Newspaper Alliance of the Week


Damn it you guys were lucky i joined OOF instead of Fread fleet....i would have gotten a chance to reveal al you're secrets :(


sorry as i made a bit of a mistake while looking at this alliance i will cahnge the award to Hall Fleet and DreadFleet


Spartan Legacy

most of the SL players were waiting for this... lol. Well i'm getting less bussy. The worst players in their alliance ran out of troops a week ago. The founder gave up trying to put a cs in my cities. I made sure his were sniped every time. The rest of the players are learning that they will never get past my birs.... anyways here it is.

Their Profile said:
"Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war"
We are
Spartan Legacy

Questions contact TresEquis


Closed or we'll come to you.


It's straight up UNKNOWN

Spartan Legacy has done a wonderful job at staying at the top even though there are a couple of small coalitions against them. They have kicked a few players and kept their player rank low while keeping at the top of the average and abp. I am impressed. In the beginning i regarded them as a good MRA but now they have managed to keep their player count down. (which my alliance is struggling with. but they are good players.) I hope to see them keeping this up. Great job! I am giving them the Best Alliance award.
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Legion of Gauls

Their Profile said:
Logo made by Shubhamsaboo

Ten soldiers wisely led will
beat a hundred without a head.


Legions of Gaul is recruiting active players. The player has to meet the following requirements:

- Player must be active on our forum
- Player needs to have respect for other players

If you think you have what it takes to become a part of Legions of Gaul, send us a mail and we will decide if you can join.

Recruiter: nestor machno


If you wish to pact with Legions of Gaul you will have to send us a mail. Pact requests sent without a mail will not be accepted, and will only get you a bad reputation.

Diplomat: BaDStranger


You can contact any of the leaders below if you have important things to discuss.

Leaders: Maximoose and Wetwings.

These guys fooled us all. Yes their probably still a good alliance but from the beginning we thought they would be somewhere in the top of the top. Their abp is... meh but if your loosing to OOC then you just aren't doing enough. But point wise... you need to step it up and start recruiting more so you can kick out those dead weight. Not even in the top 15. While SL and UC went and took 3 and 4 rank you guys are still down there at the bottom. I am giving you the alliance of the week for flopping


Losing to OOC?

You are making yourself look stupid like this if you make up random stuff.


LOOOL what do you want? They are rank 1 with 217 members. We have 79 members.

39600 / 79 = 501 average ABP

75300 / 217 = 347 average ABP

I don't see how they can be winning from us.

I am Ok with it if you think we flopped as an alliance, that is your opinion, but you are just making yourself look stupid if you say random stuff about us without getting your facts straight.


yes i agree no one can loose to OOC but look at us.... we have 100 players less than OOC and we still have more ABP then them... SL have 120 players less then them and they have more abp then them. your alliance was supposed to be the 3rd best i think you are the third best but the gap between second best and you is a lot.... my opinion some will disagree but some will agree.


I'm pretty sure if you created a ranking of alliances via average battle points it would be quite surprising but may not determine much. You could probably look into the top 30 ranked alliances and find out some of those would rank in the top 5 for Ave. ABP but not appear in the top 12. Would be interesting to see.

...... Next time I'm bored I'll do this.
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OK, so I tootk the top 20 Alliances in ABP who still have members and did up the chart below. Though it's interesting to look at I don't know if you can read a lot into it. Think about a one man alliance who has 1500 ABP himself, all of a sudden he'd be ranked number 1 ... doesn't necessarily mean his alliance is going to dominate :)

[row][col] Rank [/col][col] Name [/col][col] Members [/col][col] Points [/col][col] A.ABP [/col][/row][row][col]1[/col][col]Spartan Legacy[/col][col]80[/col][col]103888[/col][col]1299[/col][/row][row][col]2[/col][col]Reapers Of Darkness[/col][col]21[/col][col]17931[/col][col]854[/col][/row][row][col]3[/col][col]Unstable Connections[/col][col]106[/col][col]88701[/col][col]837[/col][/row][row][col]4[/col][col]Legions of Gaul[/col][col]80[/col][col]44559[/col][col]557[/col][/row][row][col]5[/col][col]New World Order[/col][col]128[/col][col]60496[/col][col]473[/col][/row][row][col]6[/col][col]Order Of Chaos[/col][col]206[/col][col]86279[/col][col]419[/col][/row][row][col]7[/col][col]The Dragon Vampires[/col][col]67[/col][col]27412[/col][col]409[/col][/row][row][col]8[/col][col]Wicked Trolls[/col][col]43[/col][col]17271[/col][col]402[/col][/row][row][col]9[/col][col]The Golden Company[/col][col]93[/col][col]30729[/col][col]330[/col][/row][row][col]10[/col][col]Meta[/col][col]92[/col][col]27969[/col][col]304[/col][/row][row][col]11[/col][col]Expendables[/col][col]153[/col][col]43710[/col][col]286[/col][/row][row][col]12[/col][col]The Immortals[/col][col]134[/col][col]32543[/col][col]243[/col][/row][row][col]13[/col][col]Poseidons Horde[/col][col]119[/col][col]27106[/col][col]228[/col][/row][row][col]14[/col][col]Defenders Of Faith[/col][col]132[/col][col]27683[/col][col]210[/col][/row][row][col]15[/col][col]New Era[/col][col]119[/col][col]24632[/col][col]207[/col][/row][row][col]16[/col][col]The Myrmidon Revolution[/col][col]119[/col][col]22095[/col][col]186[/col][/row][row][col]17[/col][col]Elite[/col][col]206[/col][col]36872[/col][col]179[/col][/row][row][col]18[/col][col]Lost Empire[/col][col]131[/col][col]20969[/col][col]160[/col][/row][row][col]19[/col][col]M.I.R. II[/col][col]99[/col][col]14355[/col][col]145[/col][/row][row][col]20[/col][col]Elite II[/col][col]157[/col][col]15577[/col][col]99[/col][/row]
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another good chart... nice job now let us discuss....

it is very easy to recruit 20 players and have a high average. its called selective recruitment. just wanted to show why UC are ranked 3 here. and with this point please look at rank 3 and 4. do you see the difference and do you see my point?


When you take the member count into consideration it is quite the drop in BP. Essentially if the difference between members is about 200 - 300 BP. May not seem much but when you get to the 300 level you're looking at another culture point on average to boot. Given time these can swing quite a bit, if a lot of members are still getting their research done up for conquest then they might not be spending troops to get BP but when they do there numbers could jump up pretty dramatically. I don't doubt in time we'll see a greater separation between the top 5 and the rest... I was kind of surprised to see New World Order ranked 5.

Also, nothing wrong with selective recruitment :). But just like everything if you recruit a few more members with less ABP than the rest this number can drop quickly. Far quicker than an alliance with 100 members.
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yes selective recruitment will get you far but not far enough if you want to go all the way. you have to make sure you also recruit. i made this mistake a while back and it cost me a very good alliance


True. You always want to be adding active members to an alliance and continue to grow, and the longer the game goes the harder they are to find (they get snapped up by other alliances pretty quickly).

It's strange how with a max member count of 250 the strongest alliances have close to or just over 100 members (just my opinion but looking specifically at SL, UC, and LOG). Do you expect these will continue to grow an increase the number of members or remain fairly stable with new members coming on to replace those that have to leave or become inactive? I suspect these numbers will remain stable but it's hard to predict.