Top 12 Alliances of Gela


Since no one is interested in giving the opinion on top 12, i will start this again

1) Krypteia - A solid alliance which is going to touch the million point mark. I was completely wrong about them. Those who call them an MRA, dont. they are 198, but still solid. They have lost only one city till now and their conquests is 75. Thats more than good.

2) Confrontation - Just like before, its an MRA spread all around. Nothing else to say.

3) Oceans Veterans - Solid alliance with core in O 45. Many good players and probably the best alliance in gela. But might have to work hard to dominate the O45.

4) The Bish - Dont know much about them except that they are away from cores but doing fine.

5) U.N.S.C. - again dont know much about them except that they are far from cores and seem to do well. Though they appear to be MRA. BTY, i love their alliance profile. Seems funny.

6) The Mcloed Clan - MRA away from core. so will survive for quite a time.

7) Army of Eternity - This is my alliance. though i will say that we are doing well so far and we are not MRA

8) Malicious - In war with many and seems to be going down. Guys, you need a bit of diplomatic skills. Donnt be bad boys in front of all. See what that got you.

10) Wolf Pack - The most aggressive alliance and i am not sure who is better, vets of wolves. We will see.

12) The True Syndicate - Another alliance in O45 doing well and i like them.

rest were t worth mentioning. both are MRA.


1 Krypteia 1472839 7401 199
2 CONFRONTATION 650954 4822 135
3 OCEANS VETERANS 515684 5605 92
4 The MacLeod Clan 483294 4061 119
5 The Bish 456662 5502 83
6 U.N.S.C. 411389 2960 139
7 Army of Eternity 355948 3017 118
8 Legion of Doom 296397 3187 93
9 The True Syndicate 291562 4556 64
10 Army of Darkness 288688 3244 89
11 Wolf Pack 255326 11101 23
12 Isla Alliance 254794 2831 90

Here are the top 12 by Average Points.

11 Wolf Pack 255326 11101 23
1 Krypteia 1472839 7401 199
23 The Myrmidons 153793 7323 21
3 OCEANS VETERANS 515684 5605 92
5 The Bish 456662 5502 83
49 Fury 53203 5320 10
30 Defiance 104513 4977 21
2 CONFRONTATION 650954 4822 135
9 The True Syndicate 291562 4556 64
4 The MacLeod Clan 483294 4061 119
60 Malicious 41429 3766 11
31 Pirates 104294 3596 29
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Did the edit it make it better?

Yea, it's better.
But also give your opinion on them. A top 12 thread is alwaysa bout the players' view on the top-12 alliances. Give your thought about them. Like "I like (alliance name) because they..." or " I don't like (alliance name) because they suck..." etc...
Good start however


Waaayyy to slow. ;)

But keep on posting those papers and you'll pass me. lol

Or I can -rep you. Then it will take even longer; :D


nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :/
btw i wesent talking about rep was talking about the title you get for the amount of times you have posted


ah...LOLOLOL..sorry, bit confused today. Just finished exams

Exam english; They asked me for a synonym for "Very complicated, complex" and I answerred "Mathematics? " LOLOLOL..;Teacher didn't like that. :p


lol studying hard im guessing :p
we already finished exams *phew*


Well, the english exam today was my last..*phew* as well. lol

Why are we actually discussing that in a top-12 thread?