The New Spartan MRA is here!

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Raptok, did you read the IMO at the start of his comment?

Going back to the topic, I am very Tempted to put Spartan Kings aside and just declare on Dustinwlyle. His mails are like the promotional text from burger king. They come at the most annoying times and are pretty useless in both wording and content.
After talking with DonDeal (their seconder) they don't have many players who attack...DonDeal himself has never attacked anybody. May as well attack those you know will fight back right?

yeah, dustinwlyle is quite noobish he talks a load of random stuff and the other day he said this:

dustinwlyle on 11/9/10 at 12:07 PM
You are in my alliance pact. Can I ask a favor? Can you help us destroy Undead Knights? They keep attacking our smaller members.

JTin46 on 11/14/10 at 8:00 PM
what ocean?

dustinwlyle on 11/14/10 at 11:27 PM
I don't know the oceans.

D'oh! I looked up the stats for Undead knights and they have a third of the points that Spartan Kings do and 278 less members aswell. How can Spartan Kings need help taking them down? :Angry:


dustinwlyle is getting conquered lol send support if your in ocean 26, we obviously can't let him go, stopid TheGeek of StoneCutters conquering 3k cities
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Or maybe his HUGE alliance "that isnt a MRA" can support him?


Good luck to TheGeek! Maybe Dustinwlyle will stop being so annoying if he gets Rimmed.


he got conquered, now he's down to two cities and none are over 1800 points :( obviously he does not know about the inactive and ghost search on, I think Trojan Horseman and spartan kings should merge too make MRA Spartan Trojans on Horseman


there is an inactive/ghost town search for this game? and players actually use it ? i can understand grabbing a ghost or inactive town if it is strategically located, but to find them through a search engine !!!!! does that not kill the idea behind a multi player war game?


I never even knew there was such thing! *check online for website*


Dustinwlyle has incurred the wrath of Belleropheron Angels, who are top in O68.


Dustinwlyle has incurred the wrath of Belleropheron Angels, who are top in O68.

it's a sad, sad day for MRA enthusiasts (hey, thats me :p) sadly, I feel no sympathy towards dustinwlyle, he has no common sense.
Going back on topic here, what do people generally think of spartan kings so far? if you don't know them send one of there members a message (preferably not dustinwlyle)


Spartan kings? BLEH!
Everytime I hear their name I feel like mini-vomiting in my mouth

If I were in Dustin's ocean I would surely have tried getting a piece of that pie, but as it is (and rightly pointed out by Sapphire) we are done tip-toeing around them and have decided to actually test their hollow treats.


I told a guy a couple islands away from me in the "kings" that he was in an MRA and that he should join me alliance instead but he just ignored me and never replied.


Get some BP then. Spartan kings may aswell be usefull and supply people with targets.


the most annoying thing I find about them is that they use a lower case k for kings, Why would they do that? :Angry: No other decent alliances do that like Dark Judgement, Molon Labe and such, it's just bad english and really enfuriating :supermad:


Thanks JTin46 for that!
Now everytime not only will I get sick when I see their names but also angry at the bad grammar.

What I'd like to know is if the members of this alliance realize that they might as well be playing solo...
I mean we've been conquering these guys and only once have we had problems taking a city and it was because he got support from a top 5 alliance, not his own alliance!?!


Thanks JTin46 for that!
Now everytime not only will I get sick when I see their names but also angry at the bad grammar.

What I'd like to know is if the members of this alliance realize that they might as well be playing solo...
I mean we've been conquering these guys and only once have we had problems taking a city and it was because he got support from a top 5 alliance, not his own alliance!?!

no problem, it's my job to point out stuff that no one else would usually. They have a common MRA problem, no members are willing to help others because communication is non existent and most of them don't know better as they are nubwhals and don't really know the meaning of an alliance which could be all cured if someone gave them guidance.


Thanks JTin46 for that!
Now everytime not only will I get sick when I see their names but also angry at the bad grammar.

umm lol, i dont use bad gramer... are you going to get mad at me too?? It seems kinda dumb to complain about someone who forgot the put a capital in their alliance name (haha no period)


umm lol, i dont use bad gramer... are you going to get mad at me too?? It seems kinda dumb to complain about someone who forgot the put a capital in their alliance name (haha no period)

yeah but there MRAish, it justs adds to the excuses for attacking them not that you need to kind of like Pheno attacking SYNERGY.


These guys are the perfect farms...

With so many members (most of them Noobs), and absolutely no internal communication, they're going to be an amazingly fun take-down.
Their leader had to be 14 years old, and wanted some internet friends.

If you don't have your eye to conquer a Spartan King city, then you're missing out. It's like playing Grepolis, but without the work...


With so many members (most of them Noobs), and absolutely no internal communication, they're going to be an amazingly fun take-down.
Their leader had to be 14 years old, and wanted some internet friends.

If you don't have your eye to conquer a Spartan King city, then you're missing out. It's like playing Grepolis, but without the work...

oi, I'm 14 years old :D if any of them have a decent city near me I may have to go against my old pact with them mwahahaha
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