Inactive Topic An exact countdown on farms (Captain View)


Man down :D

Anyways, I think more people need to comment on this....there are post requirements for this to go on right? So we need people who haven't expressed their opinion to do so..


I don't use captain, so this doesn't affect me. However, this seems like it would be a very useful feature :)


I think this idea is good.
And it should be implemented for those which PAY for premium...

Currently I have my own way of getting around this 'sticky' situation:

This idea will be great for those which need to loot, but are too busy to keep clicking around.

The way I do it is a little easier, once the timer is down you click the loot tab, it updated the farms then you simply click loot (at the bottom right of the command view).

+Rep. I love the idea.


It would be helpful but I agree, slightly un necessary. It might make you a second or two more efficient but it will take coding. On the other hand, this is for premium so you should get your money's worth...


I've noticed a trend with you... Everything seems unnecessary,
(But then you contradict yourself).

Hmm...yes, you're very observant. But it is slightly unecessary. If the majority of players voted for it, it would be fine but it would only save a second or two. And besides, who spends their whole day staring at the farming village layout waiting for their 5 minutes to run out?


There's no doubt 10destructer that this isn't a game changing thing and isn't really REALLY necessary, but it would be quite convenient regardless, and would improve control over combined Polis's :)

Edit: I think I've broken a record for longest running Idea thread, at 14 months.


Now that I think about it, i must have broken a record for most popular idea(89 posts and 1800 views in 3 weeks).


Really dont see the point. This is only going to save you a few seconds when you are very very small after that its pointless.
I also think premium players have enough advantages-dont you??


The advantage is no doubt still there and game effecting. I only use gold for administrator but I got 3 days of the captain's services for free from the tutorial. Demanding from farming villages is much more of a task now and I often do it in 20 minute intervals instead of 5 because of this.


actually, the idea isn't that much of an advantage. For captain, I just look at the second's value when I've clicked it. Adding 5 min onto the clock is simple arithmetic and then coming back to farm when the seconds are approaching what the value was when I've clicked it allows perfect farming without missing a second. So really, the idea is not much of an advantage.


Now that I think about it, i must have broken a record for most popular idea(89 posts and 1800 views in 3 weeks).

Look at my Senator's idea :p It absolutely wrecks that record :p

IMHO there isn't a downside to this idea, so why not?


Now that I think about it, i must have broken a record for most popular idea(89 posts and 1800 views in 3 weeks).

I think the longer an idea thread goes for, the more controversial the idea is, thus more to discuss. :p


I think it all comes down to me... ;) Hey Kanga you obviously like perfection, but farmingvillages already tell you anyway what time your resources will be available. A count down is a little unnecessary but a good idea I guess if nothing to do...


I think it all comes down to me... ;) Hey Kanga you obviously like perfection, but farmingvillages already tell you anyway what time your resources will be available. A count down is a little unnecessary but a good idea I guess if nothing to do...

The captain view let's you do an island at the same time, but doesn't tell you when it's available. So it's kinda like the gold users don't have a countdown but the regular users do... Yes it's unnecessary, but it's quite convenient. :)

And yes, perfection is nice. :D


Moved to Improvements, now can we stop with the endless bumping? -_-


I don't even understand what moving it here accomplishes. >.>