Advanced -Adonis' Shop & Showroom


Hey everyone, -Adonis here! Y'all don't really have a showroom so I guess I have to open a shop to get myself noticed :p

Anyways, I'm EXTREMELY laid back in terms of how you request a signature/avatar/alliance CoA(still don't know the size for those). However, I do ask that you are patient because I indeed to have a life. So basically, give me a general idea of what you want in terms of text and color. If you have a specific render(picture) that you want me to use find something here and I'll see what I can do for you. As always, if you like what I make for you +rep never hurts ;)

And now here is some of my work!












okay than since I already +repped you is it fine for me to ask?
size : 450X120
theme/render : G-Dragon
text : crusnicXIII
text2 : G-DRAGON
Can you make the text be like your current sig with my name over G-dragon's,but overall I'm pretty much fine with letting you go wild on this one, Just make him look sexy:p
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Heyy Calebs! :)

Well let me see..I'll try to make this as hard as possible. :)

You pick the renders and everything. I like bright colors though so make it pop. ;)
Forum Moderator

Thanks love. :)

~ Lane



Signature and Avatar

Text: Apebble the Great
Details: Have Persian Immortals face a spartan with a gap in between them. In the gap, have a lighning bolt striking the ground with it crumbled

(if you can, please get it in the appropriate sig size so I dont have to use a spoiler. If you cant, very well)

Avvy: Something...spartanish


okay than since I already +repped you is it fine for me to ask?
size : 450X120
theme/render : G-Dragon
text : crusnicXIII
text2 : G-DRAGON
Can you make the text be like your current sig with my name over G-dragon's,but overall I'm pretty much fine with letting you go wild on this one, Just make him look sexy:p

I would LOVE to do this for you but finding a render is darn near impossible when I don't know what I'm looking for. Find one you like and I'll get it done!

@slobo.c Here is your sig. Sorry for not making it 700 wide but in my opinion thats just way too wide to make a good tag. Here is what I made for you! :) Remember, +rep is always appreciated!
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This one is for you! I know you love bright colors and I seriously tried to give you what you love! But when it all came down to it I ended up spending well over an hour on this and the colors just didn't match up well. I didn't want to trash the entire thing so I added a B&W layer to see what it would look like and it really isn't that bad! If you like it here it is, if not I can always make you another one!



Here is your tag. Just realized that the focal I worked with was male :|
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thanks Caleb.

EDIT: GD does not look like a girl... well maybe a little bit...
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Okay well now that we are no longer in an issue do you mind if I asked for a desktop background? It's a large canvas so you will have some room to play. Make it look good. :)

Theme: Anything about computers.
Text: There really isn't any as its a desktop

Try to use a mix of bright and dark colours.

If you could do this and it looks good then you have earned my respect.

OH btw the screen resolution is 1366 X 768 I know the size in inches it's a 16 inch monitor. Enjoy :)

Sorry, I don't do LA. It's not my style and not something I feel comfortable doing. Call me what you want but I'm not going to make you a computer background.


I would like a Sig if you don't mind.

Size: maximum size that is not being put into a spoiler (700x120)
Theme: related to my avatar
Text: DESCENSION, your doom is descending....(like you can see on my current Sig)

I would like it to be two eyes like the sig I have but have the eyes look like they are a part of the same face. Please make it intimidating but not too dark or gory. If you can make the eyes look like they are on fire (avatar) I would really appreciate it. Have all the emphasis on the eyes please.

If you can do this, that would be great.
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I would like a Sig if you don't mind.

Size: maximum size that is not being put into a spoiler (700x120)
Theme: related to my avatar
Text: DESCENSION, your doom is descending....(like you can see on my current Sig)

I would like it to be two eyes like the sig I have but have the eyes look like they are a part of the same face. Please make it intimidating but not too dark or gory. If you can make the eyes look like they are on fire (avatar) I would really appreciate it. Have all the emphasis on the eyes please.

If you can do this, that would be great.

I'll see what I can do! Just an FYI. I rarely if ever make max size signatures. It usually ends up taking away from the piece so i usually work with a 450x120 or 400x120 space if that's alright with you!