Top 12 top players


Now some may wonder why I say these but everyone sees different elements of players capabilities.

1. Mojorisin. Always there to support, great leader. Great Skype banter
2. Makodemus. Sim city at the moment but this guy is a walking steam train.
3. Nanolicious... mainly because of hearsay but his stats are tasty too.
4. Tyrone - mention for his ego
5. Wooly - basing this on all-round loyalty to our group of misfits.
6. engaboy - crossed paths once, nice guy, good stats

Can't do a top 12. I can't say I really know people well enough to give them such high credit from myself.

Honorable mention for Captain Incognito. He tries, bless him. (Hes a bit special but shhh be nice)

I believe you are good one too mate. But we never got the chance to tough it out and really find out did we? Anyway, I am just a simmer these days compared to how my previous grepo existance. So please don't be afraid of me! :D


i'll make my top player list once this world is about to be over. to many inactive/ghosts cities taking to make anything out of it. best players i define in taking cities from active players and not many people have the cojones to even make a launch. call me a sadist, but i enjoy crashing most if not all of my army into enemy defenses just to breach in and lay siege. makes it even better if the poor guy has to watch that. oh i got those chills again and a nostalgia about athens
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i'll make my top player list once this world is about to be over. to many inactive/ghosts cities taking to make anything out of it. best players i define in taking cities from active players and not many people have the cojones to even make a launch.
Pretty much agree with everything here.
Never understood the thrill CS-ng sleeping guy. Its as exciting as putting the troops into Simulator and find out that you win.
Would also ban Grepostat and Grepointel.
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grepintel yes, I really dunno why inno even allows it to exist. Stats on the other hand doesn't really give anyone an advantage but it does let us keep track of who is taking what from who


Second that vote, prefer they didn't exist also, grepo could block outbound feeds I would imagine. Keep track of scores player-to-player and alliance-to-alliance but ditch the offline time analysis


game has changed since grepointel online graphs and apps came into play. many are tracking when would be the best time to strike or trying to figure out if a certain player became inactive, avoiding striking at online time at all cost. wasn't the case years ago when we had nothing but grepostats from which you couldn't tell much. nothing is better than teaming up with your teammates and striking or defending together


grepostats could tell if a player was inactive by their lack of points growth but it could mean they were mainly army building


grepostats could tell if a player was inactive by their lack of points growth but it could mean they were mainly army building

Lot's of people check grepostats, which is why it's also easy to fool people in thinking you're inactive. Just don't build anything for a few days and people already start checking your cities. I used it to get myself on one of Hateocracy's WW's in calydon. Grepostats is a handy tool to see how people/alliances are doing, even in worlds you're not playing.


I was gonna talk about that, but then I remembered that the Uruguayan Olympic Diving Team... I mean Floppool... I mean Liverpoo can't even win against Aston Villa... AT HOME!!????! They were lucky to get a draw if you ask me. That Suarez dive was too obvious.
So yeah, Liverpoo will always be the bottom feeders of the league relying on Suarez flopping to get goals. Chelsea is the real contender.

thnx bend:)

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In this world it has to be either saginaw1 (top attacker) or Fadiga (top fighter and defender)


In this world it has to be either saginaw1 (top attacker) or Fadiga (top fighter and defender)

saginaw is a fantastic player however even if he's one of us i ll pick fadiga cause the ocean he's fighting and the opponents he's facing are harder


true we LD players fight hard but really not much tough food to grab.