Are you getting bored yet?


I am just wondering.. There must be a lot of people getting bored in the game.

So many people, in all the biggest alliances, all holding hands and singing kumbaya (or maybe you are more in to Wagner). All on the top, big points, lots of cities..

I mean it must be getting pretty boring hammering away on the same players all day.
I know that we are supposed to be eradicated. Blood-Dimmed Tide, Titans Furry and every one else that has ever had any dealings with us. Everyone who has ever been a member of BDT has a mark on their back. Anyone who will leave BDT, will have a mark on their back, that will follow them to a new alliance, who will then be made an enemy of the rest of the world.
It's not a problem for us. We certainly ain't bored. But its not like there is a lot of people left for all you to attack.
And with your wonderful system, where every claim has to be accepted by the people in power.. its not like the small guys in the back will have a great chance of some fun on "the front line".. Not that I do not appreciate being attacked by the biggest players, but i am just thinking, that most of your players must be very bored.

BTW.. Letting Aleksandros III taking my city Babayaga -19kSlingers in ocean 86... Bad choice.. I was disappointed. He had all the weakest attacks.. yes he has been after it since he left our old alliance, but he just wasn't worthy of a city, that so many of you have fought to conquer during the 5 months +, it was under attack. I never should have explained culture points to him lol. Well he is yours to have ;)

It was nice of you to let him have it, but i guess you did let him have it, cause the bigger players, wants the cities where the action happens and not back in 86.

So.. What's the plan after we have been exterminated?? (not that I think we will be)

Btw.. I love Omega.. It's so much fun. Even though we have gotten the status of the Antichrist, the devourer, the evil alliance of 27 people (counting inactive's as well), that will enslave all of Omega.. from rank 16(currently).
Muahahaha..... Or something.. :p



Wonder if all the people who have read this, are from alliances not in the TNA/GW coalition. If that is so.. what do you think will happen, once there is no more BDT, TF or any of the other small alliances left on the eradication list?
They will of cause keep hitting us, for as long as we have any cities in Omega, but they are a lot of people, and I doubt all of their members think it is fun, just going after us..
I mean.. GW aren't allowed to go after us in 64, tha is WL territory for example, TNA is probably not allowed to take our cities in 55 that belongs to GW. 54 is still contented area between TNA and GW, though i think TNA has first rights. Then there is 63, there we have both TNA, Warlords and Ownage hitting.... And so on..

What do you all think will happen once there aren't any more cities for them to take from us? When BP isn't coming in any more, and city slots are used to take inactive players cities. It must be getting very boring for a lot of members, and i bet a quite a few is quitting. It is easy to see that players are in need of BP. There is so much BP hunting atm. Hitting my 900 point city's hoping that i am hiding troops there.. Some times the same tiny city is hit by two different players from 2 different alliances, in search of BP..

So what is the plan once there is no more BDT and friends to satisfy coalition members quest for BP?
(wonder if the coalition members are told not to post in threads like this.. wouldn't be surprised)



Yes, we are still here. Even though we have been chosen for extermination, annihilation and total eradication :eek: :)
But yes that is my point.. We are here, and we are still being treated as if we are the biggest threat to Omega, instead of people looking around at each other on the top.
We have lost a lot of people to inactivity of cause, but BDT is still around. Not bored at all, and with more cities than ever (well i have more than ever any way). Granted, they aren't as big any more, but for me it is not about points. Its about having fun, and there is lots of fun still :) I am just wondering for how long it will be fun, waging war against low point alliances like ours..


Wow gelinu, thats an amazing thought. Just what are we going to do when all of our 900 point bdt farms are gone? Well i guess you guys know all about how to handle in-actives and people quitting..but it does seem like this usually comes from getting slapped around day after day rather than boredom and a lack of our opponent being able to muster up a single CS in two months. You know, like all your leadership that took the steps that lead to this war for example- i'd say we had more fun taking those cities than you did when they scurried off after their VM ran out, leaving only thousands of swords and millions of silver in their caves for us to continue using on you guys. I'll have to go ask Badger about this at once, and hope that he doesn't catch me posting on the external forums. His spankings are brutal


Hahaha I can imagine.
I know you had fun taking them.. And i know that our people didn't go inactive cause of boredom.. I never said other wise.. I said that we certainly weren't bored.. But it is not like we have a lot left to take... I am glad you are putting all the millions of silver to good use.. Would be a shame if it was still there, once you run out of cities to conquer..
I do so appreciate you farm runs, it is always nice to have guests over.. I even changed the name of my city, to match yours. you called yours something about stinking neighbours.. my city then got pigfarm added to the name.. just for your sake ;) But fun aside.. We do not have a lot of big cities left to take.. then who is next on the list.. , Great Warriors, Warlords, Ownage, Deadly angles? Im just wondering.. you can of cause conquer all the small city's as well.. But my guess is, that it won't be as fun as taking all the big ones with millions of silver in the cave.. Am I right?


Hey All,

This game I must say takes way too much time, you will be glad when it's over or get a break last thing I think about is logging into DELPHI to check my cities granted, I still do play not a whole lot! Game is very addicting!

TNA will never Fight DA Gel.... I would think the next war could be, WarlordsvsTNA/ownage, ownage as far as I am concerned is TNA academy alliance.

I wrote a letter of reccomendations about some players Mom(s) you let that 1 player go into GW? It's not like I play anymore I was just trying to help you out, good player Calm head. TISK TISK

I am curious are ACERS still Warlords? That could be interesting if not they share so much common borders, That would be a good Fight! I would bet GW would side with the Elites and I would hope You side with ACERS just to make it a Fair 2vs2

Have Fun All Had To Check In On Ya

Mom(s) Gel,

Grimesey= Troll has no in game account or is scared to share
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It's all Good! I will be considered an OMEGA TROLL.


Excellent, I always wanted an apprentice, especially after Omega quietened down once the majority of BDT gave up.


Yeah, I'm with you Gel. I'd be bored out of my mind. What baffles me is where do these guys come from that get off on the gang attack approach. I don't get it. The game is not boring for me, but I don't understand how anyone finds satisfaction or thrill in the 20 against 1 attack when they are part of the 20. Ahh, to each his own I suppose.

As far as the Great Warrior's UN goes, here is a pm I got from a former Great Warrior player who quit the game about a month ago:

"Urog, I'm an old guy. My dad fought in WWII. I never played a game like this before. I didn't join up to see human conduct that reminded of that war. Here is their plan." (I only publish the objective, but anyone wanting the entire plan of the UN coalition can pm me.)

Objective of the UN coalition:
Erradicate BdT: Blood-Dimmed Tide and offsprings (Titans Fury and Independence) (BdT for ease of reading) - this brilliant masterpiece written by Bravouchka goes on and on about how BDT and all it's friends, allies, etc. are to be destroyed forever, wiped from the face of Omega, blah, blah, blah.

So really, I'm a little out of date on my WWII history and I'm not exactly sure what the old guy is talking about in reference to WWII, but this "eradication" is the goofiest idea ever. Please bump me to the top of the list of eradicatee's. This should be fun. And when you get me down to my last city the fifty of you, or however many goofballs you get to go along with this "GREAT" idea, you can pat each other on the back and tell each other what a good job you have done. You truly deserve the title "great warrior".

This is ME:
Rugby 001.jpg
I hate bullies and I'm always ready to fight. So bring it.
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Ok. Omega is really getting interesting now. It seems that people have been thinking about what to do in the next phase (when BDT is not the big enemy any more.. Yes everything is of cause about BDT.. for a little while yet). I have just heard somewhere that TNA and Ownage might be merging, not that I am very surprised. The interesting thing is the war that might be coming. I think some where (probably O54), someone from GW attacked a bit too many TNA sieges on purpose. Cause another rumour says that TNA thinks that GW will attack them soon. I predict a pre-emptive strike. I am not alone here. We all know that BDT probably will be hunted down and exterminated no matter what, so its not like posting here will make a difference for me, or the people in BDT. Some have already talked about if they should join GW if they go to war with TNA. In spite of what Bravouchka has said, apparently they will still take us in... Think we already have one ex-BDT member in GW or thats what the rumour says anyway.


I confess, it's me that plans on joining Great Warriors, but there is one problem.

If I join Great Warriors, who will be my bp farm?

Something will change though, soon. Either that or the Omega world will die of boredom. I have this girl in Great Warriors, I think she's a fox from the way she names some of her cities and I had a conversation with her long ago and she's real sweet, but she is so bored. She will park a cs in one of my 2k pt cities, leave it there and pull it out before the conk completes and then rush in to try and collect the resources from this 2k pt city. Don't get me wrong, I like a woman who sets her alarm, wakes up thinking about me and plays the game around me, but I'm not into the desperate kind of thing. I can only assume it's because she's got nothing better to do even though there are 10k pt cities available and many others who want to actually play war.

I have guys from way out in the outside oceans sending me pm's asking how to get into the game. My guess is that about 90% of the other alliances, including Great Warriors, are inactive. I can't blame them. There is no war in Omega for anybody except bdt and it's allies. It's unfortunate, not for us, but for everybody else. Some of these guys who want to play this game are stuck in these alliances following this goofy "eradicate bdt" scheme. So please, Great Warriors, wake up your heavy hitters, pump a lot of gold into the machine and come and get me. Maybe when the rest of the world sees me go down to my last city and click "restart" they will understand that it is impossible to "eradicate" anyone from a game that gives you the option of starting over when you lose your last city (not that you will ever get me to my last city, unless I too die of boredom, but you can always try).


Allow me to update the rumor mill, TNA has left the UN. I think it had its place for sure and was fun for a long time, but TNA has decided internally to depart from that dog and pony show in favor of more independent traditional alliance allies.


Allow me to update the rumor mill, TNA has left the UN. I think it had its place for sure and was fun for a long time, but TNA has decided internally to depart from that dog and pony show in favor of more independent traditional alliance allies.

Oh no! You guys in TNA and the new UN better get some chapstick on your rear ends because the Great Warrior leaders are about to come do some serious kissing.


Oh no! You guys in TNA and the new UN better get some chapstick on your rear ends because the Great Warrior leaders are about to come do some serious kissing.

I don't see that happening any time soon. The Northern Alliance have broken the number one rule of Omega. No accepting ex-Blood Dimmed tide players.

I don't see how they think they can succeed where BDT failed in defending against Great Warriors, Great Union Warriors, Havoc, Havoc 2, Havoc 3, Warlords Elite, Acer, Ownage, Minoan Knights, and Minoan Stoics.

Let the fun begin.


LOL still so worked up about the eradication plan of BDT.. The number one rule of Omega?? Who decided that? And who will benefit the most from that?

So you believed that we failed in defending against GW.. How do you figure that? Some of us survived, and we survived after 6 months.. how is that failing? Is it failing to loose points or city's.. or is it failing, to try and kill someone for 6 months.. and ups.. failing to do just that.

Put Wagner on, and take a cookie.
Play the game, and accept that maybe there is other things in the game than your eradication plan.


I don't see that happening any time soon. The Northern Alliance have broken the number one rule of Omega. No accepting ex-Blood Dimmed tide players.

I don't see how they think they can succeed where BDT failed in defending against Great Warriors, Great Union Warriors, Havoc, Havoc 2, Havoc 3, Warlords Elite, Acer, Ownage, Minoan Knights, and Minoan Stoics.

Let the fun begin.

Wow! BDT failed in defending against 10 alliances. That sucks for us. I thought I had about 60 cities left. I better log in and check to see what happened. I can't wait to click "restart".