Inactive Topic A New War System

  • Thread starter A Sense of Place
  • Start date


This is it. The final copy for this idea. Hope you all enjoy.
You can declare war on another alliance, and by doing so you receive battle advantages.

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?

Grepolis is, of course, a war game, but you have nothing to gain from war besides cities and bp, which you could aquire without war. While I understand that war does give you greater amounts bp and cities, there should be an advantage of going to war that you can't get elsewhere.

IIn the alliance page, there would be a new section labeled "Wars". This will take you to all active wars in your alliance. There would also be a button for leaders and founders saying "Declare War". You would have to fill out the name of the alliance you are declaring war with and then click a button labeled "Declare". Your alliance would now be at war. All targets you are at war with will have a special color and symbol over the city. But all this will be more detailed later.

There are a few advantages there are for declaring war:
1. You get (number can be changed) 35% more bp by attacking a city. So if I attack a player in an alliance my alliance has declared war against and get 1000 bp, I would get a war bonus of 350 more bp.

2. When spying on a city, you have the option of keeping a spy in the city for as long as you like, providing a new spy report whenever you need it. However, to do this you must give a spy more than have of the silver in you targets cave. For example, if my opponent has 10000 silver in his/her cave, for my spy to stay there I must give it over 5000 silver everyday for it to remain unseen. If I am out of silver for any reason, I have the option to recall my spy before the day is over. If I give the spy coins but do not give it more than half, the spy is discovered and your cave loses the amount of silver in your target's cave.

Visual Aids:
Sorry, none.

It won't affect any other features in the game.

Abuse Prevention:

This will make players and alliance want to fight more to receive advantages to help them grow.

Now for the other part:

You can declare war on another alliance, giving a more tactical feel to war, and make sure your enemy is punished for losing.

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
You can check "Part 1" for the explanation.

Grepolis is, of course, a war game. However, there is nothing particularly special about it, and the closest thing you can get to an official declaration is to mark an alliance as an "enemy". This will help change all of that.

In order to declare war, you must go to the alliance page, where there would be a new tab that reads "Wars". By clicking on this, you would see all of your current wars and their status (more on that later). There would also be a button that would allow anyone with founder, leader, or a new right specifically for this page, to declare a new war, as well as a button next to every active war that allows you to delete it (more on the also).

Declaring a War
If you would like to declare a war. you must fill out the following:

1. Alliance you are declaring war against- Pretty simple, fill out the name and you're done.

2. Reason- Just a little something you can fill out to explain why you are declaring war. This is optional for declaring a war.

3. Are advantages involved?- This is whether you want to use the advantages (found in part 1) for this war. While "no" is always an option, there are a few requirements in order to choose "yes":
>You can only use the advantages on three alliances at a time.
>You can only use advantages on an alliance with at least 3/4 of your points (So if my alliance has 200,000 points the other alliance must have at least 150,000 points) 4 ranks below you (so if my alliance is ranked 1 I can declare war on an alliance up to 5, even if my alliance has 200,000 and theirs has only 125,000).

4. Other alliances involved- You can write a list of all of your allies, or who will be on your "side" during the war. There will be more information on this shortly.

5. Objective of War- Now we're getting to the juicy parts. This is the task either side needs to complete in order to win the war. There are a few choices for the objective:
>Attacker- This will be primarily used for early or non-serious wars. Once a side reaches a certain amount of attacking battle points, the war is over.
>City Taker- This is probably going to be the most common one. Once a side takes a certain amount of cities, the war is over.
>Tug-Of-War- This is pretty similar to city taker, but with one difference. A side takes cities, but when another side takes a city, you lose a city taken. So you can have negative cities taken, and if your negative is the goal of cities taken, it means you've lost.
>Eliminator- While this is pretty challenging, it can be very exciting. Once a side "eliminates" or take all of a certain amount of players cities, the war is over.
*Please note that the number for any of these options is up to the players and has no maximum or minimum.
By clicking on any war in the "Wars" section you can see all the statistics of the war, which shows all of the battle points, cities taken, and a section showing who is winning in the war.

6. Punishment- When you win a war, your opponent needs some sort of punishment for their loss. For a punishment, you can choose one of the following:
>Forced Diplomacy- The losing alliance(s) cannot attack a winner alliance for 1 week, and cannot declare war for 1 month.
>City Takeover- The losing alliance cannot conquer a city for 3 days, and cannot colonize for 2 days.
>Troop Limit- The soldier population of the losing alliance(s) cities is at a maximum of 700.
*Numbers can be changed.

7. First-Strike Advantage- This is for a tactical advantage. If this is set to "yes" the declaration is not sent to the enemy until your alliance or any other part of your side attacks the enemy. This advantage disappears after the first attack lands.

Accepting a War
Once the declaration is sent to the enemy, they will receive a report saying that a war declaration has been received. They can then choose one of the three options:
1. Accept the war the way it is, and now the war is officially underway.
2. If you'd like to accept but don't agree with all of the rules, you can edit numbers 5 and 6, and add allies to number 4. You can only change number 3 if you are maxed out on available advantages. This option may go back and forth between sides multiple times before they come upon an agreement.
3. You decline the war.

If your opponent declines a war, you can still, of course, fight them without the advantages. However, if your opponent declines and they have at more than 1/4 of your points (so if my alliance has 200,000 points and theirs has at least 300,000), you can still fights with advantages if you can, but without punishment or objective.

Allies in War
If you have been selected by either side for the war, you can either accept or decline. If you have received an invite to join both, you can choose which side you want to join. Once you enter a war, you will take part of the loss or receive some of the victory. Your conquests, battle points, or anything else will be added to the stats. An ally can leave the war at anytime without any punishment involved. Once a war has officially started no new allies are allowed to enter. The only way to get another one involved is for them to write their own war declaration. Allies can only outnumber an opponent 3 to 1 city-wise.

Deleting a War
Say you are tired a war and want to end it. Or you and your opponent come to an understanding. Or you see you are losing and want to save your alliance (though this doesn't go lightly). You can choose to delete the war, and your opponent would then receive a report informing them of a war wishing to be ended. If the opponent accepts, then the war ends and no punishment is given out. If the opponent declines, then the war continues. However, there is one catch. If your opponent is over 90 or 95 (I'll let the devs decide) percent to the objective and you want to save your alliance and ask to end the war, two things can happen. One is that your opponent agrees to end the war and you narrowly get away. If your opponent declines, you must wait 24 hours before being able to add any points to your side, giving your opponent a chance to easily win or get ridiculously close to winning the war.
*If you think you have no chance of winning the war and would like to end it, punishment or not, you have the option of sending a "Sympathy Letter", which basically means that you forfeit and if your opponent accepts the punishment automatically happens and if they decline the war is over.
*The stats of a war cannot change while waiting for an opponent to accept/or decline a war deletion. This only lasts a period of 12 hours, though.

Visual Aids:
Sorry, none.

Won't effect anything else in the game.

Abuse Prevention:
I'm pretty sure this fixed all of the abuse problems in Part 1.

So this is my very complex, long, but extremely fun and more tactical way of improving how war in grepolis is played.
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Everything is perfect, except the punishments. Still don't like them.
Forced Diplomacy- The losing alliance(s) cannot attack a winner alliance for 1 week, and cannot declare war for 1 month.
>City Takeover-The losing alliance can't conquer a city for 3 days, and colonize for 2 days..
>Troop Limit- The soldier population of the losing alliance(s) cities is at a maximum of 700(excluding militia).


That is one of the most brilliant idea's I have seen brought to Grepolis, very well done I must say :)
I hope Grepolis team uses this..


Everything is perfect, except the punishments. Still don't like them.
Forced Diplomacy- The losing alliance(s) cannot attack a winner alliance for 1 week, and cannot declare war for 1 month.
>City Takeover-The losing alliance can't conquer a city for 3 days, and colonize for 2 days..
>Troop Limit- The soldier population of the losing alliance(s) cities is at a maximum of 700(excluding militia).
I like them. I'll edit it for those.


The best idea i had seen.It would make grepo more realistic.


as then an alliance knows your declaring war if i understand correctly some alliance may want to suprise the other alliance and be sneaky


Idea is well shaped, and is basically brilliant. However, there is room for abuse, with BP gain being so drastically up during war. I think advantages should be faster and cheaper units. I would like 50% BP, but to be realistic it will be abused.Let's make troops cheaper and faster to make, but with condition that alliances make certain amount of BP and city takeovers (prevents using war bonuses on other alliances)


as then an alliance knows your declaring war if i understand correctly some alliance may want to suprise the other alliance and be sneaky

You can still do a surprise attack...
And then the next day, declare war... He is not saying that you have to be in a war to fight someone.

Good idea mate.


I would like 50% BP, but to be realistic it will be abused.Let's make troops cheaper and faster to make, but with condition that alliances make certain amount of BP and city takeovers (prevents using war bonuses on other alliances)

In a rough draft of this copy, I tried doing something like that. The only problem is that you can use those unit advantages to attack other alliances or players, giving you an unfair advantage over them, while bp is strictly for attacking warring alliances only. However I appreciate your opinion and will take it into consideration.

Thank you for the rest on your positive feedback as well :D.


i don't want to be playing tribal wars, i'd rather play grepolis


As I said mate, you can get those bonuses only if you achieve certain amount of BP and conquests. Or you could reduce BP from 50%


All in all, something like this would be great addition to grepolis.


I'm guessing that things that change the game that radically, would be better suggeted for a new innogame, but you never know.