The Third Alliance


well im british and i have dislixa so my spelling is not the best! i admit that!!
and as for being paid to fight i work as a security officer / door supervisor!
the pub i work in is the worst pub in my town and there are fights all the time so yer im paid to fight!!

prove it or it never happened LOL :cool:

J.n.c 1993

well im british and i have dislixa so my spelling is not the best! i admit that!!
and as for being paid to fight i work as a security officer / door supervisor!
the pub i work in is the worst pub in my town and there are fights all the time so yer im paid to fight!!

You're well hard... I'm scared of you. You remind me of Dajjan now that you have said that *sigh*


You're well hard... I'm scared of you. You remind me of Dajjan now that you have said that *sigh*

You are scared even by a rabbit... its 100% sure that you must be scared from rockys , he is a great player ;)



Shouldnt this topic be moved to the Eta Alliances?



I wanted all to see it not as only an alliance but as a group of brothers who have been part of a history and will try to make another history on ETA! ;)


simple. there was no other form of leadership in your alliance just one leader (that = Dictatorship) and anyways it was meant to be taken as a joke.

so how did the 3rd alliance dissolve?


[player]pafapa[/player] deleted the alliance!! I trusted him :((((

I maked him a founder when we merged with NR! He has joined EF and delted The Third Republic !!! This is the result when i trusted that guy!


That just proves what kind of people is leading Elite Farce, a bunch of miscreants backstabbing people...


[player]pafapa[/player] deleted the alliance!! I trusted him :((((

I maked him a founder when we merged with NR! He has joined EF and delted The Third Republic !!! This is the result when i trusted that guy!

I thought I will fall off my couch when I checked the rankings and I see no certain alliance number 13 :D


Personally, I can't believe people would stoop to that level in this point of the game. Disbanding an alliance after we are this far along and the world is losing players faster than gaining, is just ridiculous.

Anyhow though, I guess you learn from your mistakes klev. You should have known better if you are a true leader.

I guess EF was too weak to fight you, so they had to resort to this. I think it's equally embarrassing for both sides. Klev it's embarrassing you let this happen, EF it's embarrassing you had to do this.

Oh well though, the Eta world will go on regardless ha.


If people read the messages I get everyday, they would understand.

Elite Force are very, very low , they will stoops to the lowest level this game has ever seen to win, JNC93 calls it smart playing. I call it cowardliness.

There allies the elite academy .... I mean Knights Academy are no different which by default means Knights Empire one of their parent alliances are not any different. Today's message of the Day is one by 3rd alliance disbanded by a rough founder. the second is one by KA treating to use Elite force members to attack a small alliance if they did not merge into them.

I get these daily ...... here is a sample.

Notice that is a Knights Academy guy talking to a Lords Of Chaos member treating him that his parent alliance, Elite Force will attack if they don't merge.

Lloydino on 6/4/11 at 10:21 PM

if your alliance would like to live please merge into the last legions alliance or face being destroyed by elite force
u have 3 days to choose and/or merge into them as they will be liberated and made into our academy



I don't even know who Lords Of Chaos are but, I looked them up on grepostats and they are ranked #24. So, two cowardly top 12 alliances feel they need to pick on a rank #24 alliance that is a new low on anyone standards.
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Very nice EF, what do you James have to say about it?


If people read the messages I get everyday, they would understand.

Elite Force are very, very low , they will stoops to the lowest level this game has ever seen to win, JNC93 calls it smart playing. I call it cowardliness.

There allies the elite academy .... I mean Knights Academy are no different which by default means Knights Empire one of their parent alliances are not any different. Today's message of the Day is one by 3rd alliance disbanded by a rough founder. the second is one by KA treating to use Elite force members to attack a small alliance if they did not merge into them.

I get these daily ...... here is a sample.

Notice that is a Knights Academy guy talking to a Lords Of Chaos member treating him that his parent alliance, Elite Force will attack if they don't merge.

Lloydino on 6/4/11 at 10:21 PM

if your alliance would like to live please merge into the last legions alliance or face being destroyed by elite force
u have 3 days to choose and/or merge into them as they will be liberated and made into our academy



I don't even know who Lords Of Chaos are but, I looked them up on grepostats and they are ranked #24. So, two cowardly top 12 alliances feel they need to pick on a rank #24 alliance that is a new low on anyone standards.

I dont know who this lloydino is, and i do not know any last legions alliance....
I dont know what does it have to do with KA or KE?...

This freaking forum bullcrap is getting ridiculous! You keep saying you are winning with EF, why do you have to keep coming on the forums and try to make them look bad with some games and tricks... (in the meantime involving my alliance and KA)..
just play the damn game, take the damn cities and get on with your statistics...


Adam get a grip this whole bull that was perpatrated by someone who is now hiding in EF is horrible...

If james didnt organise this then he should boot the little so he can be destroyed by everyone disbanding an alliance like that is bull in anyons dreams... the rest of the politics aside i think thats the first time its been done on this server .

and I suggest that anyone who feels bullied by the tactics being employed by KA and others is to join the opposite side in the fight or talk to a diplomat in the larger alliances about a merger but definately NOT the alliance that bullies them.