Top 12 top players


I am gonna do this based on a combination of stats on this server and past stats. As some of the really good players on this server such as Milos and Tyrone just aren't active enough here to have the top stats, but still amazing players.

1. Fadiga- I have only seen him on two servers, but this guy is an absolute monster. Racks up ridicoulus amounts of bp and doesn't back down from a fight. Was one of the top people in bp on Thebes as well, not sure if he still plays there.

2. Robbyn44- 3rd in bp on this server, always towards the top of the server and considered the best player in all of grepo by many.

3. Captain Incognito/Big Bad - I know hes a fantastic player, a great leader from what I have heard, and he is actually a pretty cool guy which seems to be rare in grepos elite.

4. rumplestiltskin88/crazy hydra- dominate on every server I have seen him play. Was the top player on Corinth for a long time and was up near the top of the boards on Lindos and here as well.

5. Kdaroks - played with him briefly on Gela and he was very very good. I believe he also played with MORC on Athens and was good there as well.

Dont really feel like doing anymore players at the moment, so will leave it at that lol.


is robynn's Bp really that impressive considering dude just kills his own troops off every 5 days or so?


Lolz.... still mad after our old little in game chat mojo? Do I detect a bit of jealousy here? Nah... it can't be true. Let's see if I remember right your words: an awesome being like yourself, 6'1 tall and studying for his doctorate, thus taller and smarter than the vast majority of the world :)o... maybe you should ask for an ego check sometimes), coming from a properly functioning country with a healthy economy, responsible government, and educated population jealous on a, how did you put it again..., a guy coming from an ex-soviet block country inhabited by foul and morally bankrupt people, thus relatively dehumanized like all the "populations" there (these, of course, being your own well-educated doctoral opinion about many respectable European nations :eek:)? Worse, jealous on a guy who allegedly kills his own troops to impress the world of Cythera :)D... like this would really be some kind of impressive achievement and not only some mere figures in an online game)? No, no, no... it can't be true. And it couldn't be low fwmarta, cause it's coming from His Awesomeness Himself - Mojosrisin the First (and hopefully the only). Nothing he ever does or says it's low... He is just awesome like that.


he's all religious and stuff, doesn't believe in the letter s. :?


Hmmm... maybe you're right. How could a barely human individual like me grasp the complexity of mojo's awesomeness?


Robbyn. You're going to have to learn to take me way less seriously or this relationship just isn't gonna work out.

Also, why you all mad? I didn't say it was a bad thing. You're clearly doing much better than I am in the game, I won't even argue that you've got double my cities. My point was only that your BP numbers themselves aren't that impressive because it's mostly you killing your own troops.


dude that's like the least racist thing I've said in a week.


Seriously mojo, I'm going to have to learn nothing from you. And me mad? Lol.... Just really amused to see you being such a poor character, using innuendos to foster your ego. If you thought or you still think I would try to amass evidence to prove you wrong ... lolz, you're dead wrong. Those whom I played with or against know very well how I gain my BPs so there's nothing I have to prove.

PS: of course, any intelligent being can see for him/herself what was your point.


yej, he's just like me, i don't kill slingers for bp, i kill ls :)


Im going to have to back robyn up here, I can personally vouch for at least 50k of his abp through sieges, now where did the rest come from...hehe