Top 12 Opinions

  • Thread starter Sparta1234567891011
  • Start date


Alright, let's let a small guy try his hand at the top 12 for once.
Gonna go off of what I can see for each alliance from their profile and ranks since I don't have any real experience with most of them.

1. Elite Returners - Profile has a bit too much self hype going on, which can be frowned upon when we haven't even left BP yet, but confidence is a nice thing. Being so close to the alliance cap is forgivable right now seeing as they have a moderately high alliance average compared to some of the other alliances in the top twelve (I'm looking at you, Red Dawn). With 4 Returners in the top 50 players, I'm guessing it'll be more about overwhelming opponents with a large number of players for this alliance. The Elite Returners might have to fight hard to keep the number one spot, but I don't imagine them leaving the 12 soon.

2. Angels of Hades - About the same as E. Returners in terms of player count, total points, and alliance average, but holding a smaller piece of the top 50 players. Word around 54 is that these guys are forcing smaller alliances to join their ranks, which will probably be disastrous in the long run. Not much more to say than that.

3. Zombies of Hades - Just AoH with less points and a lower AA. Moving on.

4. F.E.A.R - Eugh, profile's in all caps, but I'll try not to judge on that. Anyway, F.E.A.R is yet another alliance stocked almost to the brim, but lacking the AA that the previous three entries have boasted. That might have to do with the fact that more than half of their alliance (including a founder) are below the alliance average. Here's hoping they can make up for it with some strategy. But in the meantime, you guys remind me to decline their merge request.

5. Ghosts of Hades - Really? A third one? Is the 65 player cap not enough for you that you have to make four alliances? The Ghosts might not be as high up on the charts as AoH or ZoH, but that's more the lack of players rather than the alliance average, which is always good. These guys should be around for a few months in my humble opinion. Also, I'd like to point out that GoH doesn't mention the Zombies as a brother alliance. Just a heads up.

6. DOwners - Ah, nothing makes me feel better than seeing a death threat to MRA's the moment I open a profile page. *Heavy Sarcasm* With a lower player count and lacking the AA, here's hoping they're as tight knit as they claim, or staying up here might be problematic for them.

7. Mega - Lo - Mania -I like the profile, but I'd try mentioning the guys who DIDN'T die from megalomania. Anyway, I like that recruitment requires you to be above the alliance average. AA is on the lowside, but keep up a policy like that, and we'll see improvement. My favorites so far, rootin' for you guys, :p

8. Rise of the Dragon - Alliance named after dragons? Me gusta! The AA isn't to die for, but I'm sure you can fix that, Village.

9. Red Dawn - If I had a newspaper right now...the lowest AA of the bunch, I must say I'm saddened by you lot. Here's hoping that you make it up to me over a nice dinner and some ice cream.

10. Exodus - Bad opening pun aside, I hope they might have some beer left. As far I'm concerned, these alliances closer to the bottom of the 12 will be fighting hard to maintain these spots, especially with Ooo The Banksters ooO so close behind. Firm leadership will make the game here.

11. Forgotten Ghosts - These guys have nothing to do with the Ghosts of Hades, thankfully, and look like they might be on the elitist side of things. Expecting a rocky start for these ghosts.

12. Spartan Elite - Looking like an MRA without much success to me. If what I can see in the profile says anything, leadership won't be their strong suit. Good luck you guys, I think you might be needing it.

And that's that. Kinda ran outa steam at the end, but I pulled through.:heh:
This is what I can see right now, but predictions will change when bp comes down tomorrow.


The reason that ZoH aren't mentioned are that they did just join our "pact" & I haven't had contact with the other founders yet.
We've several alliances to be able to hold on more active members. ( I kick inactives everyday ).

And that you're comparing us to the biggest MRA in the world "Elite Returners" is patethic.


No reason to get yer knickers in a bunch, especially since both ZoH and AoH are roughly the same size as the Returners in players, total points, and average alliance points every time I check. If you really are different as you say, then I'm sure you'll prove it when battle points go up. But until then, all three of you top three look alike from an outsider's perspective.


Here's my little 2 cents worth :)

Honestly I think this top 12 thread has been created way ahead of schedual as the world is still in its infancy or better yet hasnt even learnt to walk and in the beginings there will always be MRA alliances to get a grip on there respected oceans aswell as grab the best talents early, as time will soon tell who they are.
So in shear size terms of alliances its best to wait a month or 2 to see who last and who crumbles at the first sight of battle :) then we will get a better image of who in the Top 12 and whos just making up the numbers ;)


You're right, peterm, but we need something to do until things pick up the pace.

And now battle points are coming in, so we get to see where these alliances really stand.


Red Dawn has dropped from the 12. And Enter The Dragon has taken the lead in ABP. But who is Brotherhood of Truth?


Agreed. Elite Runners already gone. My first prediction goes down the drain. T.T


1) Angels of Hades -- When you have 3 alliances with essentially the same name it never inspires confidence in me that they'll do well. They are essentially a single 180 player alliance split up into 3 different parts to get in each other's way. Co-ordinating that kind of an alliance is a logistical nightmare. They do have a decent average though, either they're cherry picking people with higher points or they're actually legit.

2) Zombies of Hades -- See above

3) THRACE -- I'll reserve too much negative judgement, point wise their players are all over the spectrum, maybe because they accept new people and teach them the game, which would make them better than their average says they are.

4) Zombies of Hades -- See #1

5) Rise of the Dragon -- Mostly in the 7-8 hundred point range, either they're building a ton of resources and troops or they're not overly active. If it's the latter then I don't expect them to last very long.

6) F.E.A.R -- Better than their average says in my opinion, they have a few people dragging it down. They have for sure a few good players up top, and possibly more down below that are focusing on something other than point buildings.

7) Mega-Lo-Mania -- I don't really have that much respect for alliances that publish their pacts and stuff this early on. From the looks of it they have a few active players but the rest seem to be not so active.

8) -Wrath- -- Seems to be full of less than active players, they're full of people in the 6-7 hundred point range, a couple actives are what brings them up.

9) Enter the Dragon -- These guys are scary. They are full of active members and are the only alliance in the top 15 to set a limit on how many people they're recruiting. Obviously they are full of high point buildings, but to make that many you have to be either excessively active or have enough of an army to farm an island into oblivion. In my opinion definitely one of the top 3 alliances.

10) Exodus -- They have too many 5, 6, and 7 hundred point players to go real far right now. If they cut their low and anactive players and just have the core actives go forward and recruit anew they have potential. As is though the good players they have will spend their time dealing with inactives whining when they get farmed.

11) DOwners -- As I am in them I cannot give an unbiased opinion. But we're a tight knit group of active experienced players. This isn't our first rodeo, and we'll keep growing, just watch.

12) BROTHERHOOD OF TRUTH -- They're recruiting out of three seperate oceans, not a good strategy. If they consolodate and cut their dead weights and recruit more active and experienced players they can become pretty good.

13) Di Immortals -- Not a single player with good points, it surprises me no smaller but stronger alliance hasn't taken on the whole alliance for their own personal farm. They look like they are here just to pass some time, and aren't that serious. When the game gets serious with them they'll break. I doubt they'll last long near the top, the game is moving much faster than them.

14) Forgotten Ghosts -- Looking at this alliance their whole player base seems rather "meh". They don't have a strong group of active high pointers, their whole alliance is full of rather average looking players. If they're close though and have good co-ordination and make their niche in O44 then they'll do well enough.

15) Ooo the Banksters ooO -- A couple very high point players thrown together. watch for them to be getting some of the first conquers. They are gonna expand outwards fast, but if they hit a larger alliance of skilled players then I see them getting stonewalled. Once they start conquering watch for them to wipe out some of the larger mostly inactive alliances.


Personally I see De Immortals going down first. I like their page, it say's "Don't Betray Us". Immortals won't be too immortal I'm afraid, even if they stole their name from the movie.... IMO


Enter the Dragon -- Were on Pi and I will say this.......They are the best! :)
Sasa is a great Leader and Diplomat!


Getting tired of all this stuff about we having three alliances.
We only have active players, people will go inactive later in the game, some will leave, later we'll have less players, but they will be big & active.

In a world like this, with such a low alliance-cap, brother-alliances are a good thing.


I think Enter the Dragon.. is obviously number 1 with Ooo the Banksters ooO in a close #2 in terms of being the best built alliances thus far. Wish I could say that for my own alliance.. but I only could bring a few members with me from Athens, so we weren't so much a pre made like im sure these guys are.


Getting tired of all this stuff about we having three alliances.
We only have active players, people will go inactive later in the game, some will leave, later we'll have less players, but they will be big & active.

In a world like this, with such a low alliance-cap, brother-alliances are a good thing.

Good for what?


Confusion... I could maybe see a second, but I feel a third will prove to much to handle


I know that you hate sister-alliances.
But having them can be a good thing.
But really; if all members are active & the council are trustworthy, what's the problem?
Of course we'll kick people later, we won't have three alliances forever, I'm no fan of MRA's.
I know that we can't have 150 members with 50 cities each, cause we need enemies too.

My guess it that later, the number of members will be at 40-80 big, active members.