smart as you I guess lol ;) But heyo, somebody gotta keep these speed 1 world externals entertaining, to which you're doing a very fine job yourself.
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Bucks, you have a point. There should be... like a 12 hour preparation period before a CS can be sent. Maybe inform the mods... and maybe have the revolt symbol on the screen change colors at the end of that 12 hours.

I mean 12 hours is a long time, and anyone should be able to scrounge up some support in 12 hours time to protect onesself.
Haha you guys are hilarious, but pathetic really.
You constantly complain about the lack of competition, yet you don't want me on the frontline at any costs because you know I would give you that competition that you so heavily desire, or atleast say you do.
Worry not though! I shall return soon and this time, you won't get me off of it.


By taking frontline cities and expecting to be safe, you're probably playing the wrong gamemode... you should try CQ sometime.

You're losing cities handed to YOU, by teammates (faithfully trusting YOU to defend ) because you have no sense of strategy. But alas, we're unjust because we attack you as soon as you swap cities away?... You're the one sounding ridiculous, own up to your mistakes and stop sounding like a sore loser.