Top 12 Lamia Alliances innit :)


Isn't R4GE all caps, just replying to the BARBARIAN comment.


I've seen core alliance/tribes fail before.
If they don't fail, they're always the strongest in the game.


Retribution is still that MRA, they just renamed their academy alliance doomsday which is a bit better than how it used to be before i suppose.

Death in Motion is good as dead, i think they should call it a day already.

THE BARBARIANS are probs the second best alliance on this server and i think they are far enough from rage to establish a base before we get to them and considering NO WAY look like some elite simmers they might get some nice easy big cities built for them to take.

The Rim Jobs - They should disband and save face, I don't really want to say too much since 2-3 of the players will end up on our team anyways. We are twice their size and have a higher average their is no shame in admitting defeat when you know your beat, all you will be doing is saving us time and yourself some gold which we all know you lot burn through every time we put you in revolt ;)

VIRus - It was an one-man alliance and when the one man realised this server belongs to rage he decided up and leave, no shame in being wise.

NO WAY - sim city players worse alliance on this server because they have so few a-baps for an active alliance, if you have more than 10 players and your average points are higher than your total ABP you are doing something wrong.

R4GE - it's spelled r4ge because years from now when we no longer play i wanna be able to login into the grepo forums and find what people have been saying about the legacy we leave behind easily, if I input the search string "rage" it will produce loads of unwanted results so i needed something unique to this game at least. As for the capitalisation, well that part has been explained already and R4ge just looks like britney with a bald head.
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R4GE 500k points and near 15k average it's fair to say the girls team are doing well. The slow server and lack of attacking opposition might be there downfall in the long run.

The Barbarians near 500k points but with few more hands then r4ge, it's fair to say this is the second best alliance in the core oceans. Being led by coward leaders means they are quite happy being secondary but if you know my lot, you know we want the core and we want to war, so if want to be the best after we are gone you better start going the way son.

Ferenike Constellation Some of their players are stupid as their alliance name and thats not a insult that's a complement. This alliance is part of the Dumb and Dumber coalition led by the incompetent.

Do or Die Don't let the stupid name fool you, these guys look like the second best alliance on the server. Since they are based in ocean 65, somewhere R4GE has no plan on going it's fair to say this guys will do well coz everyones know you don't need to be good on the rim you just need to be active.

Retribution another alliance part of the Dumb and Dumber coalition currently being led by JuanLa (now that twistedknickers is gone) who still sends out unescorted attacks in his attempt to take a rage city. Like really? how dumb do you have to be to follow leaders that don't know how to play the game themselves. Most of their ABP comes from former NO WAY players if you take away those guys from the equation you have what is the worse alliance in the top twelve in terms ABP/Activity ratio.

Final Destination In retail they say if you have a cr4p shopfront you won't even get any customers in through the door, in grepo they say if you have a cr4p name all you will have is cr4p players coming through your door.

Nightmares of Elysium - Besides being a rip off, their top player is one of the biggest cowards I have seen in my grepo lyf, this guy used to be part of R4GE but the first time one of our players got revollted he left before I could count up to the number in his name.

Need to go for a cr4p which is also an appropriate description of the rest of the alliances in Lamia so I won't bother with them.
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:D Love it daizan, but we've known each other long enough for you to know that i won't catch any ball you throw.
Why coward leaders, because we're not stupid enough too travel hours to give you DP.:)
We didn't come here pre-made, we've earned our ranking,and we have our own screaming women ,so beware,lol.:p

P.S. You must be a lot older than i thought to call me son, about seventy.:D
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:D Love it daizan, but we've known each other long enough for you to know that i won't catch any ball you throw.
Why coward leaders, because we're not stupid enough too travel hours to give you DP.:)
We didn't come here pre-made, we've earned our ranking,and we have our own screaming women ,so beware,lol.:p

P.S. You must be a lot older than i thought to call me son, about seventy.:D

Then you know me longer nuff too know I am the bearer of truth, it might be considered propaganda because its put on a public forum but it certainly ain't lies. You lot started in the opposite direction from us and even started a few days later to ensure you have safe distance away from us. You could have easily picked ocean 54 and we could have been warring you guys instead of these noob alliances right about now if you's weren't such cowards using turtling tactics.

Edit: And please don't take my above comment as a compliment because it isn't. I would rather be a noob than a coward, at least if you are a noob you can learn from the mistakes you make here and use the experience you gain from going up against a alliance like R4GE to do better when you move on to a new server but if you are a coward you will always remain a coward, doesn't matter what server you play it's only a matter of time before your turtling tactics gets your butt kicked.

P.S. Odd but not old just wanted to patronize ;)
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Yeah,your right as always,we joined here 2 days later because we're cowards.
Such cowards that we all thought lets join LAMIA, thats a nice safe world too join with a pre-made alliance made up of all the best players available.
And yeah we looked at all the newer worlds ,but as cowards thought definately the safest world too join.Get real.
Do you honestly think we looked at this world and saw you were here and waited 2 days?Most of my members didn't even know me how would i have organized such a dumb feat.
But enjoy, sticks and stones to me.:)


we all thought lets join LAMIA, thats a nice safe world too join with a pre-made alliance made up of all the best players available.

I don't really consider us a pre-made at all. We look like one a little just cos...well...most of us have played together before, often in pre-mades. But this was different. There was no months of taking apps and creating a roster in the Acropolis, and none of us woke up thinking "I'm joining Lamia today", and there wasn't any pre-world opening skype shenanigans about how we'd pwn the server hardcore.

What did impress me was how fast we got the word around that we wanted to join Lamia, and won't you come play with us. So, we're not really a premade, more like a "Networked".


Nightmares of Elysium - Besides being a rip off, their top player is one of the biggest cowards I have seen in my grepo lyf, this guy used to be part of R4GE but the first time one of our players got revollted he left before I could count up to the number in his name.

Speaking as someone who actually was in the Nightmares of Elysium in Zeta as a member of leadership, the only names I recognize here are Vircona and War Wolf, but the latter was a Lost Boys player from the same world. Unless jj is here under an alias, I doubt most of the players here are in any way related to the original group; many of which I know well. Even if I ignored this point for a moment; their stats are not impressive to say the least, which is arguably a slap in the face of the actual alliance that once existed.


i didn't leave because of "revolt". you need to get your facts straight before you accuse people of things. i left because i was promised to get my friends in the alliance, you didn't follow through, so i left


I have 2 questions:

1) Timothy, would you like to pick me out a nice 7k+ city in your alliances core and I will come fight?

2) FFDP - Who were your freinds you wanted to invite?


i didn't leave because of "revolt". you need to get your facts straight before you accuse people of things. i left because i was promised to get my friends in the alliance, you didn't follow through, so i left

First of all why would I promise you anything, I don't like noobs with attitude and never wanted players in 44 at that stage. You started making recommendations before you even got in like your opinion holds any weight with me and even if it did why would invite multi-accounters like NisaW and WildNisa and put my whole alliance under scrutiny.

You're doing what any coward does, being in denial about being a coward just like timothy dewey before you. Face facts, you joined R4GE to hide under our banner long enough till you had enough defence built up, then left when you realised we are the true meaning of warmongers, don't make hidden naps, we really do take on everyone, which means you have to work as a team, something noobs like you are unable to do. Any idiot with a bit of time in his hands can climb the ranks in this game but to be a good you need to be a team player in a good team which you are not, so get rid of ego son.
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He left because R4GE were warmongers, Daizan? Then why does he have more BPA than you? Just wondering. ;)

FFDP has been our biggest and most aggressive fighter. He's been getting frustrated because we haven't been able to fight enough. Since most of us started this server a week or more late (I didn't intend on actually playing this server through at first--was just going to teach some RL friends that wanted to learn), finding experienced players out here is impossible, and so is finding any war competition.

Also, took you guys long enough to find out we're not made up of a bunch of real Nightmares... Just me. I was there in Zeta. A lot of the Zeta Nightmares quit, I've seen a few in R4GE, too.


Also, took you guys long enough to find out we're not made up of a bunch of real Nightmares... Just me. I was there in Zeta. A lot of the Zeta Nightmares quit, I've seen a few in R4GE, too.

The realization was quick, the response wasn't... try not to get the two confused.

Some quit for good, quite a few have stuck around in other worlds with new aliases and played here and there, a lot of them I still keep in touch with. Using a great alliance name with almost none of the older players is dubious, to say the least.